FoldaRap2 Release status: working In my obsession dreaming of a folding RepRap, I finally started to make one, after 5-7 months of development I'm able to travel with it around the town/country/world :) (adventures pictured on flickr / youtube / ustream) And now several people have build one : FoldaRap_Hall-of-Builds, even some by sourcing themselves the parts : google-maps (the red dots) Specifications Printed Parts: 33 Non-Printed Parts: 285 (including every bolts/nuts/washers/ferules/etc.) Special Features Foldable ! Community FoldaRap 2.5 new plates arrangement for the v2.5, to ease color associations ;) FoldaRap 2.1 after several tries and suggestions with Xav83, I ended with this simple piece that hold an endstop with a zip-tie :) (for the Z-endstop, or any machine using 20x20 extrusions) FoldaRap 1.0
Hyrel Developing Tri-Color 3D Printer Extruder for Release in 2013
Posted 11/01/2012 at 2:14pm | by Chris Barylick Deep in the heart of the south, Kickstarter-funded, Atlanta-based Hyrel has begun prototyping what could be among the next generation of 3D printers - a full-color printer. The Hyrel unit, presently in development, will use a three-color extruder head to blend red, green and blue color strands together to create any color the user might need in their 3D model. In the couple of years that 3D printing has become somewhat prevalent and more consumer-oriented (companies like MakerBot have lowered prices and ramped up production to bring their units closer to mainstream customers), there's been the conventional wisdom that the item you were printing was going to be in one or two colors at the most depending on which model 3D printer you were using. The finished (and as-yet-unnamed) units are still in development and are expected for the third quarter/autumn of 2013 with final pricing and technical specifications yet to be announced.
Is Antibacterial Soap Bad For You?
It seems like everything is antibacterial these days, from soaps and lotions to mattress pads and pizza cutters, which really makes you wonder how the world got along before the discovery of Triclosan. Ah, Triclosan, the miracle-working active ingredient in antibacterial soaps, toothpastes, and a galaxy of other consumer products: this unassuming antibacterial compound has infiltrated nearly every aspect of our lives. In my posts for this week and the next I’ll be exploring the profound effects Triclosan has on human health, the environment, and antibiotic resistance, all to answer the (deceptively) simple question: is antibacterial soap bad for you? Bacteria are attacking our pizza? What is Triclosan, and why is it in Pizza cutters? Triclosan was developed as a broad-spectrum antibiotic (that is, to kill a wide range of bacteria) and has been used in clinical settings since the late ‘60s to help prevent nosocomial (that is, hospital-borne) infections. “Out, damn’d spot! Human toxicity?
Metamáquina - Metamáquina - criamos máquinas que criam máquinas
Gigabot 3D Printing: This is Huge! by re:3D
Share this project Done Share Tweet Embed Tweet Share Email Gigabot 3D Printing: This is Huge! by re:3D Play Dream big, print big! Austin, TXHardware Share this project pledged of $40,000 goal seconds to go Funded! This project was successfully funded . Dream big, print big! re:3D Project by First created | 5 backed See full bioContact me About this project Facebook Page | Twitter BIG thanks to Ben Malouf who has graciously allowed us to feature his stunning vases found at! Stretch Goal: $200K! We will be integrating an LCD display into each and every Gigabot shipped to our Kickstarters. Our Vision At re:3D, we believe that the biggest problems in our world are solved by taking a bigger view. "Just saw this at SxSW and it is AMAZING. Our Company re:3D is one of Austin’s newest start-ups, committed to trailblazing new frontiers in 3D printing. Community Focused We love people and 3D printing! Our Product 20mm Calibration Cube available on Our Team Rewards
End robocaller, solicitation, and hangup calls with Asterisk & Raspberry Pi | Technical Intercession
Do you have a land-line that is constantly barraged with unwanted robo, solicitation, and “hangup” calls, even though you’re on the do not call registries? This project uses a Raspberry Pi and an OBi110 voice-bridge to create an Automated Attendant (AA) to screen calls for you! The annoyance calls on my line have dropped from five or six/day (with many more during political “seasons”) to zero. Raspberry Pi and OBi110 You won’t need to dive deeply into Asterisk to create this project. Basic Analog Phone with answering machine Secretly, what we’re doing is turning your old analogue phone into a VoIP phone using the OBi110 (a voice bridge), so that calls can be handled digitally by the Raspberry Pi. Configuration of the OBi110 can be done via the phone hand-set, but it’s (much) easier using the web interface. Note: The configuration described in this post assumes that you have only a single phone or base-station on a POTS line. The basic steps for this project are: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
3dkits: Kits mecánicos para impresoras 3D hechos en España | MADfab
A través de 3ders nos enterábamos de la existencia de estos kits hechos en España con un aspecto muy profesional y limpio. José, de 3dkits ha accedido a contestar unas preguntas para los interesados. Hola José, muchas gracias por atendernos.No se merecen. Siempre es un placer atender a una comunidad como la vuestra. ¿Dónde se fabrican vuestros kits? Todo el diseño el desarrollo y la fabricación lo gestionamos en nuestra sede central de Castellón, en ella trabajamos en equipo varias personas las cuales dirijo. Parece sencillo acoplar una fresadora al soporte, aparte de un extrusor de plástico. ¿Hay resultados mediales de la resolución que se consigue? ¿Qué posibilidades de ampliación hay? Se echa en falta en vuestra Web algún resultado. ¿Qué motores se usan y qué electrónica y software los controlan? Si hay algún lector de madfab interesado en probar una, ¿cuánto cuesta y qué incluye el kit? José nos promete más material según lo vaya generando por lo que seguiremos informando.
The Robo Personal 3D Printer
Yes, Robo is another one of those new 3D printers that appear on crowdfunding sites, but what makes it different? For one thing you'll immediately notice that it's got a very attractive case - and that's just the start. Each new filament-based 3D printer startup focuses on a particular aspect to make them stand out. Robo's focus is cost. They aim to be the lowest priced personal 3D printer they can be. This seems to be born out on their Kickstarter page, where they offered PLA printing kits at USD$475 and fully assembled versions at a mere USD$520. And it's not a basic machine, either. While their Kickstarter campaign successfully concluded with them over-raising USD$649,663 of their USD$49,000 goal, you can still order a unit at their website. It seems that price is definitely a factor for consumers shopping for 3D printers.