TheLancet JAMA Swine flu sweeps the southern hemisphere - health - 09 July 2009 THE swine flu pandemic is intensifying. The White House will meet with state representatives on 9 July to discuss preparations for the autumn flu season in the US, while the UK has shifted its response to dealing with widespread infection. Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere, in the midst of its winter flu season, swine H1N1 virus seems to be replacing the seasonal flu viruses that circulated till now - classic pandemic behaviour. This raises concerns that seasonal flu vaccine, which some companies are still making, may be useless when the northern hemisphere's flu season arrives later this year. In the flu pandemics of 1918, 1957 and 1968, the pandemic virus completely replaced the circulating seasonal flu.
The World's Healthiest Foods 100 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating Links to the articles about these foods can be found below. In addition to questions about our foods, we often get asked about beverages and sweeteners. In the beverage category, water and green tea have been especially popular topics, and in the sweetener category, so have honey and maple syrup. Of course, there are many nutritious foods other than those included on our list that we feel are wonderful, health-promoting foods; if there are other whole foods - such as fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains, etc - that you like, by all means enjoy them. Just because a food is not on our list doesn't mean we don't think it can be included in a diet geared towards the Healthiest Way of Eating as long as it is a whole, natural, nutrient-rich food. To find out why some of your favorite nutritious foods are not included in our list, read The Criteria Used to Select the World's Healthiest Foods. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Prescrire BJGP Home›Publications›BJGP The British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) is a leading medical journal for family doctors and practitioners worldwide. We've been publishing high-quality research and commentary since 1953, and continue to provide a strong evidence base for general practice. RCGP Members Access is via the above button for all Members of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
De Standaard Online - Zeven nieuwe Mexicaanse griepgevallen in B Er zijn opnieuw zeven bevestigde gevallen van de Mexicaanse griep in ons land vastgesteld. Dat meldt het Interministerieel Commissariaat Influenza woensdagavond. Daarmee komt het totaal aantal in België op 69 gevallen. In het laboratorium van het Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid zijn woensdag 21 stalen binnengebracht. Buitenland Vier positieve gevallen waren onlangs in het buitenland. Aangezien twee mensen besmettelijk waren tijdens hun vlucht, doen de gezondheidsautoriteiten al het nodige om de andere passagiers die een mogelijk risico hebben opgelopen, daarover te informeren. Rock Werchter De andere drie personen zijn niet in het buitenland geweest, maar waren wel alle drie aanwezig op Rock Werchter. De zeven mensen zijn thuis geïsoleerd en krijgen de gepaste behandeling met antivirale geneesmiddelen.
National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health Comité Economique des Produits de Santé (CEPS) - Comité Economiq Les décisions du CEPS sont prises de manière collégiale, en conformité avec les orientations qu’il reçoit publiquement des ministres, et sous le contrôle du juge administratif. Les prix ou les tarifs sont fixés de préférence par la voie de conventions conclues avec les entreprises commercialisant les produits ou, pour certains dispositifs médicaux, avec les organisations professionnelles représentatives de ces entreprises. Le CEPS contribue enfin, par ses propositions, à la définition de la politique économique des produits de santé. L’objet du site est : de décrire les missions du CEPS, de décrire son organisation et son fonctionnement, de retracer son activité, de fournir les informations de base concernant le prix des médicaments et les tarifs des dispositifs médicaux ainsi que les informations pratiques relatives au dépôt et au traitement des demandes. Vous pouvez également trouver :
De Morgen Mexicaanse griep - "Tot drie miljoen Belgen met M 04/07/09, 09u23 Viroloog Marc Van Ranst Tot nog toe riep de Belgische griepcommissaris Marc Van Ranst op om niet te panikeren over de Mexicaanse griep. Maar zeven griepdoden per dag tegen eind augustus noemt hij nu wel "een realistische voorspelling". Volgens Van Ranst kan tot een derde van de bevolking besmet geraken. Als eerste op de hoogte van nieuws en leuke aanbiedingen?
Carbohydrates - What Should You Eat? - The Nutrition Source - Ha Carbohydrates: quality matters What’s most important is the type of carbohydrate you chose to eat because some sources are healthier than others. The amount of carbohydrate in the diet – high or low – is less important than the type of carbohydrate in the diet. For example, healthy, whole grains such as whole wheat bread, rye, barley and quinoa are better choices than highly refined white bread or French fries. (1) Many people are confused about carbohydrates, but keep in mind that it’s more important to eat carbohydrates from healthy foods than to follow a strict diet limiting or counting the number of grams of carbohydrates consumed. What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are found in a wide array of both healthy and unhealthy foods—bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie. Foods high in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet. Try these tips for adding healthy carbohydrates to your diet: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. References 1.