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VoiceThread - Conversations in the cloud

VoiceThread - Conversations in the cloud
Ken Tothero · University of Texas at Austin VoiceThread conversations are media-centric, which keeps the discussions focused. They also provide an opportunity to reflect, resulting in higher quality input. And finally, the system just plain works. Ken Tothero from the University of Texas at Austin shares his experience using VoiceThread (3:04 Min) Cole Complese · Penn State

Skitch Llamar la atención Usa anotaciones y marcas para concentrarte rápidamente en lo más importante. Dilo con menos palabras Explica una idea con formas, flechas y dibujos rápidos. Impulsa los proyectos Digital slidebooks for student creativity, self-expression, and imagination - Biteslide Popplet DuckLink DuckCapture: simple and ease-to-use screen capture tool Read More Review about DuckCapture by DuckCapture comes with four capture modes that make screen capture easy! Capture a window on your screen, region of your screen, or the contents of a tall web page that scrolls. You can easily edit, and share a screenshot.

Rank Clocks A rank clock is a device for visualising the changes over time in the ranked order of any set of objects where the ordering is usually from large to small. The size of cities, of firms, the distribution of incomes, and such-like social and economic phenomena display highly ordered distributions. If you rank order these phenomena by size from largest to smallest, the objects follow a power law over much of their size range, or at least follow a log normal distribution which is a power law in the upper tail. In fact for cities and other phenomena such as the distribution of word frequencies, George Kingsley Zipf as long ago as the 1930s characterised such distributions as characterising pure power laws in which the size of an object seemed to approximate the largest object in the set divided by the rank of the object in question.

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