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NFC Tools

NFC Tools

SCL3711 and Android Beam (Page 1) — Questions and Requests Hi, We're a group of engineering students working on an NFC graduation project. We've been working with the SCM SCL3711 device, and trying to communicate with a Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.0. We've been using both libnfc, libnfc-llcp and tried nfcpy. So far, we haven't been able to exchange NDEF messages between the two devices. We really want to use libnfc and libnfc-llcp to transfer short messages between two devices. Both devices recognize each other as LLCP devices which is encouraging, but there is no transfer of data.The following is the LLCP log (running nexus-get-tag): Especially the following line concerns us: [stdout] FATAL - MAC Level error on PDU reception The way we know it's not working, is that it's supposed to write the NDEF message to a file, which it isn't. I realize this seems to be more of a question to libnfc-llcp than libnfc, but this seems the best place to ask. Thanks for your time!

P2P communication between android phone and nfc reader (Page 3) — Questions and Requests Hi, nephets. Thank u very much for your reply! nephets wrote: The response on line 10 doesn't look like a success message. I'm not familiar with the ACR 122 but guess that 90 00 is the checksum trailer in which case you would have gotten a zero length response but an LLCP PDU is at least two octet. Sorry, my description was not clear...90 00 is the APDU response code that ACR122 gives back when using PICC commands.So, all responses have 90 00 at the end of the data. So, to be precise, I think the response to the tgSetData (with llcp CONNECT) was (at PN532 command level) just d5 8f 00. Why are you sending CC in line 8 and where is the response to that? EDevil said you need to establish your own connection, so I thought I need to complete the connection once, and then, start connecting from ACR122. What is the content of the CONNECT PDU you're sending in line 9? I sent: d4 8e 41 01 06 0f 63 6f 6d 2e 61 6e 64 72 6f 69 64 2e 6e 70 70 where, in my understandings, is: Thank you for you help.
