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History News Network

OWL Coming Soon: A new look for our same great content! We're working hard this summer on a redesign of the Purdue OWL. Worry not! Our navigation menu and content will remain largely the same. If you are having trouble locating a specific resource, please visit the search page or the Site Map. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. For more information about services for the Purdue University community, including one-to-one consultations, ESL conversation groups and workshops, please visit the Writing Lab site. Mission The Purdue University Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement.

Paul Halsall/Fordham University: Internet History Sourcebooks Project Various course websites which reflect the use of IHSP documents. Western Civilisation Courses Core I: Western Civilisation to 1715 A website created for my 2004 course at UNF. This includes lecture/class outlines [Archived Version] Core II: Western Civilisation since 1715 A website created for my 2004 course at UNF. Modern History Course: The West: Enlightenment to Presents A page created for my Fall 1998 Modern History survey course at Fordham University, The West: From the Enlightenment to the Present. European History and Historians I A website created for my 2004 course training graduate students how to teach introductory history courses. European History and Historians II A website created for my 2004 course training graduate students how to teach introductory history courses. Medieval History Courses Medieval Studies Course or low graphics version A page created for my Fall 1996, and after, Medieval survey course at Fordham University, The Shaping of the Medieval World. Themed Courses

WWW-VL: World History Index and History Central Catalogue | The World Wide Virtual Library News In Memoriam Lynn H. Nelson (1931-2012), the creator of CARRIE and the WWW-VL History Central catalogue: Remembering Lynn H.Nelson, Pioneer Digital Historian European History Primary sources. The Belgian history site has been updated The Mexico history site has been updated by her maintainer, Adriana Luna-Fabritius. New version and new address for the Yiddish Sources at: Yiddish Sources aims to be a comprehensive source of information for those who are interested in using Yiddish materials in their research. This portal is hosted by the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. The EUI is not responsible for the selection of web sites and for eventual broken links. EUI History Department EU Historical Archives Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships at EUI Doctorel Programme of the History Department

Timelines of History, Today in History, World History The Peer to Peer Search Engine: Home Historiography Historiography refers to both the study of the methodology of historians and the development of "history" as a discipline, and also to a body of historical work on a particular subject. Scholars discuss historiography topically – such as the "historiography of the British Empire," the "historiography of early Islam", or the "historiography of China" – as well as different approaches and genres, such as political history or social history. Beginning in the nineteenth century, with the ascent of academic history, a body of historiographic literature developed. The extent to which historians are influenced by their own groups and loyalties—such as to their nation state—is a much debated question.[1] The research interests of historians change over time, and in recent decades there has been a shift away from traditional diplomatic, economic and political history toward newer approaches, especially social and cultural studies. Terminology[edit] Premodern history[edit] Hellenic world[edit]

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