Underground Website Lets You Buy Any Drug Imaginable | | Oddly_EvenOddly_Even Making small talk with your pot dealer sucks. Buying cocaine can get you shot. What if you could buy and sell drugs online like books or light bulbs? Now you can: Welcome to Silk Road. About three weeks ago, the U.S. Mark, a software developer, had ordered the 100 micrograms of acid through a listing on the online marketplace Silk Road. “It kind of felt like I was in the future,” Mark said. Silk Road, a digital black market that sits just below most internet users’ purview, does resemble something from a cyberpunk novel. Here is just a small selection of the 340 items available for purchase on Silk Road by anyone, right now: a gram of Afghani hash; 1/8 ounce of “sour 13″ weed; 14 grams of ecstasy; .1 gram tar heroin. The sellers are located all over the world, a large portion from the United States and Canada. But even Silk Road has limits: You won’t find any weapons-grade plutonium, for example. Getting to Silk Road is tricky. Edgarnumbers is selling these 2C-B "blue bees" tablets.
Japon : la révolution tranquille des NEET "Not in Education, Employment, or Training – ni étudiant, ni employé, ni stagiaire", quelle est cette génération des NEET qui, sans bruit, se détache des valeurs habituellement véhiculées par la culture de leur pays? Dans un article intitulé « Revolution of the NEET (lol) » [jap], Sayuri Tamaki passe en revue la génération des NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training – ni étudiant, ni employé, ni stagiaire) et la façon dont ils changent le Japon. Remarque : l’article a été traduit dans son intégralité avec la permission du blogueur. Les liens et remarques entre parenthèses ont été ajoutés par Tomomi Sasaki pour référence. “Il est souvent dit que la structure de ce pays exploite les jeunes générations. La jeunesse japonaise est peut-être plus rusée et gênante que celle qui fait du grabuge. Notez que le mot NEET utilisé dans cet article ne se réfère pas seulement aux jeunes qui ne sont pas étudiants, employés ou stagiaires. La coqueluche du moment sur la Toile est pha-san [jap].
All Japanese Emoticons | Japanese Emoticons This is the Internet’s largest list of over 10,000 specially selected kaomoji Japanese emoticons. The categories from this site are listed in alphabetical order as you scroll down the page. You can also jump to any specific category of emoticon using the links in the main menu of this site. The categories are divided into 4 master categories: Feelings, Animals, Actions and Miscellaneous with sub categories under each of those master categories. These kaomojis are angry and man, there are a ton of them. Flipping the Bird Sometimes you feel so angry that you just need to give someone the finger. Angry to the Right These kaomoji emoticons are angry and facing towards the right. Angry to the Left These emoji emoticons are angry and facing towards the left because that is where their anger is being directed. Forward Facing Anger Here are a bunch of dongers that are angry and facing forward. Arms Raised in Anger Fists Raised in Anger Shaking an Arm Why?!?! Flipping and Throwing Things Complex Words
Langue | Matcha et Sakura Lorsqu’on apprend le japonais, on est souvent ravi d’avoir des outils complémentaires pour nos révisions en dehors des livres. La langue japonaise est très complexe et les aides sont précieuses, mais l’offre est immense et pas toujours à la hauteur. Voici donc trois sites internet que j’aime beaucoup et qui m’aident pour les devoirs ou mes révisions. 1- Le défi d’Erin Voici un très bon site pour apprendre le japonais à partir de zéro ! Le défi d’Erin 2- LiveMoka Voici un site un peu particulier. LiveMoka 3- Denshi Jisho Ah les dictionnaires ! Denshi Jisho The Work of Terence and Dennis McKenna – An Appreciation | Ralph Metzner's Blog Reading the fraternal autobiography, The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss, was for me both fascinating and moving, as I was and remain close friends with both the brothers, have shared stimulating conversations and psychedelic explorations with them, and was deeply saddened by Terence’s early death. Terence became known for his scintillating eloquence and Irish gift of the gab, like my old friend from an earlier generation Timothy Leary. His scintillating flights of the imagination, mixing far-out speculative science and arcane scholarship, delivered in his characteristic dead-pan nasally inflected voice – have astonished and delighted thousands – and remain in disembodied recordings circulating worldwide on the internet. As his brother Dennis writes “Terence channeled the logos of the age. Silver-tongued and a riveting speaker, he articulated the concepts that his fans groped for but could not express, and did so in a witty, disarming way. The experiment at La Chorera
:::FrenchBento::: Microscopic Images of Alcoholic Drinks - InsaneTwist All of these impressive photos of alcoholic beverages under a microscope uncover the elements that make up some of our preferred tipples. Similar to photos of snowflakes, each and every beverage is unique, while observed below when zoomed about 1, 000 times under a high tech lab microscope. Created by United States company Bevshots, these are available as artworks for potential buyers which recognize the concealed beauty of alcoholic beverages. Vodka and tonic Whiskey Vodka Tequila Sake Pina Colada Martini Dry Martini Champagne Red wine German Pilsner inevitable Coca Cola
Où acheter un bento à Paris, en province ou sur le Web ? De l’eau à coulé sous les pont depuis le dernier article où je vous présentez mes bonnes adresse pour trouver un bento… Un an déjà (à quelques jours près), qui a vu une explosion de l’achat et de l’intérêt du bento, que ce soit grâce à la blogosphère recensant des bentophiles toujours plus nombreux, ou par le passage sur les média classique (émissions M6, journaux féminin…). Globalement le nombre de magasins a augmenté, mais la gamme de bento proposée s’est étoffée : les plus gros que je trouvais il y a un an étaient des 650ml… maintenant, on trouve des 1000ml super jolis ! J’ai l’impression que le bento s’occidentalise, et surtout plaît de plus en plus aux hommes, ce qui explique sûrement l’augmentation de leur taille… Niveau look, on trouve de tout, dans toutes les formes, toutes les matières (ou presque ^^), et à tout les prix… bref, on peu difficilement ne pas trouver son bonheur Sites de vente en ligne de bento - le site MonBento - sur Ebay, quelques boutiques sympa. Magasins à Paris
The Power of Kawaii: Viewing Cute Images Promotes a Careful Behavior and Narrows Attentional Focus Kawaii (a Japanese word meaning “cute”) things are popular because they produce positive feelings. However, their effect on behavior remains unclear. In this study, three experiments were conducted to examine the effects of viewing cute images on subsequent task performance. In the first experiment, university students performed a fine motor dexterity task before and after viewing images of baby or adult animals. Performance indexed by the number of successful trials increased after viewing cute images (puppies and kittens; M ± SE = 43.9±10.3% improvement) more than after viewing images that were less cute (dogs and cats; 11.9±5.5% improvement). Figures Citation: Nittono H, Fukushima M, Yano A, Moriya H (2012) The Power of Kawaii: Viewing Cute Images Promotes a Careful Behavior and Narrows Attentional Focus. Editor: Kevin Paterson, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Received: April 19, 2012; Accepted: September 1, 2012; Published: September 26, 2012 Copyright: © Nittono et al.
Asia – A Week in Pictures, March 27, 2011 | Journalist Profile | Reuters.co.uk Japan continues to dominate the file from Asia with new photograhers rotating in to cover the twists and turns of this complex and tragic story. In a country were the nation rarely buries its dead, the site of mass graves is quite a shocking scene to behold. Holes the length of football pitches are dug in the ground with mechanical digggers and divided into individual plots by the military and are then filled with the coffins of the victims of the tsunami. Family members come to weep and pray over the graves. Some are namless and marked only with DNA details, others bear the names of the victims. There is not enough power or fuel to cremate the thousands of bodies that are being recovered from the disaster zone. Members of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force carry a coffin of a victim of the earthquake and tsunami to be buried at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi-Matsushima, in Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan March 24, 2011.