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Yu-kai Chou & Gamification - Gamification Expert & Follower of Christ

Yu-kai Chou & Gamification - Gamification Expert & Follower of Christ

Engagor This article originally appeared on Bloovi. We wanted to share it with everyone because we feel it perfectly describes what defines us as a company. But more importantly, this is a great opportunity to tell you we are hiring! If we have piqued your interest in this article, be sure to check out ourJobs Page! Engagor is bursting at the seams, and for that reason, the startup from Gent is urgently looking for new talent in Belgium and abroad. But why would you want to work for Engagor? Hello Lien and Kris! Kris: I’m Director of Marketing at Engagor, which basically means I’m responsible for all marketing and communication. It’s now time for clear agreements regarding communication, both internally and externally, in order to facilitate this expansion as efficiently as possible. Lien: I’m marketing manager at Engagor and I’m always busy with many diverse tasks. What professional profiles is Engagor looking for? Kris: We are at a breaking point. Lien: Young and energetic! Kris: Definitely.

Gamification Research Network Gamepocalypse Now games-based-learning blog Gamification Co Gartner Redefines Gamification: What Do You Think? Gamification is considered a relatively new term. As a new term, its definition is in flux and is continually changing. The popular media and different professionals continue to offer different and sometimes competing definitions. As different definitions are offered, it is up to everyday people to accept or reject those definitions. Gartner, a leader in information technology research and advisory, has recently offered a new definition of gamification.

El Gamificator Challenges commerciaux vs. gamification des équipes commerciales Tweet Dans les entreprises, l’un des départements qui a le plus recours à la gamification est la direction commerciale. Il s’agit d’utiliser les mécaniques de jeu pour inciter les commerciaux à mieux vendre. Voici une présentation de la gamification du processus commercial suivie de 2 études de cas pour donner un aperçu des possibilités pour […] Lire tout l'article 3 astuces de gamification pour créer la rétention Tweet Voici trois astuces de gamification / ludification pour créer la rétention des utilisateurs sur un site web, un service web ou une application mobile. Lire tout l'article 6 plugins gamifiés pour le e-commerce Tweet En tant qu’e-commerçants vous avez peut être déjà envisagé de gamifier l’expérience de votre site marchand afin d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats (chiffres d’affaires, conversion, fidélisation, viralité des produits…). Lire tout l'article Engagez votre audience avec Kahoot ! Lire tout l'article

Hooptap Mechanics and game psychology can be applied through the second screen. The use of the second screen or social TV has been established as a technological trend to consider. Spectators consume TV content while they are using a mobile device more often to comment, give their opinion or share what they are watching. Some people consider the use of the second screen as a distraction or a threat to the TV industry, but it is a global trend that spectators are adopting and, therefore, it doesn’t seem a good idea to fight against it. However, it does seem a good idea to use the channel of the second screen, the mobile device, to transform this threat into an opportunity. TV’s can make the most of the mobile channel through gaming, an activity that already fills 43% of the time that users spend in apps. Gamification allows the content to be playable. For TV channels, the opportunity is bigger in their main business: advertising.

Badgeville It’s no secret that the gamification industry is growing and changing quickly, and here at Badgeville, we’re also making a few... Read post In our latest Badgeville Webinar, “Inside Kendall-Jackson's Mobile Gamification Strategy,” Mark Gordon, Senior Digital Communications Manager... Read Post When Facebook first introduced me to the concept of ‘likes’, I thought it was stupid. Who cares? For years, companies have touted that their employees are their greatest assets. Access to an online community is often a full service in itself. Twitter is a powerful platform, but like most networks there are unofficial “rules” - best practices and niche wisdom that can only be gleaned... Late last month, I presented at the Gartner CIO Summit in Phoenix, AZ, and was posed with a unique challenge: to describe gamification, the... ShareThis Copy and Paste

» Games for Research Games for Research Learn About MaxDiff Gamification Get the White Paper Research Gamification isn’t an abstract concept — it’s real. We apply our deep knowledge of games research and modern game development to create games-based solutions for common research challenges. Insights MetaGame Library Plug-and-play survey games – no development required.Learn More > Integration Partners Explore our growing list of compatible data collection platforms.Learn More > Offline Games Research games for the physical world.Learn More > Custom Development Big ideas need big games.Learn More > Gamification Nation - designing solutions which encourage winning behaviours for business results in sales, learning, recruitment and productivity
