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Best French Websites

Best French Websites
French teacher hints, advice and tips: I know from my own experience that being on a continual path of self-improvement is an absolute necessity toward be a good teacher. Hang out with other educators that you admire. Watch them closely and learn from them. Imitation is the greatest compliment! Join your National French Language Association (AATF) - plus ACTFL and attend their annual meetings on a regular basis. Whenever you can in your own environment, ask to observe colleagues in action in their classroom. Keep your classroom presentations FRESH. They don't care how much you know until they know how much you CARE] I hope that you picked up some ideas here that will aid in your total success. Jim Becker: BA, -Cornell College, MA, -La Sorbonne (Paris), The Ohio State University, ABD Related:  Links

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French Links French Links French News (Audio/Video) French-language NewspapersCurrency ConverterFrench GrammarFrench MagazinesFrench GovernmentFrench EducationFrench HistoryFrancophone CultureFrancophone Comics (BD) On visite le monde francophoneFrench StoresFrench Restaurants/FoodFrench TransportationFrench Technology & IndustriesCanadian GovernmentCanadian TransportationCanadian Industries Why Study French? You are visitor number to this page since February 6, 2001

TCF - Accueil authentic-resources - FRENCH Skip to main content Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach. Get it on the web or iPad! guest Join | Help | Sign In authentic-resources Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading... Noël : quelques activités 1. Le 6 décembre c'est La Saint Nicolas Saint Nicolas : histoire , légende et la recette du Mannele (Spécialité alsacienne ) 🎄🎄🎄 2. Infographies2.1 Pour connaître l'histoire du Père NoëlInfographie : Le Père Noël Infographie PDF ( Mon Quotidien ) 2.2 Pour tout connaître sur le Père NoëlInfographie : Au fait , c'est qui le Père Noël ? 2.3. Ouvrez le lien ou cliquez sur l'image Source ( Voir 2e image ) -Calendrier de l’Avent - Calendrier de l'Avent FLE ( Image à cliquer )J'ai créé pour vous en 2014 ce petit calendrier interactif sur thinglink Cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous Survolez l'image avec votre souris Chaque jour une petite surprise sur le thème de NoëlBonne visite ! Si vous retrouvez de problèmes pour le regarder , allez par ici Le saviez-vous ? A l'origine, au XIXe siècle, on distribuait chaque matin aux enfants des images (le plus souvent des images religieuse) durant 24 ou 25 jours pour les faire patienter jusqu'à Noël. 2.4 Pour connaître les traditions de Noël dans le monde Source 3.

French Web Resources - Web Links Culture and History Music, Radio & Television News and Magazines Literature Language Learning Sites Chat and Virtual Worlds Country/City Tours Grab BagProfessional Language Associations Culture and History Music, Radio, and Television News and Magazines Literature Language Learning Sites Chat and Virtual Worlds Country/City Tours Grab Bag Tests de niveau Test de niveau français 1Grand test de niveau, à passer en premier, pour connaître vos points forts et vos points faibles en français. Test de niveau français 2Ce test de niveau peut être utilisé immédiatement après le 1er, pour confirmer le résultat de celui-ci. Nous vous recommandons néanmoins de le passer après quelques mois de révision sur le site, afin d'évaluer vos progrès: les deux tests étant d'une difficulté proche, ils vous permettent de voir sur quels points vous avez progressé. Test de niveau orthographeIntéressant test de niveau sur 20 difficultés d'orthographe, d'un niveau plutôt facile. Confusions fréquentes / Les paronymesLes paronymes sont des mots qui se ressemblent beaucoup tant par leur forme que leur orthographe ou leur prononciation, mais leurs sens diffèrent. Grand test de niveau non interactif (à imprimer) Un autre test de niveau avec de nombreux thèmes, non interactif, à imprimer pour le faire loin de son ordinateur. Tous nos tests de niveaux

The French Corner: Where to Find Authentic Resources for French Students of All Levels I've read lots of blog posts on where to find authentic resources, but I thought I might add my own to the mix. Perhaps you'll find something on here you hadn't seen before. I've tried to sort these out by level (Novice-Intermediate, and Intermediate-Advanced). Authentic resources can be most difficult to find for novice learners, as the content is often too advanced for their level. I have written posts in the past about resources for French learners (although not necessarily authentic resources), so you may want to also read Soyez motivés, a post I wrote during my undergraduate studies which points you to a number of other posts I wrote about resources for French students, as well as Resources for Young French Learners Part I and Part II. Resources for Novice & Intermediate Learners Blogs, Newspapers, and Online Magazines: La Griffe de l'info - An online newspaper for kids.

Learn French Online with Videos and Audio Free Multimedia French Language Resources | MindZeit French Language Multimedia Resources at Various Levels MindZeit French Resources for Schools, Self Learners and French Teachers DuoLingo (Free Learning) Learn French for free with duolingo and help translate the web as you learn! view MindZeit (Free to View) French word cards with pictures (and a bear or two!) Ma France Video French Lessons from the BBC (Free Learning) 24 'Interactive' French video lessons/podcasts for beginners. view LanguageGuide Free French Vocabulary, Grammar and Readings with Transcripts (Free Learning) Beginners or intermediate level French with audio. Note: how well the audio functions seems to depend on your browser and/or computer. BBC Bitesize French Revision (Free Revision) GCSE French from the BBC. view There is also a French section on the BBC Bingo game and the BBC Destination Death game (requires Flash player) Read or Listen to Harry Potter in French Harry Potter books, most of which are in French - audio CDs, Kindle eBook downloads and more. Amazon USA view view ... iPad,

Foreign Magazines Online: French Online Magazines Online Magazines From All Over The World! Welcome to our online magazine pages, featuring online magazines, journals and other electronic print formats from countries all over the world! For those who are expanding or refining their knowledge of a language, or those who want to keep up their skills at a certain level of proficiency, the availability of texts in another language is a prerequisite. Online magazines and journals fill this need in a useful manner, for they present modern prose with a more challenging vocabulary than that found in newspapers, presenting ideas and information with more depth and analysis, and using greater vocabulary and stylistic fluency. sales at multilingualbooks dot com Buy the FSI French Course from the Digital Download Store and receive it today! French Magazines | Foreign Magazines Main pageFrench Language Courses | French Newspapers | French Radio | French TV

Le carnet de la semaine - À l’occasion de la Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie ! Learn French on YouTube: 11 Great Channels for Free Learning Isn’t YouTube a destination for mindless distractions? Actually, YouTube is also home to thousands of free channels and videos trying to do exactly that: teach you French. When it’s time to learn French YouTube makes a lot of sense. But this leads to another challenge. The quality of the lessons can vary a lot. Wait a Minute. But you’re wondering—out of all the resources you could be using, why learn French on YouTube? You might already have books or a teacher, but you can diversify your language learning and vocabulary with multiple sources.You can watch at your own pace and review anything you don’t understand.The best French learning content on YouTube is actually really good. So without further ado, here are my top nine recommendations for learning French on YouTube (plus two bonus channels): 1. As sweet as a chocolate éclair and as crisp as a slice of French test, this series of video lessons is a slick and comfortable introduction to the language. 2. 3. french101dotme 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
