Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison :: Software architect Kristof Kovacs While SQL databases are insanely useful tools, their monopoly in the last decades is coming to an end. And it's just time: I can't even count the things that were forced into relational databases, but never really fitted them. (That being said, relational databases will always be the best for the stuff that has relations.) But, the differences between NoSQL databases are much bigger than ever was between one SQL database and another. In this light, here is a comparison of Open Source NOSQL databases: The most popular ones # Redis # Best used: For rapidly changing data with a foreseeable database size (should fit mostly in memory). For example: To store real-time stock prices. Cassandra # Written in: JavaMain point: Store huge datasets in "almost" SQLLicense: ApacheProtocol: CQL3 & ThriftCQL3 is very similar to SQL, but with some limitations that come from the scalability (most notably: no JOINs, no aggregate functions.)CQL3 is now the official interface. MongoDB # ElasticSearch # CouchDB #
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Add search features to your application, try Elasticsearch part 3 : attaching indexation to events « Diving deep into JEE Now that we are able to index, we should think of when whe should trigger indexing tasks. A simple answer would be : whenever some indexed data has changed. “Changed” means change cardinality (add/remove) or change existing data. Either we invoke indexing tasks whenever we code an action that changes data or we use an event model which listens to precise events. 1 – JPA event model If you use JPA as a persistence mechanism you can take advantage of its elegant mechanism. Below, an example: That model, although very elegant, doesn’t suit you if you use Spring because the persistence can’t use a bean instance. 2 – Hibernate event model When using Hibernate, without JPA, with Spring you can register instances, not only classes. PostCommitDeleteEventListener source code: This is one of the most non intrusive solution. 3 – Spring event model When you’re stuck with JPA you can use Spring event model. Example of ApplicationEventPublisher call: Example of event listener: 4 – Elasticsearch river
CA VIENT DU JARDIN Quel budget en Asie du sud-est lors d'un tour du monde ?-Tour du Blog En Asie, la vie est relativement peu chère par rapport à l’Europe. Néanmoins, l’inflation est galopante, l’Asie dope la croissance mondiale, et les prix évoluent très vite ! Il nous est arrivé de constater des prix ayant presque doublé entre notre arrivée et ce qui était indiqué dans notre guide paru à peine deux années plus tôt. Malgré cela, avec un peu de rigueur pour tenir son budget, vous devriez pouvoir réaliser un très beau voyage en Asie sans exploser votre porte-monnaie. Nos dépenses avant de partir Que ce soit en tour du monde que pour de simples vacances, il y a deux incontournables postes de dépense avant de partir : les billets d’avion et les dépenses de santé. Billets d’avion Pour nous rendre en Australie, nous avons acheté un billet d’avion aller-simple. Lors de notre voyage, nous avons souhaité limiter les déplacements en avion pour diverses raisons. Au total, nos dépenses en avion s’élèvent donc à 825€ par personne. La mutuelle Les vaccinations Achat d’équipements
A Comparison Of NoSQL Database Management Systems And Models A previous version of this article was written by O.S. Tezer. Introduction When most people think of a database, they often envision the traditional relational database model that involves tables made up of rows and columns. While relational database management systems still handle the lion’s share of data on the internet, alternative data models have become more common in recent years as developers have sought workarounds to the relational model’s limitations. This article will introduce you to a few of the more commonly used NoSQL database models. Relational Databases and Their Limitations Databases are logically modeled clusters of information, or data. All database management systems have an underlying model that structures how data is stored and accessed. Historically, the relational model has been the most widely used approach for managing data, and to this day many of the most popular database management systems implement the relational model. About NoSQL Key-value Databases
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Best Asia honeymoon destinations in August - climate, where to go Borneo Sarawak & Sandakan August should see an even mix of good weather and rainy days throughout Sabah including the beaches of Kota Kinabalu and Kinabalu NP. The south and east of the state may be exceptionally dry, giving a great window of opportunity to visit enjoy jungle walking and trekking in Danum Valley, Tabin, and Kinabatangan River... Burma (Myanmar) No change from July, although rainfall will start to lessen towards the end of the month. Cambodia By August rainfall is almost at its peak. Laos During August and September rainfall reaches peak levels throughout the country with temperatures dropping and the length and severity of rain showers increasing, even in Luang Prabang and Vientiane. Malaysia The east coast of the peninsula (Tioman Island, Terengganu, Redang Island and the Perhentian Islands) will be enjoying plenty of sunny dry days, along with perfect sea conditions for snorkelling and diving. Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam The overall outlook is very mixed in terms of weather.
Accéder à une base CouchDB via l'interface REST Ça y est? Vous avez installé CouchDB? Il est temps maintenant de s'en servir! Dans cet article, nous allons aborder les concepts de base et voir comment accéder à une base CouchDB via l'interface REST. REST – pour Representational State Transfer – est une architecture client-serveur dans laquelle un client utilise le vocabulaire standard d'un protocole pour identifier et manipuler des ressources sur un serveur. Un point clé étant que le serveur est sans état. Le cas d'école pour l'architecture REST est l'utilisation du protocole HTTP. Heu... Oui, d'accord, ça n'est qu'une introduction très superficielle à l'architecture REST. (en) Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby. Pour en revenir au sujet de cet article, CouchDB expose une API (Application Programming Interface – L'ensemble des spécifications de classes, méthodes, fonctions, constantes, etc. qui permettent d'utiliser une technologie dans un programme.) Note: Pour commencer Installation Donc, CouchDB est installé sur votre machine. Oups!
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