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21 Habits of Happy People

21 Habits of Happy People
“Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbard Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed. We’ve all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. 1. Be thankful that you woke up alive each morning. 2. Surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values and goals. 3. Accept others for who they are as well as where they are in life. 4. Keep up to date with the latest news regarding your career and hobbies. 5. Don’t wallow in self-pity. 6. Some statistics show that 80% of people dislike their jobs! 7. Take the time to see the beauty around you. 8. Don’t take yourself – or life to seriously. 9. Holding a grudge will hurt no one but you. 10. Develop an attitude of gratitude. 11. Always make sure your loved ones know you love them even in times of conflict. 12. Honesty is the best policy. 13. Meditation gives your very active brain a rest. 14. Concentrate on creating your life the way you want it. 15.

Myself & Co : Accro au smartphone : 4 conseils pour vous sevrer - L'Etudiant Trendy Suivez les trendies Sur Facebook Sur Twitter Souvenez-vous... Vous n'avez pas décroché du jour au lendemain de votre ours ou de votre lapin en peluche, que vous serriez si fort contre vous pour vous endormir. Votre smartphone, c'est un peu un doudou sans fil qui pallie les angoisses, la solitude. C'est le nouvel objet transitionnel, décortiqué par les pédopsychiatres : un petit enfant a besoin d'un objet qui lui rappelle sa mère en son absence... histoire de ne pas paniquer dès qu'elle n'est plus là. C'est grave, Docteur ? Prenez conscience que c'est devenu votre “doudou” “J'étais devenu dépendant des messages, que je guettais du matin à tard le soir, et passionné de jeux, se souvient William, 19 ans, en L1 de sociologie à Lyon 1. Laissez-le de côté de temps à autre Au moment de sa réorientation, d'une première scientifique à une terminale littéraire, Flora, 17 ans, a cherché des responsables à son échec. Tenez un journal de bord de votre “addiction” Limiter les applis inutiles

28 cosas que todos quisieran tener en su casa 1. Una regadera en el jardín para los días de calor 2. Este librero que lleva a una habitación secreta 3. Una pared de lego para los momentos de creatividad 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Visita la primera parte de esta lista aquí. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

A Simple Exercise to Increase Well-Being and Lower Depression from Martin Seligman, Founding Father of Positive Psychology by Maria Popova You’ll need pen, paper, and a silencer for cynicism. “When [a man] has fair health, a fair fortune, a tidy conscience and a complete exemption from embarrassing relatives,” Henry James wrote in his diary, “I suppose he is bound, in delicacy, to write himself happy.” More than a mere philosophical contemplation, however, James’s observation presages the findings of modern psychology in the quest to reverse-engineer the art-science of happiness. Close your eyes. This somewhat self-consciousness-inducing exercise, Seligman promises, will make you happier and less depressed a mere month from now. We think too much about what goes wrong and not enough about what goes right in our lives. He then offers his empirically tested antidote: Every night for the next week, set aside ten minutes before you go to sleep. Flourish offers an invaluable existential boost in its entirety. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Share on Tumblr

La cigarette au lever est la plus dangereuse Plus un fumeur commence tôt à fumer le matin, plus le risque d’attraper un cancer oral ou des poumons augmente. Les chercheurs américains de l’université Penn State ont donc conclu que les fumeurs qui consument une cigarette juste après s’être levé ont les plus forts niveaux d’un facteur cancérigène nommé NNAL dans leur sang par rapport aux fumeurs qui s’abstiennent de fumer la première demi-heure, et ce quel que soit le nombre de cigarettes consommées dans la journée. Lors de l’étude, on a remarqué que 32 % des participants (sur 1945 personnes) fument leur première cigarette juste 5 minutes après s’être réveillé, 31 % dans les 6 à 30 minutes après le réveil et 18 % durant les 31 à 60 minutes (19 % plus d’une heure après). Notons que le niveau de NNAL dans le sang est corrélé avec l’âge du volontaire, celui du début de son tabagisme, son genre sexuel et selon qu’un autre fumeur a vécu dans la même maison.

41 Exceptionally Beautiful Product Packagings That Will Steal Your Heart 1. Gnome Bread Packaging 2. Note Choosing plastic wrap for non-perishable is often a choice that is unjustifiable for the real needs of the product. 3. 4. An effective way to ward off lunch snatchers! 5. Design: Donkey Products A completely different and funny aspect of tea bags you'd ever never imagined! 6. Designer: Hiroko Sanders A professional designer appreciates something that is attractive, surprising, new, simple and devoid of useless information. 7. Advertising Agency: BBDO Berlin Matches with a striking strip right on the panty. 8. Designer: Yeongkeun Whenever we eat bread, at the picnic, in the cafe or airplane, we usually use disposable butter. 9. Advertising Agency: Publicis, Singapore Who knew throwing a shoe box would become so difficult after Nike came up with this awesome football stadium themed shoe box design. 10. Designer: Jones Knowles Ritchie 11. Creative product packaging idea from Japan. 12.

The Benjamin Franklin Effect: The Surprising Psychology of How to Handle Haters “We are what we pretend to be,” Kurt Vonnegut famously wrote, “so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” But given how much our minds mislead us, what if we don’t realize when we’re pretending — who are we then? That’s precisely what David McRaney explores in You Are Now Less Dumb: How to Conquer Mob Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and All the Other Ways to Outsmart Yourself (public library) — a “book about self-delusion, but also a celebration of it,” a fascinating and pleasantly uncomfortable-making look at why “self-delusion is as much a part of the human condition as fingers and toes,” and the follow-up to McRaney’s You Are Not So Smart, one of the best psychology books of 2011. McRaney, with his signature fusion of intelligent irreverence and irreverent intelligence, writes in the introduction: The human mind is obviously vaster and more powerful than any other animal mind, and that’s something people throughout all human history couldn’t help but notice.

Beauté : Ordinateur, prise de notes… 5 astuces pour lutter contre la fatigue de vos yeux - L'Etudiant Trendy Faîtes le noir, ou "palming" C'est une technique issue du "yoga des yeux", et qui s'appelle le "palming". Tout d'abord, chauffez vos mains pendant quelques secondes en les frottant entre elles. Ensuite, mettez vos deux mains croisées sur vos yeux, en faisant un petit creux avec la paume, et faîtes le noir total. Cillez régulièrement À force de rester devant un écran, on a tendance à regarder un peu trop fixement. Les yeux aussi peuvent faire un peu de gymnastique ! De temps en temps, pensez à "muscler" vos yeux : très doucement, levez les yeux en haut, en bas, à droite, à gauche... sans jamais bouger la tête. Regardez de temps en temps "au loin" Lorsque l'on regarde au loin, les yeux se détendent. Évitez de froncer les sourcils Une trop grande concentration, et hop, notre front, nos sourcils et nos yeux se froncent. Ayez tout de même conscience que ces conseils ne remplacent pas une consultation, si le problème perdure !

Don’t Know What To Do With Your Life? Here’s A Secret For You We live in an age where both humanity and planet earth are going through a lot of changes. If we look back roughly fifty years ago, we would have generally known our place and role in society. Women were housewives or secretaries, and men were the breadwinners, the heads of the family. We had guidelines reinforced by war-time propaganda and shows like “I Dream of Genie” and “Bewitched.” We had a rough idea of who we were, and what we were going to do with ourselves in the future. In our modern day and age, we have no clear guidelines. This can be seen as a source of liberation, or intense confusion. So, in this age of constant and limitless opportunity offered to us by the internet, what exactly should we do with ourselves? This is a difficult question, and it is this question that is responsible for the rising phenomena that is the Quarter-Life Crisis. Twenty year olds nowadays feel the pressure from their family, friends, and society, to do something ‘worthwhile’ with their future.
