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Web Analytics Solution Profiler (WASP) Sauvegarder ses fichiers à distance et les synchroniser entre plusieurs ordinateurs Je suis confronté comme de plus en plus de personnes au problème épineux de la sauvegarde des données. Il faut d’ailleurs faire la différence entre données personnelles et données professionnelles. En effet, mettre en place une stratégie de backup (voilà, le mot est lâché) est vitale dans ce dernier cas alors que c’est plus l’aspect sentimental qui primera lors de la perte d’informations d’ordre privé (sauf bien sûr si tout est déjà en ligne sur Facebook ou Flickr). Je sauvegarde donc le plus régulièrement possible (dans l’idée, il s’agit d’une fois par semaine) toutes mes données et projets sur deux disques externes (répliqués à la main). J’ai abandonné l’utilisation du DVD réinscriptible, car le volume de données est maintenant trop important et la procédure de gravure trop longue et fastidieuse. Malgré tout, cette stratégie n’est toujours pas optimale, pour deux raisons. J’étudie donc depuis un moment déjà la possibilité de basculer sur un service de sauvegarde à distance. Syncplicity

mobiReady Twitalyzer: Serious Analytics for Social Relationships Jira Greenhopper Cet article présente l’utilisation de la suite Atlassian dans le cadre d’une équipe de développement. Après une brève présentation des différents outils, la suite sera mise en perspective selon 2 axes : Un axe “Performance” : comment améliorer la performance des équipes de développement à l’aide (entre autre) des produits AtlassianUn axe “Cycle de développement” : illustration de l’utilisation de la suite Atlassian le long du cycle de développement logiciel, incluant la gestion de projet Nous présenterons dans le même temps les principales intégrations de la suite ainsi qu’une sélection des plugins incontournables. La suite Atlassian La suite Atlassian se compose de 9 outils développés selon une vision fondée sur quelques lignes guides : Améliorer la performance de votre équipe de développement avec Atlassian On constate que le taux de couverture de la suite de développement Atlassian est des plus intéressants. Atlassian dans le cycle de vie de développement Positionnement sur le marché alternatives Updated on May 28th, 2017 Are you looking for some good alternatives to the lost gigapedia,,,, or Well, here is a list that I update quite often and whenever you (yes, you!) IMPORTANT Currently, many of you reach this page searching words like " alternatives", " alternatives" or "ebookoid", well I am not sure this will be the case in the near future... :( Due to the new guidelines against piracy, in the future, this post MAY NOT be listed among the search results you'll get from Google and/or Bing. Let's start with some 100% free and legal alternatives to you find *a lot* of free another fantastic website with ebooks free-of-charge! The best alternatives ... or (maybe dead ...)

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis with Alterian SM2 (Formerly Techrigy) Do you know the process your customers take to buy and connect with you? Their journey is often filled with many steps, stops and starts. What you do to help them along the way makes all the difference in gaining a competitive foothold. Taking action to improve the experiences your customers have within that journey can convert them from shoppers to customers, and then to advocates. Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to; however, they are telling others directly in social media. Taking a walk in your customer’s shoes isn’t necessarily a walk in the park, but it can provide a rich and contextual view into exactly where the customer is in their journey. Taking this view of your customer’s world lets you make better informed and faster decisions about value propositions, brand strategies, and, more importantly, how to engage customers.

Logiciel SEO Soft : logiciel de referencement gratuit Google Suivez et améliorez vos positionnements et votre référencement Google. Simple, performant et gratuit (open source sous la licence GPL 3) SEO Soft est le logiciel de positionnement le plus utilisé depuis plus de 4 ans. Pour la plupart des sites internet, Google est la source de trafic la plus importante. Pour augmenter le nombre de vos visiteurs issus de Google, il est très important d'optimiser le référencement de ses mots clefs. SEO Soft recueille les positions de vos sites dans Google en fonction des mots clefs que vous configurez. Voici mon exemple personnel : comment doubler le nombre de visiteurs en un mois grâce à SEO Soft. Utilisation très simple et intuitive Suivi journalier du positionnement dans Google Suivi du référencement Google des sites concurrents Visualisation du classement pagerank de Google du clasemment Alexa Rank d'Alexa Logiciel de référencement 100 % gratuit Mise à jour des positionnements Google très rapides Visualisation des positions simple grâce à des courbes

Tool-Up Time: The Very Best Front End Web Developer Tools DebugMe Blog We talked a lot with our in-house web developer team, researched the topic for hours and hours and finally put together the DebugMe* list of front end web developer tools which can be useful for every web dev out there. *Our bug tracking and visual feedback giving solution is not on the list because we are more humble than that, however you should take a look at it and maybe give it a try. DebugMe will make your life easier especially if you are a web developer, a web designer or a project manager. Are you a web developer or a designer? Alertify.js AlertifyJS is a javascript framework for developing pretty browser dialogs and notifications. Alfred Alfred is an award-winning app for Mac OS X which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys and keywords. AlloyUI AlloyUI is a framework built on top of YUI3 (JavaScript) that uses Bootstrap (HTML/CSS) to provide a simple API for building high scalable applications. AngularJS AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. Backbone Bitbucket

Topsy - Real-time search for the social web With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Siri Suggestions Drag right from the Home screen to show Search and get Siri Suggestions. Get Siri Suggestions Siri Suggestions include apps and contacts that you might be interested in. You can use Siri Suggestions with iPhone 5 and later, iPad Pro, iPad (4th generation) and later, iPad mini (2nd generation) and later, and iPod touch (6th generation). Change search settings Go to Settings > General > Spotlight Search. From here, you can turn Siri Suggestions on or off and choose which apps to include in your searches. If you don’t want Siri or Spotlight to suggest nearby locations, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Last Modified:

web site tree generator and directory to html conversion tool Art HTML Listing creates filtered, sorted, fully customizable directory listings, indexes, menus, maps and trees in HTML, DHTML, XML, text and CSV formats, as well as the list of MP3 and image files. It is designed for webmasters, developers and system administrators and for those users who need to make / print folder listings. The main difference from DHTML menu making programs is that you don't need to manually enter lots of menu items - the program scans files and makes menus automatically. A picture is worth a thousand words, see Art HTML Listing screenshots. Benefits You can put the listings and menus generated on as many websites or intranet servers as you need. Features With DHTML menu creators you need to enter all of your menu items into the program. If we compare Art HTML Listing with Apache mod_autoindex, then the benefits of Art HTML Listing are the following: Works for any web server, any hosting plan, any server configuration.

Web Starter Kit | Web Tools - Google Developers Download Web Starter Kit (beta) What is Web Starter Kit? Web Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. Tools for building a great experience across many devices and performance oriented. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices outlined in Google's Web Fundamentals. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry. Features Quickstart Download the kit or clone the repository and build on what is included in the app directory. There are two HTML starting points, from which you can choose: index.html - the default starting point, containing Material Design layout.basic.html - no layout, but still includes our minimal mobile best-practices Be sure to look over the installation docs to verify your environment is prepared to run WSK. Web Performance Web Starter Kit strives to give you a high performance starting point out of the box. Browser Support ChromeEdgeFirefoxSafariOperaInternet Explorer 9+ Troubleshooting Docs and Recipes

CEM4Mobile - CEM4Mobile Analytics Customer Experience Management for Mobile Operators and Service Providers CEM4Mobile Analytics is the Customer Experience Management solution for companies providing Mobile Content and Value Added Services for individual or business users. CEM4Mobile Analytics offers business critical information for decision-makers who are eager to excel in the crucial area of customer experience. CEM4Mobile Analytics concentrates on end-users and their behaviour with wireless devices. The statistical data can be collected and normalised from number of sources namely: from mobile services by using mobile optimised taglines, mobile networks via Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), server-to-server integrations via the Transaction Interface and customer opinions and values through the Voice-of-Customer channel. CEM4Mobile is offered both Cloud (SaaS) basis, with fast and straight forward integration, and as a local deployment. Behaviour - understand your end-users' behaviour patterns Cross-analysis over categories
