Technology - Alexis Madrigal - The Jig Is Up: Time to Get Past Facebook and Invent a New Future After five years pursuing the social-local-mobile dream, we need a fresh paradigm for technology startups. Finnish teenagers performing digital ennui in 1996 2006. Reuters. We're there. The future that visionaries imagined in the late 1990s of phones in our pockets and high-speed Internet in the air: Well, we're living in it. "The third generation of data and voice communications -- the convergence of mobile phones and the Internet, high-speed wireless data access, intelligent networks, and pervasive computing -- will shape how we work, shop, pay bills, flirt, keep appointments, conduct wars, keep up with our children, and write poetry in the next century." That's Steve Silberman reporting for Wired in 1999, which was 13 years ago, if you're keeping count. The question is, as it has always been: now what? Decades ago, the answer was, "Build the Internet." What we've seen since have been evolutionary improvements on the patterns established five years ago. That paradigm has run its course.
The Imminent Takeover of Web 3.0? Social media has literally started a revolution when it comes to advertising online or working on website promotion. There are so many affordable search engine optimization companies that can help you develop a killer social media plan that will help you establish ongoing communications with your customers, building your customer base and exploding your profits. The key is to balance out your regular SEO tactics with social media, and have the best of both worlds. The introduction, and seemingly imminent takeover, of social media is being referred to as Web 3.0. at first, Web 2.0 referred to the introduction of blogs, forums and such, which allowed the Internet user to be more present online and be more involved with marketing. Web 3.0 refers to the real time capabilities of people to connect with one another, through instant chat and other methods, which are readily available just about anywhere. Web 3.0 is not on the way, it is already here.
Web 3.0 – what is it, how will it affect me and when will it arrive? As the web has developed, so have the buzzwords and terms that describe it. What feels like only yesterday, everyone was asking for a web 2.0 website, assuming that this instantly explained what they needed. What is actually described was a style of functionality that encouraged sharing and interaction. Although it wasn’t named as such, there was also a stage of web now referred to as web 1.0. The three ‘stages’ so far can be described as follows: Web 1.0 – Displaying and linking In the beginning the web was just a lot of content all independently hosted and occasionally linked together by hyperlinks. Web 2.0 – Social and Collaboration This is where we are now. Web 3.0 – Semantic Web This name was given to 3.0 by Tim Bernes-Lee who is said to have invented the web, but the concept around 3.0 was first covered in the media by Scientific American, a US publication in 2001. The definition of web 3.0 is still to be set as the technology that will dictate what it is has yet to be fine-tuned.
Web 3.0 Just in case you missed it, the web now has version numbers. Nearly three years ago, amid continued hand-wringing over the dot-com crash, a man named Dale Dougherty dreamed up something called Web 2.0, and the idea soon took on a life of its own. In the beginning, it was little more than a rallying cry, a belief that the Internet would rise again. But as Dougherty's O'Reilly Media put together the first Web 2.0 Conference in late 2005, the term seemed to trumpet a particular kind of online revolution, a World Wide Web of the people. Web 2.0 came to describe almost any site, service, or technology that promoted sharing and collaboration right down to the Net's grass roots. Which raises the question: What will Web 3.0 look like? Yes, it's too early to say for sure. To many, Web 3.0 is something called the Semantic Web, a term coined by Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the (first) World Wide Web.
A Brief Introduction to Web 3.0 If you ask some, they’ll tell you Web 2.0 as we know it is probably on its way out the door. For many, Web 2.0 is characterized mainly by the ability of users to share information quickly with others, which has been developed into the phenomenon that we call social media. From Twitter to Facebook to YouTube and to all sorts of other kinds of communities, Web 2.0 is all about sharing and seeing. Now if you recall or were around during what is now known as Web 1.0, information was put up on a website and that was it–the best way of sharing it was privately through e-mails and such. What is Web 3.0? If you’re anything like me, it’s hard to imagine how the internet is going to top sites like Twitter and Facebook. Web 3.0 is being referred to by experts as the semantic web; semantic meaning data driven. Benefits of Web 3.0? A huge benefit of Web 3.0 is the move towards being able to access data from anywhere. Web 3.0′s Effect on Design Web 2.0 Design vs. Web 3.0 Design Trends? More on Web 3.0
Are you ready for Web 3.0? « Mitchell Osak Online The Internet is poised for another revolution with the onset of Web 3.0 technologies. The Web 3.0 world integrates relevant search, location-based services, mobile enablement and rich social interaction in a single online experience. This new paradigm, according to British technology thought leader Conrad Wolfram, is where “the computer is generating new information” rather than people. A Web 3.0 environment dramatically enhances the user experience and delivers rich advertising and promotional opportunities for marketers – if companies can get the business model right. The Web on Steroids Web 3.0 technologies hold great promise. Changing the rules At its core, Web 3.0 applications use automated personalization and semantic analytics to filter mass amounts of data to generate its relevance-based content. Platform symbiosis Given the infancy of these technologies, it is difficult to predict how Web 3.0 will turn out. Tread carefully Like this: Like Loading...
What is Web 3.0, and Why Do You Care Is Web 3.0 just hype, or are people actually working with these technologies? Do people even understand what Web 3.0 is? That is what we endeavored to find out when in June 2011, we did a survey of about 200 people to see if they understood and were applying Web 3.0. Some of the answers we got back were expected, but we also did get some surprises. I should first tell you about the survey population because it does have an impact on some of the data we collected. The survey went out to my list of about 10,000 people who are interested in collaboration, read my blog or have signed up in some way. Figure 1: 40% of the Survey Population Considers Themselves Early Adopters When we asked about what tools they were currently using for collaboration and online community (see Figure 2), it was clear to see that social networks are now very popular. Figure 2: Current Web 2.0 Tool Usage This was not always the case. What is Web 3.0? Web 3.0 Budget Continue reading this article:
Tech Expert Prediction: A Web 3.0 Boom by 2014 The mainstream adoption of cloud and semantic technologies will turn the internet into a ‘ubiquitous utility’, says Boris Motusic, Chief Evangelist of United Experts, in this interview for Brightfire. - Boris, during your Internet World speech you proclaimed the arrival of the Web 3.0! What exactly is it? - The key feature of Web 3.0, or better said – Internet 3.0, is its ubiquitousness. For example, when we are using car navigation and traffic updates, we are not interacting actively with a device. - And when can we expect the Web 3.0 to see the light of day? - As is generally the case, infrastructure technologies are accepted through gradual adoption. - What are the main distinctions between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0? - Web 1.0 was the “read-only” web where users were just consuming information, mostly text and images. - During your presentation you said the internet was to become just like electricity.