free French for Children | French video resources for teachers and children: Clear, accessible French listening, speaking, reading and writing practice for Beginners and Intermediates.Free French practice and revision for all children. Visual resources and stories for use in class. The resources range from simple introductions, songs, counting to 10 and birthdays, to avoir practice, food and drink, daily routine, reflexive verbs, pronouns, modal verbs, sport, holidays (past, present + future) and more:INDEX OF RESOURCES:French SongsKS2 and KS3 French ThemesFrench Grammar Practice,French Verb PracticeFrench Activities SHORT STORIES IN FRENCH: Stories are used extensively throughout A Green Mouse to illustrate vocabulary and explain grammar topics in context. KS2 + KS3 FRENCH TOPICS:KS2 to KS3 French topics and Vocabulary:KS2 + KS3 FRENCHEG:IntroductionsCounting to 10What’s in my Pencil Case? FRENCH GRAMMAR: Resources which focus on grammar:FRENCH GRAMMAR PRACTICE THE WEATHER!
Supports pédagogiques pour enseigner le français aux enfants avec Pop Français Extraite de la méthode Pop English, et à titres d’exemples, voici quelques chansons originales s’adressant à des enfants d’âges différents. Nos 90 chansons originales et 4 heures de vidéos ont été spécialement conçues avec un objectif linguistique pour nos animatrices et nos élèves. Vous découvrirez à partir d’une chanson, toute l’exploitation que l’on peut en faire, grâce aux nombreux outils et supports pédagogiques mis à la disposition des nos animatrices (sur CD Rom). Un éléphant sur une chaiseLa chansonAnalyse didactique de la chansonExercicesMoi je voudrais être pompierLa chansonAnalyse didactique de la chansonExercices, FlashcardsMoi j'adore aller à la plageLa chansonAnalyse didactique de la chansonExercices, FlashcardsLa soupe de légumesLa chansonAnalyse didactique de la chansonExercices Top 49 Learn French Sites « Learn French Fast Blog The internet is a amazing tool for learning French. But with so many sites to sift through, it can be tough to find the best learn French sites. That’s why I created the Top French Site Award to honour the cream of the crop on the internet. Below is the list of winners, I’ve split the list into topics to make it easier to sort through. Did I miss a worthy site? Educational Resources The quality of free learn French material online is astounding. BBC French – The mother of all learn French websites. French – Comprehensive resource for learning French. Carnegie Mellon Free French – The prestigious university’s French courses aren’t easy, as they feature natural French speakers – but they are high quality and free! French Assistant – Free French language lessons, with over 150000 French words and phrases. Learn French Video – Scores of lessons and tutorials on phrasese, grammar, verbs, and more. French Revision – Interactive French lessons for the younger crowd (11-18). Blogs Link Lists
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Stephyprod What's the best way to teach languages? | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional Alex Rawlings was a language teacher's dream. He fell in love with languages when he was eight and learnt Greek, then German, then Dutch. Now, an undergraduate at Oxford, he is the UK's most multi-lingual student, speaking 11 languages. So what's his secret? "I remember seeing people on the beach in Greece when I was a kid and not being able to talk to them," says Alex. Such enthusiasm is rare: a report by the British Academy this year found there was a growing deficit in foreign language skills. "We're failing to inspire people," says Alex. Language pedagogy has come a long way since the days when repetitive grammar-translation methods were regarded as the only way to learn. For Christelle Bernard, a French and Spanish teacher at St Gemma's High School in Belfast, these methods of teaching allow her to cast aside the textbook whenever she can. Her task-based teaching embraces ideas which range from lessons using computers, to audio-visual and kinesthetic learning.
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