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Summify - 5 Free Tools for Recording Google+ Hangouts

Summify - 5 Free Tools for Recording Google+ Hangouts

Summify - The Google+ Guide For Educators Home » Education, Social Media Written by Grace2 August 2011 Unless you've been living under a rock the last month, undoubtedly you've heard of the new social networking site everyone has been raving about: Google+. All this buzz has generated some great articles (my to-read pile just keeps growing!) Here's my Google+ Guide for Educators: So what do you think about Google+? Share this post with your friends and colleagues:

How to Use StumbleUpon: Your Comprehensive Guide You’ve likely heard of StumbleUpon. But do you really understand how to use its full power? StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking and rating site where people can “Stumble” their favorite web pages, write reviews and share their discoveries with their followers. This network is like Delicious, but with a more enhanced social platform and sharing system. Why Use StumbleUpon? StumbleUpon can be a great site to organize your favorite bookmarks, although it isn’t quite as advanced as Delicious in organization. Use the StumbleUpon toolbars (Chrome on top, Firefox on bottom) to see Stumblers who like a specific page. Aside from organizing your own favorites, StumbleUpon is also used to drive traffic to a specific webpage, photo, video or other website. Saving Your Favorites There’s more to saving your favorite pages than just hitting the “I like it” button. Whenever you’re favoriting an item, be sure to use the tag icon to add tags to your favorites. Creating Your StumbleUpon Profile Your Bio Topics

How Google’s Hangouts API could change social video — Online Video News Association à votre site Web - Centre d'aide Google+ L'association de votre page et de votre site Web est utile pour les raisons suivantes : Elle vous permet d'être connecté à vos amis, vos fans et vos clients. Elle nous fournit des informations qui nous permettent de déterminer la pertinence de votre site par rapport à la requête d'un utilisateur dans la Recherche Google. Votre site peut bénéficier de la fonctionnalité Accès direct de Google+. Remarque : Si vous avez une page Google+ Local, suivez le processus de validation de votre page pour ajouter les informations relatives à votre établissement sur Google Maps et pour afficher le badge de validation sur votre page Google+. Si votre site a déjà été validé dans les Outils pour les webmasters, le webmaster peut approuver la demande d'association de votre site Web à votre page Google+. Pour associer votre page Google+ à votre site Web, procédez comme suit : Vérifiez que vous êtes bien sur votre page Google+ (et non pas sur votre profil). Remarque : N'utilisez pas d'URL de redirection.

Google+ Building (or Re-Building) your PLN Twitter just became 5 years old and many of us can remember the first time: we heard of twitter… the first time we experienced powerful collaboration on twitter… some of us can even remember our first tweet (not me, though I can imagine it was something like: “I just don’t understand this…” So, for many it feels like a shock when after 5 years, thousands of tweets, hours of growing and grooming our personal learning network we look at Google+ and say, “I just don’t understand this…” or “Struggling to understand how this is going to fit in…” or “It just doesn’t do what Facebook or twitter does… or doesn’t do it as WELL…” Here are some other things that we are struggling with: “I have “spoken” with a person for years on twitter… but I only know them by his or her handle… – We are shocked that someone we really know so well: children, ailments, dreams, hopes, personal challenges… and we don’t even know his or her name. If you are feeling this way, know that you are not alone.

Getting Mass Traffic from StumbleUpon: A Definitive Guide Many bloggers end up having a love-hate relationship with StumbleUpon. They love the amount of traffic that the service – which now boasts over 10 million members – can send, but they hate the conversion rate on that traffic. , yet their average time on site was just 26 seconds (overall site average is 2 minutes and 24 seconds) and they each viewed around 1.22 pages. Simply put, compared to other traffic sources, StumbleUpon is terrible. However, because the service sends so much traffic, even leveraging just a small percentage can see a decent increase in your comment count and subscriber numbers. StumbleUpon is a system that allows you to find new and interesting websites based around your favourite subjects. This is very different to the usual method of finding news by going to your favourite blogs or entering a search query into a major search engine. Traditionally, StumbleUpon utilises a toolbar that you install in a browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. Want proof?

Google Hangouts: Now with Google Docs Integration, Now Even Better for Edu When Google launched its new social network, Google Plus earlier this summer, there was a flurry of stories about the site's potential for education. I confess, I penned a few: But as the summer waned on and the initial buzz over the site died down, it became less clear whether Google Plus would have the momentum going into the school year to appeal to returning teachers and students. Some of the pieces to make the site successful in an academic setting were (and still are) missing: namely integration with Google Apps for Education. The current 18-and-over age policy doesn't help much either. Hangouts: Video Communication and Collaboration But Google announced a number of updates to Google Plus this morning that do point to the great potential the site still could have for teaching and learning. New Features for Hangouts: Broadcasting, Google Docs, Screensharing The new features added today now allow Hangouts via mobile phones, not just via the desktop.

Devez-Vous Créer Une Page Google+ Pour Votre Entreprise L’une des questions qui m’est souvent posée en ce moment est : « pourquoi créer une Page Google+ pour mon entreprise ? ». A partir de là, d’autres questions surviennent en général : « pourquoi créer une Page Google+ alors qu’on est déjà présent sur d’autres plateformes (et qu’il est difficile de trouver du temps additionnel) ? », « Google Plus n’est-il pas un réseau social sur les geeks ? A cela, s’ajoutent aussi les remarques d’utilisateurs du Google+ : « de toute façon, il n’y a personne sur Google+ », « les pages Google+ ressemblent trop aux profils Google+ (pas de personnalisation suffisante) », « les Pages G+ manquent de fonctionnalités intéressantes » etc … Avant de répondre à la question principale de ce billet, je voudrais revenir sur deux points. #1. Je ressens beaucoup d’impatience quand à l’évolution du nombre d’utilisateurs de Google+ (ou sa confirmation). #2. 1. C’est de loin le plus grand avantage des pages Google+. #1 : le bouton +1. #2. #3. 2. 3. Conclusion

Google and Facebook get personal in battle for social networking rewards | Media | The Observer Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has positioned the company as a money-spinning gateway to the web. Photograph: Mike Kepka/San Francisco Chronicle/Corbis It is one month since the launch of Google+, a belated attempt at a social networking tool that invites users to follow friends' activities in their news feed and share favourite content by marking it "+1". If this sounds familiar, it shows the extent to which Google is playing catchup with Facebook, which is brewing a public offering next year that could value the firm at $100bn and, critically, has positioned itself as the gateway to the web for many of its 750 million users. Much of this pressure is down to the abrasive ambition of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Ben Gomes has worked on every aspect of Google's core search product and is leading exploration into the social navigation of search. With data from so many consumers informing so many Google products, why isn't there more personalisation?

10 Tools for Measuring Your Social Media Influence Meaningful exchanges constantly take place all over the social Web on a variety of platforms, connecting people and enabling them to share, critique, and interact with content and with each other. The type of information we share reveals a lot about who we are, who we know, and what we know — people tend to talk about the things they care about/are most knowledgeable about with others who are interested in similar subjects. Social influence occurs when a person’s thoughts, feelings, or actions are affected by others. Who are the influencers in my brand category and how do I find them? Measuring online influence is difficult at best. Klout Klout measures influence based on your ability to drive action. PostRank PostRank monitors and collects social engagement events correlated with online content in real time across the Web. TwentyFeet TwentyFeet is a metrics aggregator for all your social media and Web properties. PeerIndex Empire Avenue Empire Avenue calls itself the Social Stock Market.

The technology behind Google+ Hangouts — Online Video News 13 Cool Examples of Google+ Brand Pages It was only a few days ago when Google+ finally gave us access to brand pages – the moment we have been anticipating since summer. Now, anyone can create their own business page on Google Plus and it seems that within a few days a lot of businesses have decided to do so. The brand pages are still very limited though – for example it’s not possible for the brand page to have more than one admin at the moment. Here are some Google+ brand pages that I thought looked beautiful and here is our post RT@dreamgrow How to Create a Google+ Page for Your Brand. Adidas Originals five pictures make a cool sneaker. If you still haven’t created a Google+ brand page, please read our guide about how to create a Google+ brand page for your business.

Google +: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly [a guest post by Aaron Strout] If you have a pulse, there is a good chance that you've heard the buzz about Google's latest foray into the world of social networking. Their new offering is called Google + (that's pronounced "Google Plus") and at first blush, it seems to have hit the mark. Although the new social network is still in closed beta (invite only), It has already amassed north of 10 million users. As someone that has spent time personally and professionally with social media for six plus years, I've been intrigued with the possibilities that Google + offers. The Good One of the main reasons that Google + is taking off the way it is is because they seem to have gotten the friending/privacy/social graph right via a convention called Circles. The circles come pre-set (although you can customize) so right out of the gate you can start adding people to buckets titled, "Family, Friends, Acquaintances, Following and Work." Lack of business pages also falls into the "bad" category.
