Blog Only 5% of the end-user response time is spent fetching the HTML document. This result holds true for almost all web sites. The most part of websites spend less than 20% of the total response time getting the HTML document. The other 80+% of the time is spent dealing with what's in the HTML document, namely, the front-end. That's why the key to faster web sites is to focus on improving front-end performance. (thanks YAHOO!) There are three main reasons why front-end performance is the place to start. There is more potential for improvement by focusing on the front-end. The performance golden rule is: optimize front-end performance first, that's where 80% or more of the end-user response time is spent. Based on this "golden rules" me and Brian Chan decided (while the New Year's Eve party) to give a New Year's present for Liferay community and start a serie of performance improvements on our front-end. 1. CSS Sprites are the preferred method for reducing the number of image requests. 2. 3.
jQuery UI AJAX Introduction # AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It is used to allow frontend html/javascript communicate with the backend. For example, during a form submit, instead of using HTML forms to POST, AJAX can be used to do an asynchronous javascript POST to a backend script. For more information about AJAX, see Wikipedia - AJAX (Programming) AJAX in Liferay 6 # As of Liferay 6, there is AJAX support built into its current javascript library, Alloy UI. AJAX in Liferay 5 # In Liferay 5.1, the AJAX toolkit has been obsoleted. Liferay 4 used a Liferay-specific utility called AjaxUtil to allow users to easily write Ajax. The javascript AjaxUtil.update() invokes the URL to retrieve this HTML fragment, and replaces the contents of the HTML element specified in the second parameter with the returned HTML. For example, you have a portlet that has a div layer in it, we will call it library. <form> First Name: <input type="text" name="fn" /> Last Name: <input type="text" name="ln" /></form>
10 JavaScript Web UI Libraries, Frameworks and Toolkits Not all libraries are suited for every project, but most developers will still rely on a single UI framework, a faithful friend they will always turn to in times of need. Currently, there are a wide varied range of Web UI frameworks covering varied languages – for today we will focus on JavaScript Web UIs. Related Posts: Below you will find the best 10 JavaScript Web UIs, all offering, to different degrees, solutions. Enjoy! 1. Is “a lightweight, dead simple, microtiny, super modular JavaScript framework for building mobile web applications”. Source + Demo 2. iUI: iPhone User Interface Framework Consists of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images. Source + Demo 3. Is a feature rich UI frameworks, built on YUI 3 and to some degree on YUI 2, that comprises a wide array of components – more than 60 in all – that range from utilities to sugar layers to full-blown UI widgets. Source + Demo 4. Is still under development but is showing some very promising stuff in its roadmap. Source + Demo 5. 8. 9.
jBPM jBPM is a flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite. It makes the bridge between business analysts and developers. Traditional BPM engines have a focus that is limited to non-technical people only. jBPM has a dual focus: it offers process management features in a way that both business users and developers like it. What does jBPM do? A business process allows you to model your business goals by describing the steps that need to be executed to achieve that goal and the order, using a flow chart. This greatly improves the visibility and agility of your business logic, results in higher-level and domain-specific representations that can be understood by business users and is easier to monitor. The core of jBPM is a light-weight, extensible workflow engine written in pure Java that allows you to execute business processes using the latest BPMN 2.0 specification. jBPM is also not just an isolated process engine. Process languages jBPM6 What to do if I encounter problems or have questions?