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SOLO Taxonomy

SOLO Taxonomy
click to view a bigger version As learning progresses it becomes more complex. SOLO, which stands for the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome, is a means of classifying learning outcomes in terms of their complexity, enabling us to assess students’ work in terms of its quality not of how many bits of this and of that they have got right. SOLO can be used not only in assessment, but in designing the curriculum in terms of the learning outcomes intended, which is helpful in implementing constructive alignment. SOLO was first described by Kevin Collis and myself in Evaluating the Quality of Learning: The SOLO Taxonomy (New York: Academic Press, 1982, now out of print, but available in Chinese).

Groupe de formation à l'analyse des pratiques professionnelles : GFAPP L'actualité de la formation à l'A.P.P. Les textes officiels de l'Éducation nationale Ainsi en 1994, dans le premier degré, le "Référentiel des compétences professionnelles du Professeur des Écoles stagiaire en fin de formation initiale"(6) stipule, entre autres que "C'est un enjeu fondamental de la formation initiale que de s'attacher à développer chez tous les futurs enseignants les capacités à analyser et à évaluer sa pratique professionnelle. Ceci implique que l'acquisition des compétences professionnelles se fasse selon des modalités qui permettent au stagiaire de prendre le recul nécessaire à l'analyse de son activité. (…) Il doit avoir été mis en situation d'analyser sa pratique individuellement et collectivement." La formation de formateurs à l'A.P.P. en questions - Se pose alors la question de savoir comment se forment (ou non), à cet effet, les formateurs… - Se pose une autre question : Si cette formation personnelle apparaît comme nécessaire, est-elle suffisante ? Le dispositif

SOLO lesson outcomes and formative assessmnet On Twitter, I recently received sort of valid point about the ability of SOLO taxonomy to provide useful "feed forward". I sort of agree with this, a bit. And, only if you don't plan out the content that is to be learned. One of the inherently beautiful things about SOLO Taxonomy is the incorporation of content knowledge. However, the linear route learning takes appears to be considered axiomatic. Take these examples from the new year 8 Science module currently being planned. define an elementdefine a compounddefine a mixture Each one appears to be unistructural until each definition is dissected. An element is made from one type of atom. can and should be considered unistructural but 2. is clearly multistructural, and now has a clear progression for students to follow. The final one is probably best considered multistructual too, but again their is scope for the development of knowledge here this time to a relational level. 3. Distinguish between compounds and mixtures 4. define a molecule.

Gestes professionnels, gestes de métier : de l’analyse à la formation Le 5 février dernier, la Chaire UNESCO « Former les enseignants au XXIe siècle » organisait une journée d’étude sur « Les gestes professionnels des enseignants comme objet d’étude et objet de formation ». La colonne vertébrale de cette journée a été deux extraits vidéos, des moments de vie d’une même classe et deux enseignants, l’une de français, l’autre de maths. Dans son introduction à la journée, Luc Ria a posé le décor, sur le fond et sur la forme que pouvaient prendre les réflexions et travaux sur les gestes professionnels[1]. Quelles méthodes pour les étudier ? Existe-t-il une culture partagée sur des gestes professionnels ? Ces gestes professionnels sont-ils révélateurs des préoccupations des enseignants ? On verra qu’au fil de la journée se pose la question d’une définition du geste professionnel. Pour aborder ces différentes problématiques, les chercheurs qui sont intervenus lors de cette journée ont apporté leur analyse des deux situations visionnées. Agir en tension

The Secret SOLO'ist Part 1 A few years back I undertook a whole load of reading and research to develop the quality of my teaching. I was introduced to a number of different strategies and teaching methods. I am very confident in the fact that if I don't believe in something or can't see it having an impact, I won't add it to my teaching repertoire. One thing I did come across via Geoff Petty which really caught my interest was SOLO taxonomy. I have decided, thanks to all of the interesting posts by Tait Coles, Paul Mcintosh, David Didau, Darren Mead and Ben Horbury, that I am now ready to start introducing SOLO Taxonomy into my lessons. The first attempt Through Twitter I got in contact with Ben Horbury who is a PE teacher, also looking to develop his use of SOLO. The session was loosely based around SOLO and used some slides that Ben Horbury had shared with my. After the allocated time was up, learners rotated around so they joined another group, leaving a spokesperson behind.

2006 - L'analyse des pratiques dans la formation des enseignants Au cours de la journée, des chercheurs ont présenté leurs travaux : - Florence Giust-Desprairies, Université de Paris VIII, laboratoire ESCOL-ESSI - Aline Robert, IUFM de Versailles, laboratoire DIDIREM - Claudine Blanchard-Laville, Université de Paris X, laboratoire CREF - (Empêchée, elle a confié à Florence Giust-Desprairies le soin de lire sa conférence).- Richard Etienne, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, laboratoire CERFEE-IRSA - Patrick Mayen, ENESAD, unité de recherche : développement professionnel et formation. Important : Les productions audiovisuelles et multimédias de l'IUFM de Créteil sont disponibles dans les Centres de Ressources et de Documentation (CRD) de Livry, Melun et Bonneuil. DVD-vidéo disponible dans les CRD.

Solo Taxonomy and MentorMob. A Match Made in Heaven? The concept was first developed in 1982 (Biggs and Collis) and has since been defined as: ‘Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome, a means of classifying learning outcomes in terms of their complexity, enabling us to assess students’ work in terms of its quality not of how many bits of this and of that they got right.’ John Biggs (2007) The use of this linear structure allows teachers to focus a class and add layers to learning. Personally I have heard SOLO taxonomy described as ‘levels of learning’ and ‘degrees of difficulty’. (SOLO Tasksheet – Tait Coles 2012) This step by step process has been successfully defined and used by a number of teachers in the classroom who have kindly given permission for their findings to be discussed (see recommended blogs below). It seems the skill of using SOLO lies in the ability of the teacher to set appropriate learning opportunities. So where does figure in all of this? Watch this space. Recommended Blogs References: Like this:

Hexagonal Learning The mantra of all successful lesson observations these days is that students should be seen to be making progress. Perhaps the best way to show that you’re having an impact on their knowledge and understanding is to show that the learning is ‘deep’. By that I mean, knowledge that transfers from students’ working memories into their long-term memories. Students understand new ideas by relating them to existing ones. Psychology prof Daniel Willingham‘s advice to teachers is as follows: Provide examples and get students to compare themMake deep knowledge the spoken and unspoken emphasisAccept that shallow knowledge is better than nothing Using SOLO will help address these points: I’ve been grappling with SOLO for some time now and owe a huge debt to Lisa Jane Ashes who has managed to explain it more clearly than anyone else. Why hexagons? You can put whatever you want onto the hexagons, or leave them blank for the kids to fill in. This can work equally well with language analysis. Like this:

SOLO Stations There seems to an awful lot of excellent posts written about SOLO Taxonomy at the moment, which is obviously absolutely fantastic …..I just thought I’d best write one to keep up with the very high standard of reflection and sharing! The idea for SOLO Stations came from a great blog post from @DVPLearning found here in the post Steven describes a Year 10 PE Revision lesson in which “He then explained what the next task was going to be. This is where teach, do, review comes in! The teacher explained that they needed to move themselves in to one of three groups. I really like this idea of students having ownership of their learning and choosing where they would start their learning journey. Firstly I needed my Year 7 students to gauge and assess where they thought their learning was at (we were looking at Forces). I explained this in quite some detail – obviously the more I do of this the less time I will need to explain the protocol.

SOLO Taxonomy by Tait Coles on Prezi
