www.southampton.ac.uk/~sjc/raspberrypi/pi_supercomputer_southampton.htm?et_cid=22268265&et_rid=3560575&Linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.southampton.ac.uk%2f~sjc%2fraspberrypi%2fpi_supercomputer_southampton.htm&CMP=EMC-22268265 Return to View video at: Prof Simon Cox Computational Engineering and Design Research Group Faculty of Engineering and the Environment University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. V0.2: 8th September 2012 V0.3: 30th November 2012 [Updated with less direct linking to MPICH2 downloads] V0.4: 9th January 2013 [Updated step 33] First steps to get machine up 1. I originally used: 2012-08-16-wheezy-raspbian.zip Updated 30/11/12: 2012-10-28-wheezy-raspbian.zip My advice is to to check the downloads page on raspberrypi.org and use the latest version. 2. You will use the “Write” option to put the image from the disk to your card 3. 4. $ sudo raspi-config 5. $ passwd 6. $ exit 7. 8. $ sudo apt-get update 9.
Mobile Raspberry Pi Computer: Build your own portable Pi-to-Go Aw, yes, the Raspberry Pi Computer, a credit card size mini PC that only cost $35. There are so many possibilities and uses for these small nano PCs. People have made them into PVRs (personal video recorders), retro gaming machines, weather stations, in-car PCs, jukeboxes, and so many more creative ideas. When I started this project four weeks ago, I just wanted to see if it was possible to make an ultra portable, mobile Raspberry Pi that you can take to-go. My mobile Raspberry Pi Computer is now complete and because this is an open source project I wanted to show you everything, including how to build one yourself. Just a quick blurb about myself. LCD Screen The LCD I used is from an after market backup camera system that can be installed in a car. Battery Pack First off, be very careful when messing with lithium-ion batteries. Charging the battery was easy, I just purchased an after market laptop battery charger. Internal Powered Hub Extended Storage 64GB SSD, yes I did! Operating System
60 Excellent Free 3D Model Websites 3D printers have immensely revolutionized the art and manufacturing industry. With advancements in the 3D printer technology, it is now not very difficult to own one, even in your home or office. Moreover, you don’t have to be an AutoCAD engineer to design a 3D model for your needs, as this job is taken up by numerous 3D model websites. So, either you want to create 3D furniture, a mechanical component, or even human or animal figurines, here are 50 of the best free 3D model websites to cover up all your needs. 10 Cheap and Affordable 3D Printers to Buy 10 Cheap and Affordable 3D Printers to Buy There was a time when 3D printers were a novelty - but not anymore. Pikbest Pikbest offers thousands of 3D models that are presented under various categories like decoration, wedding, appliances, bathroom, kitchen, furniture. GrabCAD GrabCAD Community Library offers 2.8+ million designs and models including CADs, thanks to its largest community of designers, engineers, and students. CGTrader Clara.io
Raspberry Pi without keyboard, mouse nor screen. &emdash; Edmundo Fuentes I’ve been wanting to mess around with a Raspberry Pi ever since the day it was announced. The thing is, right now I’m studying abroad, so buying a dedicated set of peripherals (keyboard, mouse, screen, etc..) was not an option. However, it occurred to me that I could use my own MacBook as my RPi’s HMI. I’ve written this little guide to help you configure your RPi with a lightweight VNC server to get you started in case you lack the hardware peripherals. 0. I’m not going to get into much detail here since it’s been widely discussed on the web. 1. This is actually the “hardest” step since it’s pretty much guessing and a little bit of luck. I’m using my MacBook’s built in “Internet Sharing” feature, I’m sharing my internet connection from WiFi to my ethernet port, to which the RPi is directly connected. To find your RPi’s IP address, open your Terminal and start running pings from to 2. > ssh pi@192.168.2.X Replace X with whatever IP address you found. Congrats! 3.
Lab Notes: Zack’s Wearable RasPi I’m Zack Freedman, part man, part Raspberry Pi! I’m writing this blog post from a wearable cyborg Raspberry Pi, or as I like to call it, Pi in the Face. When Rob Bishop of the Raspberry Pi Foundation visited the space yesterday, he challenged the attendees to build a project using the tiny open-source computer. I decided, why not take advantage of its small size to make myself a cyborg? Wearable technology is my main area of hacking, so I had some parts lying around. The brains of the operation are, of course, a RasPi. No one brought a wi-fi dongle, so no wireless intertubes. I built this with parts lying around, but a similar setup would cost just over $100. If you’re interested in wearables, cyborg tech, and augmented reality, I write about the subjects weekly on my blog.
Credit card-sized Raspberry Pi computer gets a video cam! Just when you thought you can no longer squeeze anything else into the tiny Raspberry Pi computer, think again: the puny device is getting a video camera. A report on PC World said developers expect to make the HD camera available by early spring, though the camera's specifications have yet to be finalized. "The first cameras are expected to come with a 15-centimeter (just under 6 inches) flat cable and sell for around $25. The lens on the camera is similar to those found on many camera phones and is expected to provide 5 megapixels," PC World said. It quoted Raspberry Pi developers as saying the camera board is an alternative to using USB cameras with the Raspberry Pi. They said a camera board may give a better-quality resolution at a lower price, compared to USB-based counterparts. Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into a TV and a keyboard. While tiny, it can do many things a regular desktop PC does, including playing high-definition video. — TJD, GMA News
Build an LED Indicator with a Raspberry Pi (for Email, Weather, or Anything) The Raspberry Pi makes a nice compact platform to attach an indicator light to for all sorts of projects—weather notification, new emails, etc. Read on as we show you how to hook up an LED module to your Pi and set up some basic notifications. Why Do I Want to Do This? Because it’s fun. The Raspberry Pi is a perfect device to play around with, experiment with electronics, and learn some programming. What Do I Need? To follow along with out tutorial you’ll need a few things. In addition to having a functional Pi unit with Raspbian installed on it you’ll need the following things: Note: The clear/frosted Pi case is entirely optional but if you’re currently using an opaque case then your LED indicator will be hidden inside. Installing the LedBorg Installing the module is a snap as it’s designed to fit directly over the GPIO pins on the Pi. We covered ours with a layer of white electrical tape. Installing the LedBorg Software If your Raspberry Pi board has no mounting holes, it is Revision 1.
How to make a Raspberry Pi Case | Design Modelling with Jude Pullen Step-by-Step Instructions Individual parts broken down into short 1-3min. videos. Some with time-lapse to keep it short – but still show the techniques. (As mentioned – still work in progress, so please send any suggestions to jude_pullen@yahoo.com ). Screenshots A quick overview of the main parts of the tutorial. Sketches Work through a few ideas you might have in rough first. Rough-Mock-Ups Don’t worry about being too accurate – play around with different styles/materials. Basic Template You can also download my original layout here. 90 Degree Joint Technique If you are new to this ‘filleting’ method, using a ruler, click here. I’m Sticking With You… Yup, this part takes a while, but the result is pretty unusual, I think. Simple Window You can always make a simple viewing window, rather than Light Pipes. Professional Light Pipes For the modelling connoisseur. Score & Snap Easier than you think – and saves a lot of time once you get the hang of it. Super Glue (Tip) Light Pipe Test Check Before Gluing