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48 great examples of doodle art

48 great examples of doodle art
Doodling is a great, fun way of expressing yourself. But it's often underrated as an art form. Yet doodle art can help you learn how to draw and make a great addition to your design portfolio – as highlighted by these brilliant examples. Combining child-like doodles with expressive illustrations, they show how doodling can be used to create beautiful and arresting designs. Who knew there were so many doodle art styles? 01. Bold and beautiful, this gorgeous piece is the work of illustrator Hattie Stewart (as is the opening image). Best known for her 'doodle bombs', Stewart frequently redesigns magazine covers with her own twist. 02. Jon Burgerman is best known for his colourful, fluid and playful creations and this one is no exception. The brief was to depict the trials and tribulations of being an artist, including creating a concept, playing with ideas, taking a break and checking emails. 03. 04. 05. This South Korean artist is the master of the doodle. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. Related:  belleisart & design

Håll koll på din reklam - Adbusters är här "Reklamen är mördande farlig, ett hot mot ett naturligt liv. Den lurar oss att köpa saker vi inte vill ha, lockar våra barn att driva utpressning hemma och tvingar oss att byta ut saker vi trivs med." Så skrev Sven Lindqvist i sin bok "Reklamen är livsfarlig" som utkom första gången 1957. Det medhåll Sven Lindqvist fick då är en skärva av vad han hade fått om boken getts ut för första gången idag. Kritiken mot reklamen och dess negativa påverkan på samhället ökar hela tiden och i nätverket Adbusters har den sina ivrigaste påhejare. Adbusters har sitt ursprung i Kanada och finns snart över hela världen. Sedan en tid finns Adbusters i Norge där de ger ut en norsk version av tidningen. Företag som vill fortsätta att framgångsrikt sälja sina produkter och tjänster kan inte längre se kritiken mot reklamen som något obskyrt. Medvetenheten bland mottagare av reklam om hur den påverkar samhället ökar i samma takt som den allmänna skepsismen mot kommersiella budskap.

A Rake's Progress | Sir John Soane's Museum A Rake’s Progress tells the story of the fictional Tom Rakewell in a series of eight paintings. Tom inherits a fortune from his miserly father – but then follows a path to vice and destruction. Painted in 1733, it followed the hugely successful A Harlot's Progress (1730) – another ‘modern moral subject’ – which was sadly destroyed in a fire in 1755. The paintings were bought from William Beckford at a Christie’s auction in 1802. Originally hung at Soane's country villa, Pitzhanger Manor in Ealing, the paintings were moved back to Lincoln's Inn Fields in 1810. In this scene, we meet our hero, Tom Rakewell. Tom attempts to pay off a servant girl, Sarah Young – her gold ring revealing an earlier, now retracted, promise of marriage. In his new palatial town lodgings, Tom holds a morning reception in the manner of a fashionable gentleman. On the wall hang three new Italian paintings. Tom has squandered his fortune. Behind them, Sarah Young and her mother are being held back at the church door.

andrea joseph's sketchblog Home - OK-Studios - Corporate Design & Brand Creation - Typo3 & Magento Agentur Hamburg Los Angeles – Explore Parts Unknown Around halfway through the shoot, somebody called me and asked if I knew about “the Morrissey thing.” They said, “Morrissey is HUGE with Chicanos! Check it out.” This seemed, frankly, an incongruous if not an outright unbelievable assertion. If true, what was it about Morrissey—an English son of Irish immigrants, famous for his songs about doomed love, bad sex, homoeroticism, vulnerability, and alienation—that resonated so powerfully with Mexican-Americans? So I started asking everybody I spoke with as we filmed—from Ultimate Fighting stars Nate and Nick Diaz and Gilbert Melendez—to action hero Danny Trejo. In the end, I think, this question cracked the code. And what young Mexican and Mexican-American chefs are doing—here and in Mexico—is some of the most exciting and promising news in food. I spent most of my life as a cook and chef working with Mexicans.

Lektion 9: Politisk reklam - Media Smart I lektionen kommer eleverna få arbeta med frågor om hur partier använder olika medier i sin reklam, vilka för- och nackdelar dessa har och vilken typ av reklam som är bäst. Lektionen är utformad för att börja på faktanivå och sedan lyfta eleverna till analys och reflektion. Det här behöver du Internetuppkoppling och teknik för att spela upp filmklipp (projektor, datorer, plattor eller telefoner) samt anteckningsmaterial. Lektionslängd Räkna med upp till 20 till 30 minuter för varje steg i lektionen, som består av: 1. Så här gör du Läs igenom lektionen och förbered dig gärna genom att titta igenom de tre exempel på reklam som finns. Försök avgöra vilka frågor eller uppgifter som engagerar eleverna mest, så att arbetet och diskussionen blir engagerande. Lektionen handlar om att resonera kring politisk reklam. Lektionen är tänkt som en växling mellan diskussioner i smågrupper och i helklass utifrån tre olika medier. Hur kan man tänka kring allt detta? Inled lektionen med följande: 1.

James Gillray: The Art of Caricature James Gillray (1756-1815) was the leading caricaturist of his time, an artist of outstanding inventiveness who continues to influence satirists today. Satire has often been seen as the disposable art of an urban, commercialised culture, one of the plethora of consumer goods which are continually outdated and replaced by new offerings. Graphic satire usually deals with fleeting events, so that its value as art, whether of the cartoons in our daily papers or 18th century caricatures, appears to last no longer than the topicality of its subject matter. The exhibition is arranged in broadly chronological order. This exhibition has been organised in association with the British Museum

25 Beautiful Character Designs and Movie stills from Pixar's Brave - Animation Movie Dad’s Clock Know more about Undo, History, and Revert in Photoshop Dreamweaver Tutorial: How to Convert a .PSD to .HTML The Emerging Art Of Reverse Graffiti Also known as clean tagging, dust tagging, grime writing, green graffiti or clean advertising, reverse graffiti is a method of creating temporary or semi permanent images through the removal of dirt. It is often done by removing grime with fingers – as is often seen on dirty cars – but can also involve larger-scale crud removal via a high power washer. You're the Top "You're the Top" is a Cole Porter song from the 1934 musical Anything Goes. It is about a man and a woman who take turns complimenting each other. The best-selling version was Paul Whiteman's Victor single, which made the top five. It was the most popular song from Anything Goes at the start with hundreds of parodies.[1][2] The lyrics are particularly notable because they offer a snapshot as to what was highly prized in the mid-1930s and demonstrate Porter's rhyming ability. Some of the lyrics were re-written by P. People and items referenced in the song[edit] The following is a list of many of the references made in the song: P. Versions of the song[edit] Parodies[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

