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Startup America Partnership

Startup America Partnership
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Reverse innovation Reverse innovation or trickle-up innovation is a term referring to an innovation seen first, or likely to be used first, in the developing world before spreading to the industrialized world. The term was popularized by Dartmouth professors Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble and GE's Jeffrey R. Immelt.[1][1][2][3][4] Subsequently, Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble published the book Reverse Innovation.[5] Reverse innovation refers broadly to the process whereby goods developed as inexpensive models to meet the needs of developing nations, such as battery-operated medical instruments in countries with limited infrastructure, are then repackaged as low-cost innovative goods for Western buyers. Definition[edit] The process of reverse innovation begins by focusing on needs and requirements for low-cost products in countries like India and China. C.K. Reverse innovation in global health systems[edit] Other examples[edit] Reverse innovations are not always disruptive innovations.[16]

Startup America Startup America is a White House initiative that was launched to celebrate, inspire, and accelerate high-growth entrepreneurship throughout the nation. "Entrepreneurs embody the promise of America: the idea that if you have a good idea and are willing to work hard and see it through, you can succeed in this country. And in fulfilling this promise, entrepreneurs also play a critical role in expanding our economy and creating jobs." —President Barack Obama, January 31, 2011 Startups are engines of job creation. In January 2011, President Obama called on both the federal government and the private sector to dramatically increase the prevalence and success of entrepreneurs across the country. Since launch, the Obama Administration rolled out a set of entrepreneur-focused policy initiatives in five areas:

Benefits of Using Open Source Software The outline flow of this section is as follows: Introduction Open Source's proponents often claim that it offers significant benefits when compared to typical commercial products. Open Source Software developers are evidently motivated by many factors but favouring features over quality is not noticeable amongst them. "The Open Source community attracts very bright, very motivated developers, who although frequently unpaid, are often very disciplined. "... There is abundant anecdotal evidence for truth in those claims but reliable and comparable statistical measures are not available to our knowledge. Authors are motivated by pride and peer recognition rather than a development plan supplied by the marketing department. In the following paragraphs we look at the claims, outline why they are considered benefits and describe the ways that the Open Source process provides substance to the claims. Reliability Reliability is a loose term. Stability Auditability CONECTA2000 notes: Cost

Empresas lançam projeto que estimula o empreendedorismo | Guia do Bolso Você tem uma boa ideia de negócio e não sabe ao certo o que fazer com ela? Falta de tempo, de dinheiro ou até receio impedem que seu plano saia do papel e se torne uma realidade? Como sugerido pelos internautas, o prazo foi estendido, e, até segunda-feira, 22, é possível se inscrever para a segunda edição do evento ‘Projeto de Garagem’, idealizado e organizado pelas empresas Inesplorato e IdeaFixa, com o intuito de possibilitar que novas ideias se transformem em ações de sucesso. Para participar, o potencial empreendedor deve se inscrever pelo site e contar a sua proposta, que será avaliada por uma banca de curadores. Os selecionados, então, serão auxiliados por especialistas a amadurecerem e formatarem seus planos, que poderão ser apresentadas a empresários e executivos no dia do evento. Para os idealizadores do programa, o cenário é perfeito para captar possíveis investidores. E a vontade de empreender do brasileiro é cada vez maior.

Key Advantage of Open Source is Not Cost Savings Computer Economics recently conducted a survey of visitors to its website regarding the perceived advantages in the use of open source software. Although not a scientific sample, the results are nevertheless startling. As nearly everyone knows, open source software is a low cost alternative to proprietary software. For example, the open source Linux operating system is commonly seen as a low cost alternative to Microsoft's Server 2003 operating system, or Sun's version of Unix. One might think, therefore, that the key advantage of open source software is its low cost of ownership. Open Source Does Have AdvantagesOur survey offered respondents a choice of five advantages for open source. Lower total cost of ownershipReduced dependence on software vendors Easier to customizeHigher level of securityDo not see a significant advantage The results of the survey are shown in the chart below. Before we discuss at the topmost advantage of open source, let's look at what respondents are not saying.

Economia Criativa Memória Historiadora lança livro sobre o inconfidente Cláudio Manuel da Costa What Is The Immigrant Perspective? While immigrants have created new opportunities for America's corporations that have contributed greatly to the economy, there exists a tremendous gap in how to utilize the immigrant population in the US. Not just those immigrants that come to the US to find a better life, but the immigrant that exists in all of us. Glenn Llopis Group is the only organization that helps corporations and individuals become authentic leaders by understanding the competitive advantages of thinking like immigrants. This makes us unique in that we not only help Hispanics (Center For Hispanic Leadership), but also mainstream professionals in the workplace to embrace their inherent cultural roots and apply them in how they think, act and innovate. America is struggling economically and learning how to reinvent itself from developing countries throughout the world. The Immigrant Perspective on Business Leadership By Glenn Llopis, October 2011 Download the White Paper -– Glenn Llopis Read more Clients Have Included:

Quais são as chances para um novo talento ter seu trabalho produzido hoje em dia? - Popmídia Talentos Esta é uma das maiores dúvidas – senão a maior – que rondam a cabeça de todos os talentos iniciantes ou em começo de carreira, sejam escritores, compositores, músicos, videomakers, animadores, ilustradores, quadrinhistas, etc. Mas a resposta que temos é motivadora: hoje em dia, praticamente todo e qualquer projeto criativo, artístico ou cultural pode ser produzido. E com boa qualidade! A tecnologia atual propicia a todos os talentos, sejam novos ou veteranos, terem seus trabalhos produzidos gastando muito pouco – ou até mesmo nada – nesse processo. Quem trabalha com vídeo ou animação também tem muitos recursos para filmar com qualidade com câmeras digitais ou até mesmo com celulares. Mesmo assim, o nosso conselho é este: entre de cabeça no mundo da “auto-produção” e você verá as muitas vantagens e a liberdade que esse processo oferece. E, se precisar de orientação, fale conosco, pois temos serviços criados especialmente para autores e produtores indepedentes de qualquer lugar do país.

Triple bottom line Accounting framework Background[edit] In traditional business accounting and common usage, the "bottom line" refers to either the "profit" or "loss", which is usually recorded at the very bottom line on a statement of revenue and expenses. Over the last 50 years, environmentalists and social justice advocates have struggled to bring a broader definition of bottom line into public consciousness by introducing full cost accounting. For example, if a corporation shows a monetary profit, but their asbestos mine causes thousands of deaths from asbestosis, and their copper mine pollutes a river, and the government ends up spending taxpayer money on health care and river clean-up, how can we capture a fuller societal cost benefit analysis? An example of an organization seeking a triple bottom line would be a social enterprise run as a non-profit, but earning income by offering opportunities for handicapped people who have been labelled "unemployable", to earn a living by recycling.

Empreendemia Full cost accounting Environmental Full cost accounting (EFCA) generally refers to the process of collecting and presenting information — about environmental, social, and economic costs and benefits/advantages (collectively known as the "triple bottom line") - for each proposed alternative when a decision is necessary. It is a conventional method of cost accounting that traces direct costs and allocates indirect costs. [1] A synonym, true cost accounting (TCA) is also often used. Experts consider both terms problematic as definitions of "true" and "full" are inherently subjective (see Green economics for more on these problems). Since costs and advantages are usually considered in terms of environmental, economic and social impacts, full or true cost efforts are collectively called the "triple bottom line". Because of this evolution of terminology in public sector use especially, the term full-cost accounting is now more commonly used in management accounting, e.g. infrastructure management and finance.

Need an Investor? 5 Places You Might Not Have Thought to Look In this current economy, it is still very difficult to get a loan or line of credit from a bank for your small business startup. Use a simple CRM like Base to manage your relationships with both potential clients and investors. So your business plan is ready to go and you have an executive summary that will blow the socks right off of any investor. The only issue? You’re struggling actually find one. While theoretically anyone can be a potential investor, below are a few possible areas that will help you jumpstart your search in the hopes of finding the “right one.” 1. Small business owners and entrepreneurs sometimes invest in other businesses too. When approaching a former employer as an investor, you’ve already demonstrated your loyalty and strong work ethic in the past, giving you a leg-up on a complete stranger. 2. Career specialists really stress the importance of students networking with other students and officials in order to secure a job right out of college. 3. 4. 5.
