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Playground - ArduinoUsers

Playground - ArduinoUsers
:: Exhibition :: The place to share and show off projects Until someone finds a way to categorize what is here, be sure to remember that your browser has a "find in this page" tool (ctrl-F in Firefox) which can help you find what you are looking for! Arduino user projects How Did I Improve My Central Heating Control with Arduino? - Before I started this project, my central heating was controlled with Danfoss TP7000 room thermostat only by switching heating pump ON-OFF.

Detail pin out of several device Liquidware : Open Source Electronics Tutorial: Arduino and Push-wheel switches - Birds on the Wire Welcome back fellow arduidans! In this article we go back to the past via the use of push-wheel/thumb-wheel switches with out Arduino systems. Here are some examples sourced from somewhere on eBay: For the uninitiated, each switch is one vertical segment and they can be connected together to form various sizes. The switch’s value is made available via binary-coded decimal. We have common on the left, then contacts for 1, 2, 4 and 8. By now you should realise that it would be easy to read the value of a switch – and you’re right, it is. From a hardware perspective, we need to take into account one more thing – the push-wheel switch behaves electrically like four normally-open push buttons. Now it is a simple matter to connect the outputs labelled 1, 2, 4, and 8 to (for example) digital pins 8, 9, 10 and 11. Example 40.1 The function readSwitch() is the key. Ok it doesn’t look like much, but if you need numerical entry it saves a lot of physical space and offers a precise method of entry.

Electronics DIY - Electronic Schematics FM Transmitters TV Transmitters Stereo Transmitters Remote-controlled fiber-optic Ceiling Light with Arduino , who wants to partecipate to our iniziative “ ”, sent us his new application with Arduino to demonstrate his skills in this field: a . Mauro decribes himself: The idea was to built a ceiling lamp that lights with a little surprise: a starry sky in my living room, even in the dark nights. To achieve my goal I used a wood table with many holes with different diameters that house the optical fibers. Each element is made with four LEDs connected in common anode way as shown in the figure: The schematic with Arduino and its control circuit is shown in the figure above: it is a very simple circuit that I built on a breadboard. The transistor connected to the white LEDs is connected to pin 10 of Arduino, the TIP122 of the red LEDs to pin 9, the green LEDs to pin 6, that of the blue LEDs to pin 5. Finally, the IR receiver (TSOP31238) is connected to the positive line of Arduino with a resistor of 100 Ohm and whose output is connected to pin 11. #define FNV_PRIME_32 16777619 IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

What Is Sanguino? - revolights. join the revolution. by Kent, Adam & Jim Dear Kickstarter Supporter, Thanks for checking out our project. We hope you are as excited about revolutionizing the bike light industry as we are. With your help, we will morph the Revolights bike lighting system into an innovative solution used worldwide. We recognize these lights are different, but we're from the Bay Area where different is, well, sometimes better. Today we have a product (patent pending); a product we're proud of and believe in, but it's not complete! What is the Revolights bike lighting system? (Battery holding device and battery are not pictured, but they will be located on the hub. Where's development at? What's the money for? So, in short: 1) prototype design, 2) prototype building, 3) tester program design, 4) tester acquisition, 5) program execution, 6) data analysis, 7) and repeat… If funds remain, we will use them to build the working capital necessary for manufacturing the first production batch of the Revolights bike lighting system. In 2008 [1]:

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Focus stacking assistant for EOS cameras Focus Stacking Assistant [EDIT] Here is a build log of mini-variant of this device.[/EDIT] One of my favorite shooting techniques is focus stacking. Finished circuit can be seen on the title picture. The controller can also be set to “free run” mode. A single LED shows states of the controller. Even while connected to the camera, Focus Stacking Assistant allows camera buttons to function as usual. The control software is hosted on gitHub. The code has been extensively tested with Canon 5D Mark II and XSi cameras, it should work with any Canon DSLR with LiveView function. Oleg. No related posts.
