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Journalism Warning Labels & Tom Scott

Journalism Warning Labels & Tom Scott
Contents Not Verified It seems a bit strange to me that the media carefully warn about and label any content that involves sex, violence or strong language — but there's no similar labelling system for, say, sloppy journalism and other questionable content. I figured it was time to fix that, so I made some stickers. The articles these stickers are attached to are used strictly as an illustration: I'm not passing judgment on the specific articles or journalists. Let's start with the obvious one. I'm not sure how these newspapers would fill their pages without these. Oh yeah, that's what they use. The Daily Mail's attempt to classify everything as either 'causing' and 'curing' cancer is already well documented, but there are plenty of wacky medical claims in all the newspapers. This sticker's mainly for celebrity articles: Starsuckers did a good job of showing just how little verification is frequently done. ...and we all know what happens when you do this. Enough said, really. Make your own!

Medieval Sourcebook Update Information 2006: In 2006 the Internet Medieval Sourcebooks and associated sourcebooks are undergoing a major overhaul to remove bad links and add more documents. 2. This project is both very large and fairly old in Internet terms. At the time it was instigated (1996), it was not clear that web sites [and the documents made available there] would often turn out to be transient. As a result there is a process called "link rot" - which means that a "broken link" is a result of someone having taken down a web page. 2. 3. Note: This site aims to present medieval sources. Sourcebook Contents The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is organized as three main index pages, with a number of supplementary documents. Selected Sources This is the main entry to the resources here. Full Text Sources Full texts of medieval sources arranged according to type. Saints' Lives Devoted to Ancient, Medieval and Byzantine hagiographical sources. Supplementary Documents Help! Internet Sourcebook: Multimedia

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Lisa Gold: Research Maven aM laboratory AFFICHES Fais ton affiche de la fête des Lumières en 4 étapes et économise 40 000€ Cette semaine, dans notre catégorie tutoriel, nous vous proposons de refaire l’affiche de la fête des Lumières à Lyon en 4 étapes. La fête des Lumières est le principal événement touristique de Lyon. Durée: 3 min.Coût: 5$Niveau: Débutant Étape 1 Faire une recherche sur une banque image avec le mot clef « Abstract background ». ex: Étape 2 Ouvrir l’image dans Photoshop et effectuer une rotation de 90° via le menu « Image / Rotation de l’image / 90° horaire » Étape 3 Composer dans Illustrator le bloc titre en utilisant la typographie « Univers Condensed ». Étape 4 Importer dans Photoshop le titre précédemment composé, puis rajouter les logos des partenaires. Voilà c’est fini. La semaine prochaine La semaine prochaine nous verrons comment faire une affiche avec un homme battu pour un grand événement culturel. En savoir plus… Droit de réponse

OFFF 2009 | Sponsor Titles - Onesize Motion Direction Design Client: OFFF 2009 Created Icw: Craque Date: April 2009 Role: Concept, Direction, Production Audio: Jeff Dodson Format: SD Widescreen Length: 8 Min.12 Sec. Download: still to come Info: 36 Logo's, 4 weeks for concepting, pre- and postproduction .... This 8 Minute long short, was actually meant to be 4 minutes in length. The challenge here was to tell a story which would, in a fun kind of way, show the audience38 logo's wrapped in this years' theme "Failing Gracefully". In design, we fail gracefully all the time. But in the end Zlad manages to "create" something that satisfies him by accident, but still needs a little tweak Zlad Klitschko; "Good enough, just a little tweak and I am done..."
