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Q-value Software QVALUE
Downloading: Features: This software takes a list of p-values resulting from the simultaneous testing of many hypotheses and estimates their q-values. A point-and-click interface is now available! The q-value of a test measures the proportion of false positives incurred (called the false discovery rate) when that particular test is called significant. References: Estimation Methodology: Storey JD. (2002) A direct approach to false discovery rates. Credits: QVALUE was written by Alan Dabney and John Storey.
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MDACC: Cancer Genomics: Tutorials
Listed below are several introductory tutorials on microarray and SAGE related topics. Additional courses will be posted here as they are written. Analysis of Microarray Data Course material for the GSBS course "Analysis of Microarray Data". A Close Look at a Microarray Image Web introduction by Keith Baggerly Basic Analysis of a Single Microarray Web introduction by Kevin Coombes Analysis of SAGE Data; An Introduction PowerPoint talk presented in the MD Anderson Bioinformatics Workshop An Introduction to Sweave Pdf version of one talk given at the FDA in 2008.