Psychology 101 at AllPsych Online Introduction and Authorship Welcome to Psychology 101. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable, we are about to start class. Psych 101 is a general psychology text adapted to an online guided format. This online text represents a summary of the major theories, concepts, and treatment approaches in the field of psychology. To go to the next page and see the table of contents, click on the next page arrow in the bottom-right or skip to the chapter you are interested in by using the links on the left. Have fun, and happy learning! Author: Dr. Licensed Psychologist
Coincidence is an Illusion - What is Synchronicity? All Coincidences Have Meaning Nothing Happens by Chance Have you ever experienced a coincidence so incredible that it left you stunned? If so, then you have just taken a step into the amazing world of Synchronicity. What happens in most people’s lives is beyond their control. Your most carefully planned project can be ruined by a single chance event, but a seemingly ridiculous idea could be a huge success due to chance! Cause and Effect are an Illusion How much has chance played a role in your life? It isn’t enough to just plan your future. Chance Will be the Defining Factor in Your Life Don’t believe it? Johnny Depp the American actor went to an audition with a friend. Why don’t people believe in chance? If you think luck doesn’t play a role in your life, you’re kidding yourself. Did you know that you can influence chance and luck in a precise way? Control is not the answer. Chaos Theory Chaos theory is about how complex the world is. Can you see how a small change affects your whole life?
ARCS This article or section is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some sections may be missing, some information may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved etc. Use your judgment! 1 Definition ARCS is an instructional design model developed by John Keller and that focuses on motivation. This model is particularly important for distance education, since motivation seems to be a key factor that determines if learner's complete their training. 2 Basic aspects The significance of motivation was early developed by some scientists. Attention - Getting and Holding Learners's Interests and Attention Relevance - The learning has to show a kind of usefulness. (Niegemann 2008) See also: Super motivation 3 The ARCS Model of Motivational Design (This needs to be rewritten sometimes, it's basically just a potpourri from links you can find below - Daniel K. Attention (perceptual arousal, inquiry arousal, variability) The learner has to believe that learning is relevant.
Brain and Cognitive Sciences | MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials – Mozilla Firefox Free Homeschool High School Credit Planner - Five J's Homeschool Planning coursework for high school can be a daunting task. How do I know which courses my child needs to take? Will my child have enough credits in each subject to meet my state's graduation requirements? I had the same questions last year when my son started his freshman year of high school. So I made up a spreadsheet to help me plan his four years of high school credits. Here's how the homeschool high school credit planner works. 1. On this sheet you'll type in the subjects and all the coursework and credits you want your child to complete based on your state's graduation requirements or the admission requirements for your college of choice, whichever you prefer. For example, in Math you might need 4 credits and your required coursework might be as follows: 1st credit—Alg I2nd credit—Geometry3rd credit—Alg II4rd credit—Choose from: precalculus, trigonometry, computer science. This might take a bit of research on your part since all states have different graduation requirements. 2.
Cases of Time Slips A white Ford pickup pulled up to cattle pasture near Ponca City, Oklahoma, in early Fall 1971, and stopped at a gate. Karl, Mark, and Gordon worked for cattle feed distributor and were sent to this remote area to pick up a feeder. What they found there has kept them silent for 41 years. “We opened the gate, which was barbed wire with no lock, and entered,” Karl said. “We went on the property, which was covered with grass up to and over the hood of the truck.” They drove through the tall grass to the tank that sat close to a red barn and got out of the truck. “We realized the tank was almost half full and too heavy to load,” Karl said. The trio drove back to the cattle feed company and the boss said he’d drain the tank and they could pick it up tomorrow. “We went to the location to retrieve the tank the next night,” Karl said. They drove onto the property over the path they’d made through the grass the day before and loaded the tank. “It was no longer there,” Karl said. “What year is it?”
FEASP 1 Definition The F(ear)E(nvy)A(nger)S(ympathy)P(leasure)-approach for designing positive feeling instruction postulates that the instructional designer has to analyze emotional problems before and during instruction (Astleitner, 2000: 175). See also: 2 The FEASP model According to Astleitner (2000: 175): There are five basic categories of emotional conditions that the instructional designer must understand and use in order to produce instruction which is emotionally sound, " Fear" refers to a negative feeling arising from subjectively judging a situation as threatening or dangerous. Accordingly, Fear, envy, and anger should be reduced during instruction, sympathy and pleasure should be increased. The following FEASP overview table is copyright by Astleitner, reproduced here with permission and retrieved 16:18, 27 May 2006 (MEST) from by DKS) 3 References
Savęs vertinimas (pretenzijų lygio metodas) « – Mozilla Firefox Savęs vertinimo samprata Šiuolaikinio gyvenimo aplinkybės verčia žmones konkuruoti vienus su kitais, dėl šios priežasties būtina vertinti savo konkurentus ir save. Tik dėl savęs vertinimo žmonės gali lyginti save su kitais. Dėl plataus šio reiškinio paplitimo yra naudojama daug terminų, kurių tikslas – išreikšti savęs vertinimą. Tokia pat problema egzistuoja ir kitose kalbose, pavyzdžiui, anglų: self-assessment, self-evaluation, self-esteem, self-concept, self-image ir kiti. Tačiau literatūroje pasitaiko ir kitokių savęs vertinimo skirstymų nei pateikė Wells ir Marwell. Šiame darbe savęs vertinimo sąvoka suprantama kaip tam tikra savimonės pakopa ar komponentas, kuris jungia asmenybės žinias apie save ir požiūrį į save. Egzistuoja ne tik skirtumas tarp žmogaus savo galimybių įvertinimo ir pasirinkto etalono, bet ir tarp savęs įvertinimo ir realybėje pasiekiamų tikslų. Harter (cit. pgl. Savęs vertinimo tyrimo metodai Pretenzijų lygis Terminą pretenzijų lygis pirmą kartą pavartojo F.
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