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Twitter in Education – Barriers and possible solutions?

Twitter in Education – Barriers and possible solutions?
After a wry commentary on the ‘10 Stages of Twitter‘ many educators have commented on the barriers that exist to twitter use. As a proposed channel of communication for iPad use in school, it is important to investigate these barriers and address them for staff. ACCESS – It is all very well popping onto twitter if you have a smartphone that allows you access with one tap of an icon. It is a very different experience if you are logging in via the website just to scroll through a timeline you don’t engage withUNDERSTANDING – Twitter fans have countless tales to tell about colleagues who ‘don’t get twitter’. A number of solutions have been suggested to remove these barriers and are proving fruitful alongside our iPad trial: Allow time for twitter professional development with any presentation immediately followed up with individual trouble-shooting and supportCreate a ‘ring-fenced‘ twitter trial zone.

How To Write Tweets Longer Than 140 Characters Ever had a bit more to say but hit the 140 character limit on Twitter? Spent a few minutes trimming your tweet down to acceptable levels? Me too. While there’s still not an official way to write more than 140 characters (nor will there ever be, really), there is a little hack you should know about. It’s called Tall Tweets and is from Amit Agarwal , the same guy who brought you the other fun tool we just showcased called Sleeping Time (shows you when your Twitter friends sleep – very fun!) How Tall Tweets Works Tall Tweets is a simple tool that turns your long tweet into an image. There is another option to ‘Tweet As Text’ where the service will chop up your lengthy text and then tweet it out piece-by-piece. The only problems I see are that @mentions don’t work (obviously) in the ‘tall tweet’ because it’s an image. What Tall Tweets Look Like Below is a tweet that contains the full text of this post you just read!

Пользователи "Яндекс.Денег" могут переводить деньги через Twitter © Коллаж РИА Новости МОСКВА, 5 мар — РИА Новости, Дмитрий Филонов. Сотрудники электронной платежной системы "Яндекс.Деньги" запустили экспериментальный проект Twym, который позволяет переводить деньги от одного пользователя другому при помощи сообщения в сервисе микроблогов Twitter, говорится в сообщении компании. Для обмена деньгами с помощью Twitter-сообщений у получателя и отправителя должны быть счета в "Яндексах.Деньгах", которые при помощи Twym необходимо связать с соответствующими Twitter-аккаунтами. "Мы хотели сделать Twym на тех же условиях, что и внешние разработчики.

16 Ways Businesses Are Using Twitter Vine Are you wondering how the new Twitter Vine (think ultra short videos) could work for your business? Vine is a new mobile app that allows you to capture life from your mobile device in short, six-second looping videos. You can share these short videos with your Twitter followers and Facebook friends. Think of it as Instagram, except with videos instead of pictures. In today’s post, I’ll show you some creative uses of Vine for business. Editor’s note: You can click on any video to pause it. #1: Engage Your Followers in Conversation Start a conversation with your followers using a Vine video. Simon & Schuster does this by not just asking what followers will be reading this weekend—they give them visual cues on what they could be reading. It could spark any reader to go to their local bookstore or order a new title online. It’s a long weekend! #2: Highlight Your Brand Advocates What’s even better than advertising one of your products on a Vine video? #3: Display Your Work for a Client 1. That’s it!

This is How to Use Twitter as a Curation Tool Twitter bookmarks way outnumber all the other bookmarks I have in my Chrome browser. Whenever I come across a video, a guide, a tutorial, a graphic, or a well written article on Twitter I automatically add it to this list of bookmarks and from time to time I refer to these bookmarks to select for the content I want to share with you here as is the case with the awesome graphic below. I am also working on a term paper for my MA Ed here in the Mount University. This paper is about the use of twitter as a professional development tool for teachers and which I will share with you in PDF format once it is submitted . Today I am sharing with you this great graphic from Langwitches. check it out below and share with use what you think of it.Enjoy

Great Twittorials for Teachers 11inShare Following the post I published a couple of days ago entitled 10 Video Tutorials on The Use of Twitter in Education, Lieberman contacted me and suggested more resources on Twitter to share with you. I checked the Twitter Learning centre from Cyberwise as she recommended and I found out some really great resources on the use of Twitter in education. I cant believe I missed out on them , they are just amazing. I particularly liked the 5 minutes long video and the accompanying guide. I am definitely adding these resources to the Twitter for Teachers section I have here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Check out this list for more articles on the use Twitter in Education You might also like: A Great New Twitter Guide for Teachers 10 Powerful Twitter Tools for Teachers Professional ... Using Twitter for Teachers' Professional Development The Best Twitter Tools and Tips Teachers should Know about Linkwithin @import url( Custom Search

Twitter Psychology Psychological research on Twitter reveals who tweets, how much, what they talk about and why. There are now 190 million Twitter users around the world producing 65 million tweets each day. 19% of US internet users now say they use Twitter or a similar service to share updates about themselves—double the figure from the previous year (Pew, 2009). So who tweets? Why? What are they talking about? Since Twitter didn’t exist until 2006, psychologists have had little chance to explore it, but some of the early research suggests a social network unlike those that came before. Before we get onto the research, though, here’s a quick intro for Twitter newbies: What is Twitter? Twitter is a cross between a social network and a blog. The video above shows you what it looks like on a mobile phone. 1. Because messages are short and can be broadcast quickly and easily, Twitter can feel to its users like a fast-paced conversation (Boyd et al., 2010). 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9.

Twitter: 7 Highly Effective Habits New research on half-a-million tweets over 15 months reveals the factors which increase follower-count. If you want more Twitter followers, new research provides some easy pointers to the right type of tweeting. This is the first study to examine what factors are associated with an increased follower-count on Twitter over an extended period of time. Hutto et al. (2013) studied 507 Twitter users over 15 months and half-a-million tweets (PDF). Some of these are just handy reminders of good Twitter practice, but you may find the odd surprise—see what you think. 1. If you’re quite a negative Tweeter, then it could be time to change, if you care about getting more followers. It seems that negative or sarcastic tweets are not endearing. 2. This one is so important for gaining new followers. Informers: 20% share information and reply to other users.Meformers: 80% mostly send out information about themselves. 3. However one easy way you can boost social trust is by completing your user profile. 4.

Teachers – The 10 Stages of Twitter | syded Stage 1 Sign up to twitter following persuasion/pestering by colleagues. Follow Stephen Fry, a famous sportsman/popstar and a news channel. Read a few tweets, don’t understand what the fuss is about and mock anyone who uses twitter. Stage 2 Overhear colleagues chatting about twitter and a great article they found. Stage 3 Think about posting first tweet. Stage 4 Upon realising you have no followers ask colleagues how to get them? Stage 5 Have a mini twitter conversation with colleague, even retweet a couple of statements. Stage 6 Practise a couple of tweets that include @names and hashtags. Stage 7 Retweet any link you find interesting as people might read them. Stage 8 Thank colleagues for introducing you to twitter, impressed with the knowledge you have gleaned and your growing number of followers. Stage 9 Reflect that twitter is an incredibly positive place and everyone is full of praise. Stage 10 (the reason for this post) When seeking opinion from a range of people, ask PLN to respond.

Twitter is Fastest Growing Social Network: Stats The Global Web index reports some fascinating information about Twitter’s growth and how active users behave. Click the image below for the full infographic (PDF), or scroll down for some zoomed-in highlights: Educational Web Sites Twitter Cybrary Man is a Twitterbrarian! My Twitter Friends My RebelMouse Wording by @sjunkins Sign by Maureen Devlin @lookforsun Sign by @sjunkins

25 Twitter Tips For Students, Parents, And Teachers How To Use Mood Boards For Visual Learning 5.03K Views 0 Likes Mood boards are used for photography, game design, interior design, marketing, fashion, music, advertising and even architecture; but who’s to say they shouldn’t be used in the classroom? Twitter получил патент на… Twitter - CHIP UA Online - цифровой стиль жизни Иными словами, Twitter запатентовал сам себя, свою сущность. В качестве изобретателей веб-механизма по обмену неадресными сообщениями (твитами) в патенте значатся Джек Дорси и Биз Стоун — основатели сервиса. По этому поводу Биз Стоун уже написал в своем «твиттере»: Биз Стоун уже написал в своем «твиттере»: «Смотри мамочка, я теперь официально изобретатель (сбылась моя детская мечта)!» и далее ссылка на сообщение информсайта The Verge о получении патента. Официальное заявление Twitter, разумеется, выглядит несколько по-другому и дополнено следующим положением: «Как и множество других компаний, мы подаем патентные заявки на различные наши изобретения. Патентная заявка на механизм обмена твитами был подана еще в 2007 году, то есть через год после создания Twitter’а. E5.RU (Перекресток) 2 825 руб. Купить 2 290 руб. Купить 3 290 руб. Купить Белый Ветер 3 590 руб. Купить 3 990 руб. Купить <a href=" title="SocialMart" target="_blank">Виджет от SocialMart</a>

4 Simple Ways To Get Started Teaching With Twitter - 4 Simple Ways To Get Started Teaching With Twitter by first appeared on As the use of social media rise, we may feel tempted to suppress its use inside of the classroom to keep students focused on the content. However, social media can provide tools to enhance learning for students. Twitter provides these four techniques (among many others) that teachers can use to enrich their student’s learning: 1. In many cases, experts or topical users can post tweets that provide new ideas to teachers or give teachers ideas on how to expand on their subject. Depending on how dynamic the class and materials are, we can also use embedded tweets at website locations or links to tweets so that students can interact with the experts or topical Twitter accounts in addition to reading them. 2. One challenge we face is finding material we can use and that will help our students learn. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.

‘Twitter-Jacked’: The Risk of Social Media Marketing | Business WASHINGTON, February 20 (By Sasha Horne for RIA Novosti) - Two American companies have been “Twitter-jacked” this week, taken over by hackers posting crass messages to corporate Twitter pages and replacing corporate logos with those of competitors, further illustrating the often daunting tasks companies face as they strive to manage their social media feeds. “Managing social media accounts is truly a 24-7 job,” said Nicole Siobal, president and co-founder of Social Butterflye, a branding agency that assists startups with creating and managing their digital presence. “If you do find your brand has become the target of a hacker, it’s really important to get ahead of it, and put a statement out right away,” she said. That’s just what global fast food chain Burger King attempted to do on Monday, when its official Twitter account was taken over by hackers who replaced the company’s logo with rival McDonald's. Later, Jeep tweeted, "Hacking: Definitely not a #Jeep thing.
