Dirtmeister: Simple Machines -- Inclined Plane Dirtmeister's Home The Inclined Plane The inclined plane is the simplest of simple machines because to make it work, nothing moves. You move! Remember, there's always a trade-off. Dirtmeister's Home | Simple Machines | Teacher's Guide | Science Observer Basic Mechanics Subsections The branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on matter is referred to as mechanics. All considerations of motion are addressed by mechanics, as well as the transmission of forces through the use of simple machines. In our class, the goal is a mechanical goal (placing blocks into a bin) and electronics are used to control the mechanics. While it is not necessary to sit down and draw free body diagrams or figure out the static coefficient of friction between the LEGO tires and the game board, it is helpful to keep certain mechanical concepts in mind when constructing a robot. If a robot's tires are spinning because they do not grip the floor, then something must be done to increase the friction between the tires and the floor. Describing motion involves more than just saying that an object moved three feet to the right. One force that always acts on the lamp is gravity. In Figure 3.1 the lamp was represented by a simple dot. Friction The Inclined Plane Levers Pulleys
6 Simple Machines: Making Work Easier Throughout history, humans have developed a number of devices to make work easier. The most notable of these are known as the "six simple machines": the wheel and axle, the lever, the inclined plane, the pulley, the screw and the wedge, although the latter three are actually just extensions or combinations of the first three. Because work is defined as force acting on an object in the direction of motion, a machine makes work easier to perform by accomplishing one or more of the following functions: transferring a force from one place to another, changing the direction of a force, increasing the magnitude of a force, or increasing the distance or speed of a force. Many machines combine more than one of these devices to make work easier. For instance, we might attach a long handle to a shaft to make a windlass, or use a block and tackle to pull a load up a ramp. Wheel and axle The wheel is considered to be one of the most significant inventions in the history of the world. Lever Pulley
Simple Machines: Facts (Science Trek: Idaho Public Television) Once upon a time a person needed to move something heavy. He or she picked up a long stick and stuck it under the edge of the heavy object and then pushed down on the other end of the stick. And the first simple machine was invented. Simple machines are just that. The simplest form of using one thing to accomplish something faster or better. A tool. There are 6 basic simple machines; the lever, the wheel and axle, the inclined plane, the wedge, the pulley, and the screw. But what is work? The Lever The lever is a long tool such as a pole or a rod put under an object to lift it. Levers are all around us. The Wheel & Axle The wheel has always been considered a major invention in the history of mankind. Wheels are found where things turn in a circle such as an electric fan, a motor, a revolving door, a merry go round, and any wheel — on the car, on your skateboard, or on a bicycle. The Inclined Plane The inclined plane is simply a ramp. The Wedge The Pulley The Screw Measuring Work
Howstuffworks "How Force, Power, Torque and Energy Work" If you've read many HowStuffWorks articles, you've seen a lot of terminology thrown around -- words such as mass, force, torque, work, power and energy. What do these words really mean, and are they interchangeable? In this article, we will help to bring all of this terminology together, give some examples of when each is used and even try a few calculations along the way to get the hang of it. Throughout this article, we will refer to different types of units. In most of the world, the International System of Units (SI - from the French Le Système International d'Unités), also referred to as the metric system, is accepted as the standard set of units. This system contains most of the metric units you are used to, like meters and kilograms, but also includes units for many other physical and engineering properties.
Gear Generator Animation: * Shift + Enter: Set RPM of the selected gear #0 - N8 - ratio: 1:1 - RPM: 6#1 - N16 - ratio: 2:1 - RPM: 3#2 - N12 - ratio: 2:1 - RPM: 3#3 - N60 - ratio: 10:1 - RPM: 0.6 Connection properties Gear properties * Shift + Enter: modifies the Diametral pitch Download Display Units Gear Generator is unitless: if you wish it's inches, cm or millimeters. About Gear Generator is a tool for creating involute spur gears and download them in DXF or SVG format. Why this tool was created? Support: abel@iparigrafika.hu Notes about browser compatibility: all new major browsers are supported (i didn't tested IE), but unfortunately Chrome can't render SVG circle correctly. The downloaded DXF file can be opened with AutoCad 2013 or newer versions. Update 1.5: Fixed DXF resolution issue. Update 1.4: TA-DA: Added internal gear support, and the ability of positioning the first gear. Update 1.3: Fixed DXF file format. On YouTube Check out other tools I made:Print Charts, Flip.World, HTML Spirograph.
ZOOM . games . Goldburger To Go Come play again later! Come play again tomorrow! Simple Machines Unit - Science Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, or Teaching Idea By – Jessica Koon Primary Subject – Science Secondary Subjects – Grade Level – 4-6 The following worksheets, rubrics, etc. will be used with this unit. They are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and you will need Acrobat Reader (a free download) to view them if you don’t already have it. Day 1 Prior Knowledge: I will assess my students’ prior knowledge of machines by listening the their stories of how they will move a large animal from the zoo. Objective: After sorting, categorizing, and defining simple machines, the students will be able to identify the 6 basic simple machines with complete accuracy. Assessment: The students will be assessed by group participation. Materials: 50 objects with simple machines Transparency of definitions Definition worksheet Simple Machine Field Trip worksheet. Special Arrangements / Alternatives: Space for groups to work Establishing Set: 1. Sequence of Activities: 7. 13. Lever- a board or bar that rests on a turning point. 14. Closure: 34. Day 2
ASPIRE Simple & Comples Machines In an unknown time and an uncharted place, the ASPIRE crew has accepted the challenge to assist in the completion of a city being constructed of massive stones. They must work without the advantage of modern technology. They have agreed to rely primarily on the use of the six simple machines to accomplish their mission. Before getting to work, two crew members, Harry and Pic, have used available materials to fashion themselves a tetter-totter just to give them something to do for fun. This never seems fair. Drag the slider bars to move Harry and Pic until they have becomed balanced. Simple machines give us an advantage by changing the amount, speed, or direction of forces. Would you have a problem if the door knob came off in your hand before you unlatched the door? From day to day do you find yourself using any of the six simple machines: Wedge Lever Incline Plane Pulley Wheel Screw
Rube Goldberg : Home of the Official Rube Goldberg Machine Contests The Rube Goldberg Machine Contest (RGMC) is an annual international competition that challenges teams of students from middle school to college age to compete in building the most elaborate and hilarious Rube Goldberg Machine. A Rube Goldberg Machine is an overly complex contraption, designed with humor and a narrative, to accomplish a simple task. The 2015 Task is: ERASE A CHALKBOARD. Team Registration is open now! The RGMC is STEM and STEAM friendly, and Teams and their machines are judged on a range of criteria from absurd complexity, reliability, team chemistry, creativity, humor and story-telling -- along with the successful achievement of the task at hand. Download the ALL NEW CONTEST 2015 Rule Book. Click here to find out How To Register Goldberg’s legacy lives on through the contests -- as students nationwide build crazy machines that complete the annual task, all in the spirit of Rube’s illustrations. View the International Online Contest page for middle school students.
All About Simple Machines: Types and Functions - Easy Science For KidsEasy Science For Kids Every day you use machines without even thinking about it. A machine is anything that helps make work easier. Basic tools like staplers, screwdrivers and scissors are simple machines. All About Simple Machines: These are samples of simple machines. A lever is a stiff board or bar that rests on a base called a fulcrum. A lever is a stiff board or bar that rests on a base called a fulcrum. Simple Machine Vocabulary Stiff: firm, unbendableBase: foundationSeparate: move apart A wedge has a pointed end. Learn More All About Simple Machines: Types and Functions A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a rod. Watch this video all about simple machines: A cartoon video about the types and functions of simple machines. Simple Machine Q&A Question: Who invented the first simple machines? Answer: The Greek scientist and mathematician, Archimedes didn’t invent simple machines, but he did develop and improve them. Enjoyed the Easy Science for Kids Website all about Simple Machines info?