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CSS Floats 101

CSS Floats 101
The float property is a valuable and powerful asset to any web designer/developer working with HTML and CSS. Tragically, it can also cause frustration and confusion if you don’t fully understand how it works. Article Continues Below Also, in the past, it’s been linked to some pretty nasty browser bugs so it’s normal to get nervous about using the float property in your CSS rule sets. Let’s calm those nerves and ease that frustration. I’ll show you exactly what the float property does to your elements and how incredibly useful it can be once you master it. We see floats in the print world every time we pick up a magazine article with an image on the left or right with text flowing nicely around it. The definition#section1 Let’s start with the definition of a float. A float is a box that is shifted to the left or right on the current line. The float property has four values that we can apply to it: left, right, inherit, and none. How floats behave#section2 Let’s look at a few more examples.

Lesson 13: Floating elements (floats)entutorial - An element can be floated to the right or to left by using the property float. That is to say that the box with its contents either floats to the right or to the left in a document (or the containing box) (see lesson 9 for a description of the Box model). The following figure illustrates the principle: If we for example would like to have a text wrapping around a picture, the result would be like this: How is it done? The HTML code for the example above, look as follows: <div id="picture"><img src="bill.jpg" alt="Bill Gates"></div><p>causas naturales et antecedentes, idciro etiam nostrarum voluntatum... To get the picture floating to the left and the text to surround it, you only have to define the width of the box which surrounds the picture and thereafter set the property float to left: Show example Another example: columns Floats can also be used for columns in a document. <div id="column1"><p>Haec disserens qua de re agatur et in quo causa consistat non videt... Show example Show example

Float Floating is often used to push an image to one side or another, while having the text of a paragraph wrap around it. This type of usage is often referred to as text wrapping and resembles what you might see in many magazines that have articles which wrap around images of various shapes and sizes. Wrapping text around an image is easy when using the CSS Float attribute. CSS Code: HTML Code: <body><img src="sunset.gif" class="floatLeft"><p>The images are contained with... Display: The images are contained within the paragraph tag. This second paragraph has an image that is floated to the right. If you were to simply float three images to the right, they would appear alongside one another. <body><img src="sunset.gif" class="floatRightClear"><img src="sunset.gif" class="floatRightClear"><p>The images are appearing... The images are appearing below one another because the CSS clear attribute was used with the value of "right".

CSS float tutorial This article or chapter is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some information may be missing or may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved, use your judgment! Page created by Daniel K. Learning goals Understand CSS float Be able to create simple layouts using floats Prerequisite CSS box model tutorial Concurrent CSS tutorial (summary) Moving on Level and target population Beginners Teaching materials (Examples) Remarks This tutorial is intended for students in a field that is technology intensive (e.g. computer applications or educational technology). 1 Introduction This is a green float This is a yellow float The float property was meant to create boxes around which other text can flow, e.g. something like the little green box to the right of this page. Below is the code for both the float:left and float:right example <p style="background-color:green; float:right; width:2.5cm"> This is a green float </p> 2 Simple fluid layouts using the float property Life examples:

Understanding Floats A mini-tutorial on how the CSS float and clear properties work, and how to use them in your page. Note: all examples in this tutorial use inline-CSS to illustrate what is going on. You should not do this in your pages, but should instead abstract the styles out into a separate style sheet. For more information, see the "Separate Style from Content" tip in another tutorial of mine, "How to Develop with CSS". What float does The float property causes the item to which it is applied to 'float' to the side of the content which comes after it, with this content wrapping around it. <p><span style="float:right; background:#ccf">I'm a little floater</span> I'm 'normal' content, and I wrap around any floats which appear before me in source code. I'm a little floater I'm 'normal' content, and I wrap around any floats which appear before me in source code. Note that block-level elements will still wrap around the float: <p style="float:right; background:#ccf; width:10em">I float! I float Hello World

20 Useful PHP Components & Tutorials for Everyday Project Web applications have made huge leaps and bounds in improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed Ajax technology. When you combine some neat functionality courtesy of PHP with the cleverness of javascript you can produce some pretty cool results. In an effort to help you take it up a notch, we’d like to share some methods for helping your site anticipate a user’s next move. The list below is made up of the best 20 FREE PHP Components and Tutorials that you will likely need in many of your projects, they are all of the highest quality and more or less easy to configure. 1. pChart is a PHP class oriented framework designed to create aliased charts. 2. PHP component ready to use to implement a search form with an autosuggest feature using PHP and MySQL. 3. If you are a huge fan of WordPress’ method of individual article deletion where you click the delete link, the menu item animates red, and the item disappears. 4. 5. 6. 7. Check out the demo here 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14.

Creating A PHP Application Contents Abstract In this introductory tutorial the process of building a complete php application is explored. The application is a simple blog and uses a MySQL database to store all the data. The blog application contains a user system for the adminstrator to post new blog entries. This tutorial will suit those looking to begin with PHP and have never written an entire application. Each section of the tutorial introduces new concepts from the PHP language that are used frequently in many PHP applications and websites. The Database As mentioned above, the blog data will be stored and retrieved from a MySQL database. mysqladmin create blog -u root -p Following this the system will prompt the user for the root password and when given the new database, named blog, will be created. mysql blog -u root -p Once again, a password is required, and when given, the mysql prompt is ready to take commands. GRANT ALL ON blog.* TO blog_master@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'blog_password'; User CRUD <? <! <? <h2><?

Step-by-Step PHP Tutorials for Beginners - Creating your PHP program FROM SCRATCH: Basic Authentication, Membership and CRUD functionalities Introduction Interested in creating your own website? Ever wondered how cool is it to have a website that has a log-in/log-out functionality? Want to learn how to Create, Read, Update or Delete(CRUD) records in a database? Have you lost track on your previous tutorials? *Shameless plug* You can also checkout my ASP.NET MVC 5 version for this one right here. Pre-requisites In this tutorial, we will be using some languages that will enhance our development. HTML/CSS - Off course this will never get off the list when it comes to web development. For the software, you will be needing the following: Text Editor - Sublime Text/Notepad++ will do. Make sure to have those 3 installed. For our agenda in this topic: Utilize CRUD statements in SQL - Create, read, update and delete records in a database. Topic Contents: Note: In case you stopped on a certain part or want to search quickly , you can simply resume by pressing ctrl + f and look for the number where you last stopped 1.) Hide Copy Code 2.) 3.) !

50+ Essential PHP Tutorial and Examples for Beginners Those essential php tutorial and examples are important for beginner and advanced web developer to find out more about php script and project. Some tutorial also have example source code that you can download free. It is really important basics of programming with PHP to find truly tutorial with examples for easy download and testing. In addition, PHP is one of the most popular server running side scripting languages today. Web applications have been improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed new technology such jQuery, CSS3, HTML5. 1. This tutorial shows how for example to count visitors using PHP and MySLQ, you can count all visitors have visited your website by ip, hour, minute, date, month, year, page, browser, and stored in MySQL. 2. In this tutorial we will build a beautiful appearance, Ajax integrated form of contact that the user can get by clicking on a link on the page. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Creating Your First PHP Application: Part 1 Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Brian Muse, our lead developer on You Rather. He’ll be guiding you through a three part journey of PHP applications over the next few days. This tutorial is intended for readers who know the very basics of PHP and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and would like to create a basic web application. To make this a little bit clearer, I’ve split this tutorial up into three separate posts. Series Overview We’ve got a lot of ground to cover. Part 1 – Setting up the project and creating your first class Creating an outline of the projectSetting up your files and foldersCreating a class to handle database operations: DB.class.php Part 2 – Building the rest of the backend Creating a User classCreating a UserTools classRegistration / Logging in / Logging out Part 3 – Building the front end FormsForm HandlingDisplaying session data Setting up the Project Creating a Road Map It’s always a good idea to know where you’re going. Files and Folder Structure Extra Credit

10 jQuery Plugins with Google Material Design Google’s material design is becoming popular due to better user experience, eye catching animations and its simplicity. In this post, find a complied list of jQuery plugins which have created material design effects. These plugins provides material design effects to progress bar, buttons, charts, timer, stopwatch, notifications and input controls. 1. Material PreLoader Material Preloader is a jQuery plugin that recreates the Material Design preloader (as seen on Google inbox). 2. A small JavaScript application that conforms to Google’s material design guidelines. SnackbarJS is a lightweight and jQuery powered plugin to create Material Design snackbars and toasts with ease. 4. MProgress.js is a Google Material Design Progress linear bar by using CSS3 and pure JavaScript. A jQuery plugin used to create a Google Material Design inspired loading spinner using SVG and CSS3 transforms. A Google Material Design styled pie menu for navigation in webpage. 7. legitRipple.js 8. 9. 10.

What is the .htaccess File, and What Can I Do With It? You may have been working on a website, or reading an article about web development, and heard about the .htaccess file, but wondered what it was, or what, if anything, you can do with it. This tutorial will tell you the basics about .htaccess, and show you a few ways you can use it on your website. Before we go any farther, let's explain what the .htaccess file is. htaccess is short for Hypertext Access, and is a configuration file used by Apache-based web servers that controls the directory that it "lives" in--as well as all the subdirectories underneath that directory. Many times, if you have installed a Content Management System (CMS), such as Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress, you likely encountered the .htaccess file. Also note that some web hosts do not allow you to edit the .htaccess file--but even on most of those hosts, you can create your own .htaccess file and upload it to specific directories, and as discussed above, it will control those directories and subdirectories below it.
