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Zigloo Custom Container Home Design

Zigloo Custom Container Home Design

→ Architecture container : construction modulaire en container ISO L’architecture container est une nouvelle tendance des architectes spécialisés dans les constructions modulaires et le recyclage, ce type d’architecture possède de nombreux avantages : - les containers sont très résistants : ils sont conçus pour être transportés dans des conditions extrêmes (vent violent, résistant au choc des tremblements de terre, …) - une très bonne isolation native : doit résister à l’eau salée, au grand choc thermique, poussière, … - peu chers, on en trouve en abondance : les déficits commerciaux entre orient et occident font qu’un grand nombre de containers sont stockés à vide dans les ports européens et américains. - les containers ISO sont standards et possèdent donc des dimensions … standards. - écologique : en réalisant une construction modulaire en container vous recyclez des containers en fer qui ne servent plus; vous réduisez considérablement les travaux de votre habitat : peu de fondation, moins de nuisance sonore, …

Pristine Eco POD Hotel is a Snow-capped Getaway Cabin in Switzerland This gorgeous snow-capped eco POD hotel in Flims, Switzerland makes us want to pull out our coziest sweaters and snow boots and hit the slopes. Designed by Robust Outdoor Brands, the floors and walls of the 3 different pods are very well insulated to ensure maximum comfort during even the coldest Alpine months. Boasting low impact rooms that accommodate 2 people each, the hotel/camping destination aims to redefine sustainable tourism. And here's the best part: you can even own your very own Pod House! Robust Outdoor Brands builds their mini-houses with FSC-certified wood and use no glue or harmful chemicals in the process. They can be extended or equipped with an advanced solar ventilation system that helps to keep them nice and warm as well as double glazed windows. The Eco Pods may look simple, but they are actually quite sturdy and arrive fully assembled when you buy them directly from the designers. + Camping Flims + Robust Outdoor Brands Via Letmebeinspired

Maison container - maisons en containers - plans maison container - maison conteneur | Maison Blog maison container – plan maison container août 02, 2009 eric Architecture, Types de construction 12 Le dernier post concernant maison traditionnelle versus maison container a suscité du commentaire et des idées. En cherchant encore autour du concept de maison container (ou maison conteneur) je suis tombé sur des plans de maison container, des simulations de maisons en containers et du coup je vous en fais part. Elise Fossoux dans son blog présente ses simulations, croquis, plans de maisons en containers, c’est plutôt réussi. A chaque croquis est associé une simulation de prix de la maison en container. Pour retrouver tous les plans de maisons en containers je vous signale l’adresse du blog: Dans le même tonneau ou du moins dans le même container : Ce site recense grand nombre de constructions en container au travers du monde Maison conteneur – maison container – maison en container maritimes. container, maison container inShare0 26 A lire aussi

TECHNI GROUP : logistique chantier et bases vie propose tous services du transport logistique ainsi que du bâtiment d'entreprise | Développe en parralèle Consol Solar Jar wins the Special Recognition Award | Consol The winners of the 2011 Institute of Packaging SA (IPSA) Gold Pack Awards were announced at a glittering event in Cape Town on Tuesday night. Consol was honoured with no less than six Gold Awards - accolades we share with our respective customers. Most exciting though is the Special Recognition Award we received for our Solar Jar - designed and developed by our very own Ockert van Heerden and John Bexley. Although not strictly 'packaging' the judges decided this clever use of a packing material deserved an accolade. Safely housed in our beautiful 1-litre Consol Classic preserve jar, which provides a practical and attractive casing for the functional product, this alternative light source is literally bottled sunshine. This Consol design innovation is a true measure of "form meets function". Choose to celebrate Choose to congratulate Now available at Consol shops in Woodmead and Stellenbosch

Ma maison conteneur | objectif : 100m2 de maison pour 50 000€ en auto-construction Speedy house (Shanghai) CO.,LTD. | Container made in China Welcome to Swimpond Landscape Design Inc ... where lifestyle is in harmony with nature The key to our success is the combination of our aquatic systems designs and technologies. The designs of SwimPond Landscape Design have been pioneered in Europe and installed in countless locations from individual residences, resorts and hotels to the largest of commercial projects since 1993. Aquatic System Design A swimpond operates according to the latest ecological principles and uses the biological cleaning power of natural waters. Our swimponds are basically divided into two areas - the usage area (swimming zone, 1.8m / 6ft - 5m / 15ft deep) and the treatment or regeneration area (filter zone, 0.30m / 1ft - 0.60m / 2ft deep). These areas can be also in two separate ponds which guarantees optimal water purification. The swimming zone includes all water areas that can be accessed by people for swimming, playing and fun. Sustainable Eco-Technologies All pumps, valves, and necessary equipment used are hidden centrally and require very low maintenance.
