The Anatomy Of A Thank You Note – Krrb’s Guide To Expressing Gratitude With Style ~ Krrb Blog First off, if you can get your hands on a kid who is just learning to write and then convince said kid to write (or make a good go at writing) "Thanks" on a piece of paper that you can put into an envelope and send, you are golden. Your job is done. Who is not going to be touched by a child's early attempts at writing? Nothing says thank you like a note written by a 4 year old. But for those who don’t have the monk-like patience it takes to elicit the above pictured type of work from a pre-schooler, there is hope. You too, can produce thank you notes that would make your grandparents proud and that would bring a smile to even the most jaded of faces. I mean, if the leader of the free world has the time to write thank you notes by hand, I don't want to hear anything from the rest of us about not being able to "get around to it." Looks simple, right? The Occasion OK so here’s the first big issue to tackle: When do I need to write a thank you note? The Stationery A Postcard A Note Card 1. 2. 3.
Various Knowledge Sharing Formats for Your Team Collaborative Learning Years ago, I asked a friend why he chose a company to work at. He answered, “When I was an intern there, the CTO recommends articles to read and encourages us to have brownbag lunch (sharing session) once a week.”. That time, I was transformed into a firm believer in the power of personal development activities. It is such a blessing that Dekoruma shares similar vision and support this kind of learning culture. That’s why Dekoruma Engineering Team has our sharing session once a week. #1 — Internal Talk One (or more) team member shares a topic to others. #2 — Lecture-from-neighbours Along with new knowledge we get, knowing what other divisions are doing increases our empathy towards them. #3 — Focus Group Discussion This is my favorite! Instead of splitting the team in random, Moderator could split based on participants’ background and expertise so they can relate well with the topic being discussed. Captain Obvious. OK. Other ideas Our team never try this, but these are my wishlist:
Money <em>can</em> buy happiness… if you spend it on other people | Not Exactly Rocket Science “This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.” – Douglas Adams In this pithy paragraph, the sorely missed Douglas Adams sums up a puzzling paradox of modern life – we often link happiness to money and the spending of it, even though both proverbs and psychological surveys suggest that the two are unrelated. Across and within countries, income has an incredibly weak effect on happiness once people have enough to secure basic needs and standards of living. I can’t get no… satisfcation But a new study reveals that money can indeed buy happiness… if it’s spent on others. Finally, Dunn tested this theory through an experiment. Hey big spender There is a silver lining then.
Öğretmenlerin değişimine yol açan mesleki gelişim eğitimleri : Beşi Bir Yerde Yaz dönemi öncesi, sırası ve sonrasında, öğretmenlere yönelik seminerler, hizmet içi eğitimler ya da mesleki gelişim programları hazırlanır. Öğretmen olarak bazısına katılmanız zorunludur. Bazısına para ödeyerek katılırsınız. Bazısının havalı isminden ya da eğitimcinin karizmasından etkilenirsiniz. Peki katıldığınız eğitimler gerçekten etkili mi? Etkiliyse neye etkili? Kuramsal modeller, mesleki gelişim programlarının etkili olduğunu, öğretmene kattığıyla ölçer. Bu çıktılardan birinde ya da birkaçında değişime yol açan mesleki gelişim eğitimleri, etkili mesleki gelişim eğitimleridir. Seminer dönemleri, mesleki gelişim için fırsatlardır. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Son 20 senedir bu özellikler üzerine araştırmalar yapılıp, hangisinin en önemli olduğu incelenmiştir. Evet, eğitimlerin alan bilgisine odaklanması en etkili özelliktir. Tabii ki mesleki gelişim eğitimlerinde “beşi bir yerde” bulmak zor! Mesleki gelişimin bu beş özelliği öğretmenlere ne anlatıyor? Kaynakça 1.
To predict what will make you happy, ask a stranger rather than guessing yourself | Not Exactly Rocket Science Want to know how much you’d enjoy an experience? You’re better off asking someone who has been through it, even if they’re a complete stranger, than to find out information for yourself. This advice comes from Daniel Gilbert from Harvard University, who espoused it in his superb book Stumbling on Happiness. Now, he has found new support for the idea by studying speed-daters and people receiving feedback from their peers. In the first study, he found that female students were better able to predict how much they would enjoy a speed-date if they listened to the experiences of strangers than if they make their own assessments based on available information. This interesting result masks a second one of equal importance – people don’t believe that this works. Time and again, psychological studies have found that we overestimate how happy we will be after winning a prize, starting a new relationship or taking revenge against those who have wronged us. Photo by Laughlin, found on Flickr
50 Alternatives To Lecturing by TeachThought Staff As teachers, when we lecture, we have the best of intentions. We have a concept we want the class to understand, so we stand and explain it to them. We give them background. Offer details. Anticipate and pre-empt common misconceptions. So explaining things isn’t ‘bad,’ so how about beginning with some clarification. Everyone loves a story, and unless you’re awful, your students probably like you and want to hear from you. Or in a ‘flipped classroom’ setting where the ‘lecture’ is designed to be consumed at the student’s own pace (using viewing strategies, for example). Or when students have mastered a core set of understandings, and are ready–in unison–to hear something from an honest-to-goodness expert who only has an hour to unload what he/she knows. All students are similarly motivated All students have mastered certain ‘listening strategies’ All students have a similar background knowledge The List of Alternatives To Lectures For Teachers So then, the list. 1. 2.
Sonja Lyubomirsky Sonja Lyubomirsky is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside and author of The How of Happiness, a book of strategies backed by scientific research that can be used to increase happiness.[1] She is often quoted in news articles about positive psychology and happiness.[2][3][4] In the book The Only Self-Help Book You'll Ever Need, a criticism of self-help books, Lyubomirsky's The How of Happiness is praised as a self-help book that has claims backed by empirical data.[5] Lyubomirsky is also an associate editor of the Journal of Positive Psychology. The How of Happiness[edit] Breakdown of sources of happiness, according to The How of Happiness The How of Happiness has spawned an iPhone application called Live Happy, produced by Signal Patterns. The How of Happiness has also spawned a song called The How of Happiness Book Tune, which acts as a mnemonic aid to help readers remember the content within the book. [11] References[edit] See also[edit]
Professional Development Activities for Teachers: Jigsaw Technique and Alternatives Many principals use professional journal articles and books to help build their teachers’ shared knowledge about best practices and site-specific improvement initiatives. Perhaps the most common method for doing this is the jigsaw — dividing up the reading among the members of the staff, taking time for individual reading, then inviting each person to share out to the full group. A second common strategy is to assign specific chapters or sections to departments or grade levels, asking each group to read the selection on their own before the meeting and make a formal presentation on their section when their turn comes up. Both methods can work well if used sparingly and done well, but they also have drawbacks. Here are some ideas for getting the most out of a jigsaw. How to maximize a traditional jigsaw The extra step in a full jigsaw — one that makes the strategy much more powerful, but is often skipped in the interest of time — is to create an “expert group.”
The Glee Club My first assignment was the gratitude visit. It goes like this: Pick a person in your life whom you'd like to thank, someone who has meant a lot to you. Write this person a letter. After you've written it, call the person and ask to visit. Read the letter aloud when you are face to face. Whom to thank? I shared my fears with Martin Seligman, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and the man who had in effect given me the assignment. Tasks such as the gratitude visit were first introduced in Seligman's popular book Authentic Happiness , in which he outlines positive psychology , a movement he founded in the late 1990s. Positive psychology focuses on cultivating personality strengths and honing an optimistic approach to life rather than on cataloging human frailty and disease, which Seligman says has too long been the focus of psychology. If you want to learn to be a happier person, only a relatively small body of knowledge exists to help you, Seligman says.
10 Fun Alternatives to Think-Pair-Share All learners need time to process new ideas and information. They especially need time to verbally make sense of and articulate their learning with a community of learners who are also engaged in the same experience and journey. In other words, kids need to talk!! These five discussion techniques (and a little purposeful planning) go beyond the traditional Turn and Talk/Think-Pair-Share to give students an opportunity to deepen their understanding while practicing their verbal skills. 1. This technique is great for collaborating and generating many ideas on a topic. Arrange students into pairs (teacher or student choice).Pose a question that has many possible answers. 2. A great activity to get kids up and moving and encourage them to interact with all of their classmates . Students mix around the room silently as music plays in the background.When the music stops, each student finds a partner closest to them (no running across the room to find your best friend!) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
:: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology Ben’s Top 11 Positive Psychology Internet ResourcesBy Ben Dean, Ph.D. 1. Website for Reflective Happiness The most interesting new website in Positive Psychology is Marty Seligman's "Reflective Happiness" site at For a nominal monthly fee, subscribers are given access to monthly exercises intended to increase happiness, question-and-answer sessions with Marty, newsletters, bookclubs and more. But most valuable, is access to Marty's own constantly evolving thinking about the field. 2. Barbara Fredrickson is perhaps most famous for her “broaden-and-build” theory of positive emotions. 3. If you can follow only one link, start here. 4. This is an active listserv for anyone interested in positive psychology (not just academics). 5. You may recognize Jonathan Haidt’s name from my newsletters about strengths because I often borrow his creative ideas on building individual strengths. 6. 7. Here is an excerpt from the Foundation’s mission statement: 8. 9. 10. 11.
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