Simple Alchemy What is Alchemy? The dictionary defines it as : a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life. While this is true, I think of it as a blend of spirituality, philosophy and science. Science states that through matter life was created, in Alchemy, it was life that created matter. everything was created from one source of matter. Top 10 Websites To Watch Movies Online For Free We all love the idea of watching movies with just your Internet connection and a computer and no strings attached. Although some of you may think that this is not legal, i would say "why not try something ill-legal today". There are lots of websites which provide to watch movies online, no need to sign-up and in few clicks you are into the movie arena. Most of these sites don’t host the files due to legal disputes but they contain links to the sources, where we can get our hands dirty.
Urban city scene on grunge background February 24th, 2008 by ART-D Posted in Adobe Photoshop, Designing In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to add a grunge scene style to your photos. Create a new file (File>New) with 1024×768 px and 100 dpi. Select on this layer the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to give it the color #F3DAA2 Our Games Archive Choice of the Rock Star Rock your way to the top of the ’80s charts in this epic interactive tale of music and mayhem! Will you achieve immortality or flame out on national TV?
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UAE places restrictions on online dissent 13 November 2012Last updated at 12:36 ET Much of the law focuses on issues such as online fraud, privacy, prostitution and pornography The United Arab Emirates has tightened its law on internet use, making it a criminal offence to mock its rulers or organise unauthorised demonstrations. Au hasard DTC Au hasard <Plonk> si j'ai bien comlpris<Plonk> 95D<Plonk> blonde<Plonk> un cul à faire bander le pape<Plonk> bourrée<Plonk> qui te propose de te tailler une pipe gratos<Plonk> et toi tu la remballes ?!<w00t|pala> oui<Plonk> question : t'es gay ou t con ? :/<w00t|pala> ct ma soeur<Plonk> ah
Disposable Cameras There are lots of disposable camera Instructables on the site. It was hard to choose, but I've included some great ones! Need a taser, a coil gun, a flash grenade? Well then, this disposable camera guide is for you! From simple everyday parts you can make this glove which has two modes. Mode 1 is a constant output of slightly over 300 v. while Mode 2 takes a few seconds to charge, but gives off a much more painfu... Tried and Tested: Flyboarding Despite the 30°C heat on a Friday morning at Al Mamzar Beach Park , I can sense I’m getting cold feet. Awad, a watersports enthusiast from Flyboards UAE is clamping my feet into a space-age flyboard, intended to propel me up to 10 metres into the air with power from a 260hp jet-ski engine. What on earth have I gotten myself into this time? Flyboarding is the biggest new craze in watersports, and was invented a couple of years ago by a jet-ski champion called Franky Zapata. He posted a video of it on YouTube, and to date, it’s been viewed 9.7 million times. Its popularity even spurred on the first ever flyboarding championships that took place in Qatar last year.