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Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator by Cloudinary Designer's guide to DPI DPI or Dots Per Inch is a measure of spatial dot density initially used in print. It's the number of ink drops your printer can put in an inch. The more dots per inch, the sharper your image. This concept is applies to computer screens under the name PPI for Pixels Per Inch. Same principle: It counts the number of pixels your screen displays per inch. The name DPI is also used in screens. For a concrete and relatable example, Windows computers had an initial PPI of 96. Asking someone what the size of a pixel is is a good way to confuse him or her because it’s a trick question. Here’s an applied example: A Mac Cinema Display 27” has a PPI of 109, which means that it displays 109 pixels per inch of screen. As you might have noticed in my explanations, “Resolution” stands for PPI, in this case “109” but not “2560x1440”, like you might commonly see everywhere on the web. “2560x1440” is the pixel count, as referred in the first paragraph as “Pixel screen size”. 4K starts at 3840x2160 pixels.

Material Design Color Palette Generator - Material Palette material palette More Material Design chevron_right Palette preview Full Palette colors below Your Palette CSS SASS LESS SVG XML PNG POLYMER DOWNLOAD TWEET Dark primary color #ffa000 Primary color #ffc107 Light primary color #ffecb3 Text / Icons #212121 Accent color #ff5252 Primary text #212121 Secondary text #727272 Divider color #B6B6B6 10 Best tools and resources for web and design professionals in 2015 Tools and resources for web and design professionals are available in abundance these days, unfortunately, not all those available are as useful as we’d like them to be. In order to help you weed out some of the tools that aren’t worth your time, we’ve compiled a list of what we think are the best tools and resources available right now. 1. Stamplia If you’re looking for a place to sell your email templates, then you’re looking for Stamplia. 2. Advertisement Created for UX people, designers, copywriters, project managers and even ad agencies, Notism will offer you a smoother communication path between you and your clients. 3. One of the most important contributing factors to the success of an eCommerce website is a quick and effective checkout process. 4. If you’re looking to create your very own Pinterest clone, Pintastic is the perfect software for you. 5. actiPLANS 6. IconBeast Pro offers some of the best iOS Tab Bar and Toolbar Icons available anywhere. 7. 8. 9. 10. actiTIME

How to Make a Mobile-Friendly Website Regardless of the mobile configuration you end up using, there are some overarching mobile optimization takeaways that all marketers can benefit from. So, without further ado, here are 10 tips for creating a user-friendly, search-engine optimized mobile experience. 1. Work With a Designer Or at the very least, talk to a designer and get their professional input. At the end of the day, putting your website design in the hands of a qualified, experienced web designer will help ensure that you end up with a website that is not only mobile-friendly, but beautiful. 2. Here’s a perfect example of an area where an experienced designer can help out big time: font selection. At the most basic level, the font you choose needs to meet two requirements: a) The font needs to be large enough so people can read it without squinting or pinching. b) The font style needs to be clean, i.e. not overly decorative or cluttered. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Use image maps to combine multiple images into a singe image. 9. 10.

Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered: Everything on one page) There are certain things that CSS does not do as well as table layouts. For instance, say you have a black side nav bar that you want to extend the whole height of your content. With a table layout, this is a piece of cake: just give that <td> a black background. We can do this with CSS, but it requires a different way of thinking. If we give our nav div a black background, the black will only extend until the nav 'runs out'. Instead we could tile a black GIF in our content div and give this div enough left padding, but if our navigation is longer than our content, this won't work either. Another way to tackle it is to tile the black GIF on the background of our <body>, which is fine unless you want to use another image for the background of your <body>. Or, we can wrap our content in a 'wrapper' div and tile the image in that div. And, of course tiling background images won't work at all if you want the width of your navigation to be fluid.

8 jQuery And CSS Parallax Scrolling Tutorials | Bashooka | Web & Graphic Design Parallax scrolling is a type of web design where different elements of a website move at different speeds. As a user navigates through parallax websites, images will float on top of other images in several layers. Parallax scrolling sites can be used in many different ways to create a variety of captivating effects which have the potential to keep viewers on your site for a great deal of time. So if you are bored using the plugin and challenged to create you own parallax scrolling effects using jQuery and CSS, you might want to try these tutorials below. With this tutorial, you’ll learn how to integrate a simple scrolling parallax. Since then, parallax has blown up. A prototype parallax scrolling technique that uses CSS 3D transforms. Ready to enter the world of parallax scrolling websites? This parallax tutorial by Ian Lunn describes how to create a vertical-scrolling parallax website, taking inspiration from the Nike Better World parallax website.

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