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Papier toilette

Papier toilette
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Génoise à la crème pâtissière et glaçage au chocolat : Recette de Génoise à la crème pâtissière et glaçage au chocolat Ingrédients (pour 6 personnes) : Pour le gâteau:- 140 g de farine- 3 oeufs: jaunes et blanc séparés- 3 cuillères à soupe de lait- 140 g de sucre- 1 sachet de levure chimique- 1 gousses de vanille ou 1 cuillère à soupe d'extrait de vanille Pour la crème pâtissière:- 45 cl de lait- 3 jaunes d'oeufs- 80 g de sucre - 50 g de farine- 1 gousse de vanille Pour le glaçage au chocolat:- 100 g de chocolat noir ou blanc selon les goûts- 50 g de beurre Préparation de la recette : Génoise:Préchauffer le four à 150°C (thermostat 5).Battre les jaunes d'oeufs avec le sucre (le mélange obtenu doit blanchir) ensuite incorporer la vanille puis le lait.Incorporer la farine, la levure tamisée et, les blancs d'oeufs montés en neige très ferme.Verser la pâte dans un plat puis enfourner 25 minutes environ.Pendant le cuisson de la génoise préparer la crème pâtissière:Faire bouillir le lait avec la vanille. Remarques : Le glaçage peut aussi se faire avec du chocolat blanc. Boisson conseillée : cidre ou champagne

Inspired by Yulia Brodskaya I can't get over how amazing these are. I wouldn't be surprised if Yulia invented quilling. She is a 28 year old artist from Moscow who creates beautiful designs from vertical pieces of thin paper and her website is full of inspiration in color, line, shadow and technique. You don't have to be a fellow quiller to wish you were like this great lady. Even though her pieces would be amazing if they were drawn, it was the fact that they are 3d that caught my attention. When my husband and I were engaged, I bought wooden letters to spell out 'save the date' and covered them with different patterned paper. (I couldn't resist showing our cute picture) The letters were already covered (I know, I didn't post a diy... I picked out 4 colors of paper that went with the colors in the pattern and had them cut into 1/2" strips. It feels great when you know that it takes alot of time and effort, but the end result makes up for all of that. In hindsight, I would choose a letter that had a meaning.

The SoHo: In Need of Some Color I'm desperate for a little color in my life. It's gray outside, yesterday it rained ice, something needs to change here. One of these items should do it, or I could just go get a tan on a beach somewhere. I'm okay with either option. [mosaic card; reclaimed wood; abstract print; bird pillow] The Mayberry Home Journal: DIY+Pregnant Brain Without getting into too many details-the baby is going to be a little longer than we thought. We were afraid that she was going to be early, and now that she isn't, I sort of feel like I'm living life in limbo.I don't know if it's just me, or women in general, who find the strangest tasks to pass time until a baby arrives. Suddenly, the weirdest things pop on to our 'to do' lists, and become oddly important. And the tasks seem to grow weirder and weirder with each baby. Right before I had Reuben, for some reason, I decided that my living room futon needed a new cover. Not great timing, but not so strange. Before I had Zeke, I needed to get all my Christmas cards done early-not just written, that wasn't good enough. My mom also contributes to this fun little routine-I think that she nests right along with us. That, and that's what her Mom always did to "help". Well, maybe not stranger than the salad dressing. Mom had suddenly decided that it was time to pair my family's odd socks.

Flan de brocolis aux ravioles La raviole c’est un grand classique des repas pas prise de tête (comme un bon plat de pâte quoi !), car comme je vous l’ai déjà dis, on la stocke par sac d’un kilo dans le congèl’ !!! Bon mais là on change un peu des recettes de bouillon et de gratins de ravioles, en se préparant un petit flan à base de brocolis. Simple, efficace et parfait pour faire manger des brocolis aux enfants !!! A déguster en guise d’entrée ou de plat complet avec une bonne salade. Ingrédients (pour 6 personnes) 500 g de brocolis2 plaques de ravioles du Royans4 œufs40 cl de crème liquide1/2 bouquet de persilDu sel et du poivreDe la noix de muscade. Description Préchauffez le four à 180°. Détaillez le brocolis en fleurettes puis mettez-le à cuire dans de l’eau bouillante salée pendant 8 minutes. Battez les œufs avec la crème puis assaisonnez de sel, de poivre et de muscade. Écrasez grossièrement le brocolis puis disposez-en un premier tiers au fond d’un moule à cake beurré. Versez par dessus le mélange œufs-crème. Emilie

25 Cool Ideas To Display Family Photos On Your Walls Family portrait by Lori Andrews (via designcrushblog) We all have family photos that we love. Most of them live well in photo albums but the best of them could and should be displayed throughout the house. It’s one of those things that add a personal touch of coziness to any interior decor. Besides, nowadays there are so many cool ways to display them that your family photos could even become a real design element. Some time ago we’ve already shown you a bunch of cool ideas how you can hang your photos and art in creative ways. Displaying pictures could be challenging but we can and will make the process more easy for you. mixed and matched family photos Family photo heart display Family photo ladder Family photo tree Family photos above your sofa Family photo clocks Family photos around tv Family photos on wires Modern family photo tree Family photos on the whole wall (via pinterest) A large family photo covering the whole wall (via poppytalk) LOVE family photo display on clothspins (via bios)

Stuffed Fabric Turtles (with pattern pieces) We were shopping around, down in Florida, after we went to the zoo several weeks ago (yes, in Jacksonville…..some of you asked)……..and we stopped by a Pottery Barn Kids store. I’m a window shopper. I love walking around and daring myself to find something I want to make. Want to go shopping with me? I might drive you crazy. Then you and my husband will have something in common. While we were there…..we saw some cute little stuffed turtles. So I snapped a picture with my phone, and I decided to try and figure it out at home. So, here’s my version…..a bit different, but just as sweet. They are soft and plump and are perfect for little hands. …..and the tail may be my favorite part. After making one, you better let your turtle explore outside. Would you like to make your own? Turtle pattern pieces found here. Cut out all of your turtle pieces, in whatever fabric and color choices you want. (Also, you don’t want to use a stretchy fabric, or the turtle won’t hold its shape very well.) Now, that’s it.

Gift Ideas for Poor Creative Souls (12) Posted by: Cathy on Jun 03, 2012 Tagged in: Untagged Summer Lights Garland I loved this idea and who would not love to receive this pretty gift. What you need: string of LED lights with white wire (regular lights may get too hot) plastic drinking cups patterned paper of your choice double sided tape scissors craft knife 1. 2. 3. Tutorial courtesy of HeyGorgeous For tutorials on how to market yourself online go here: Macarons: recette détaillée Oui je sais, il y a déjà 1 million de recettes de macarons sur le net, et beaucoup de recettes détaillées mais ça n'est pas toujours cette recette, et les détails sont souvent dispersés dans différentes rubriques du style "trucs astuces". Comme en plus j'ai commencé à donner des cours de macarons, j'ai décidé de consacrer un post à la recette, pour que mes "élèves" puissent retrouver la recette et les instructions facilement. Tout d'abord, voyons le matériel nécessaire: si vous n'avez pas ce matériel ou en tout cas la majeure partie, inutile de vous lancer: ça ne pourra pas marcher... ou alors sur un coup de chance. Les macarons demandent de la précision et de la technique, tout à-peu-près va droit au ratage. Matériel indispensable: Les ingrédients: les proportions sont les suivantes: un blanc d'oeuf doit peser 35 g. Pour 3 blancs d'oeufs soit 105 g de blancs: 125 g de poudre d'amandes205 g de sucre glace30 g de sucre en poudre La recette pas à pas: Pour garnir les macarons: Ganache noire:

Bird and Text Collage Wall Art [ Close Privacy Policy ] Privacy Policy / Your California Privacy Rights Revised and posted as of March 4, 2013 Prime Publishing, LLC ("Company," "we" or "us") reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy at any time simply by posting such revision, so we encourage you to review it periodically. In order to track any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will include a historical reference at the top of this document. This Privacy Policy will tell you, among other things: Your California privacy rights. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/YOUR AGREEMENT Company websites are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18 or those who are not legal residents of the United States. HOW DO WE COLLECT INFORMATION AND WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT? Distribution Partners Website operators that license our ad serving technology pass information to us so that we may serve advertisements to you. Website Registration Forms We collect information about you when you register on one of our websites.
