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A Visual Guide To Twitter For Beginners

A Visual Guide To Twitter For Beginners
You may have a Twitter account that you don’t use very often. You may tweet once in blue moon. You may just use it to ‘lurk’ during hashtag chats you enjoy. ( Check out our list of Twitter hashtags for to get started with that!) But you may not be a full-fledged Twitter user … yet. This dense and highly visual approach to understanding Twitter is just great. The below infographic is basically a beginner’s guide to Twitter except it’s one easy-to-read format: infographics! Click the image below to enlarge it a bit – that’ll help view some of the smaller text.

New Tech Network Twitter: le mode d'emploi 5 Twitter Rules Every User Should Know We love to do stories on Twitter and how it’s helping teachers and students connect like never before. Many of our fellow bloggers publish stories on Twitter every day! So I thought it might be worthwhile to share the official Twitter logo and brand guidelines. They’re relatively simple and straightforward but worth knowing about. Twitter is a major company worth a lot of money. See Also: The Ultimate Guide To Using Twitter In Education For the full list of guidelines (there’s plenty more – definitely check out this page . Rule #1 You can’t imply that your event, book, website, or other publication is endorsed or sponsored by Twitter. Rule #2 Don’t use any of the below versions of the Twitter logo. Rule #3

12 Most Definitive Ways to Master Twitter Posted by Katy Ryan Schamberger on January 25, 2013 · 11 Comments With more than 200 million active users (and growing), Twitter remains one of the go-to social media platforms for individuals and brands. I’m a huge fan of Twitter and use it not only to share content, but also to connect and converse with friends, industry peers and prospective clients. Of course, as with any other social site, Twitter requires your time and effort to be successful. Whether you’re just starting out on Twitter (if so, where the heck have you been?) 1. Handy Twitter dashboards like HootSuite allow you to schedule tweets, which can be a lifesaver when you’re swamped or traveling. 2. At the risk of being annoying (or worse, spammy), you may be hesitant to promote yourself and your work on Twitter. 3. Want to entice people to click on a link? 4. The great thing about Twitter—well, there’s a lot of great things about Twitter. 5. 6. Keep your Twitter stream fresh with a mix of content and conversation. 7. 8.

Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and Engage Photo by Beth Kanter, Net Funders Conference, October, 2011 A few days ago I opened the door on a new learning journey. I am very excited about upcoming peer learning projects that I’m working on in 2012, including several for Packard grantees in India, Pakistan, and Africa as well as the e-Mediat project in the Middle East. It is a great opportunity to ponder the question: How to design and deliver learning experiences for nonprofits that connect, inspire, and engage? What are the best practices? Content Delivery Is Not Learning On New Year’s Day, I heard a story on NPR about some research on instructional techniques used by many college professors – the lecture and how it is less effective in an age information abundance. Illustration by Beth Kanter I’ve known this for years, ever since I read Richard Mayer‘s educational research in his book, The Handbook of Multi-Media Learning. The NPR story was part of a series called “Don’t Lecture Me“. That’s the theory at least. Techniques 1. 2. 3.

10 questions que vous vous posez sur Twitter... Et comment y répondre ! Twitter est une véritable énigme pour les débutants. Pourtant, après avoir passé quelques heures dessus, cet outil peut s’avérer être un pur bijou. Des news en continu, de l’aide par sa communauté, un moyen de mettre en avant son contenu pour les blogueurs, bref, un service de microblogging parfait ! Si vous démarrez, voici 10 questions que vous vous posez sur Twitter… Et comment y répondre ! 1. Je m’intéresse énormément à Twitter. 2. Choisissez un nom définitif pour votre compte Twitter… et n’en changez pas. 3. Il est important d’épier vos abonnés sur leur manière d’utiliser Twitter. 4. Twitter est encore un secret pour la plupart de ses utilisateurs. 5. Avouez qu’un débutant débarquant sur la planète Twitter est largué ! 6. Le fond d’écran d’un compte Twitter est très important. 7. Le Tweet parfait n’existe pas… heureusement ! 8. Twitter ne propose aucune option analytique. 9. Les infographies sont à la mode depuis quelques mois maintenant. 10. Nous sommes tous un peu narcissique.

10 Ways Teachers Can Use Twitter for Professional Development This is our third consecutive post on Twitter. Now that you have a roadmap on how to use Twitter in your classroom and after you have identified with the different educational hashtags you need to follow as a teacher, let us share with you some ideas on how to leverage the power of this social platform for professional development purposes. Talking about using social networking to grow professionally brings to mind LinkedIn. 1- Create a strong profile page The first thing to do is to let people know about you and your interests. 2- Keep your profile professional One of the mistakes some teachers do is that they create one account and share everything in it. 3- Proper use of etiquette As an educator , etiquette should not be an issue at all. 4- Know who to follow Don't be obsessed with having a 5 digit number of followers. 5- Use Hashtags Hashtags are a great way for engaging in professional conversations.

What Not To Tweet: 15 Annoying Things We Never Want To See On Twitter Again To tweet, or not to tweet? That is the question not enough people are asking. According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, daily adult usage has doubled from May 2011 to May 2012, with 31 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds signed up. The expansion of accounts throughout the last year has many novice users coming to terms with what is considered socially acceptable Twitter behavior. While Twitter's slogan, "join the conversation," encourages users to engage thoughtfully with followers and friends, that's not always the case.

Atlantis Remixed In the Drakos Unit, players are tasked with breeding a species of dragonfly that is unique to Atlantis. To do this, they must understand genetics and how traits are passed from parents to offspring. Players also confront their own sense of morality as they determine whether gene splicing to produce a particular type of drakos is ethical. Click here to read more. Based on Ayn Rand's, The Fountainhead, the Architecture/Media Unit allows students to interact with characters at an architecture firm that match the names, physical characteristics, motivations and points of view of characters from Rand's classic novel, putting users in the middle of the same conflicts and themes from the story; however, unlike Rand's story, Questers are presented with the perspectives of characters on both sides of the conflict—eventually forcing the player to align themselves with a particular architectural firm. The fish population is declining in Taiga National Park, and Ranger Bartle wants to know why!

Guide Twitter pour débutants : le média de l’instantané Dans la poursuite de mes découvertes de guides Twitter pour les débutants, en voici un plutôt concis et bien présenté par l’agence régionale du numérique en Midi-Pyrénées en France. Ce guide s’adresse en partie aux professionnels qui souhaitent s’inscrire sur Twitter et qui veulent bien démarrer avec ce réseau de l’instantané. Annonce Si le guide présenté ici peut aussi bien être utile aux internautes du grand public qu’aux professionnels, il s’adresse davantage à ces derniers par les conseils d’utilisation qui sont prodigués. En effet, outre la présentation de Twitter, les démarches pour se créer un compte et un glossaire pour se familiariser avec son jargon, le guide du centre de ressources d’ARDESI offre des leçons de base pour les professionnels qui souhaitent l’utiliser dans un contexte d’affaires. Ainsi, dans les 10 pages de ce document, vous apprendrez entre autres à optimiser la visibilité de votre compte et vous aurez des réponses à certaines questions souvent posées.

To build Twitter followers: Join the conversation, tweet often, be yourself August 20, 2012 by Steve Buttry Journalists often ask me how to build a following on Twitter. It’s really pretty simple: Tweet frequently.Have something interesting to say.Livetweet events and breaking news.Find and follow people who share your interests.Join the conversation.Give more than you ask for.Join tweetups and Twitter chats.Be yourself. I was tempted to end this post right there, because this really is simple. But I’ll elaborate, with the acknowledgment that even with elaboration it’s all simple. Let’s start by addressing the notion of “followers.” Tweet frequently. Have something to say. Livetweet events or breaking news. Find and follow people who share your interests. Join the conversation. Give more than you ask for. Join tweetups and Twitter chats. Be yourself. Previous #twutorial posts

42 Things to Do on Twitter Besides Tweet Spam & Coupons One of the number one social media questions I hear from business leaders is “what should I tweet?” It’s funny because most business owners start a business because they have a passion for something or at minimum have an interest in it enough they believe they can make some money providing such a service or product. However, when it comes to sending a 140 character tweet they struggle with it. Many are use to the days of the long corporate brochures and matching websites where they can hire a writer to craft every word to perfection. If you are one struggling with “what to tweet” I encourage you to go back to the reasons you started your business. Below is a list of 42 things you can do on Twitter besides tweet coupons or promote your business all day long. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: How to Create Killer Email Conversion Copy 42 Things to do on Twitter Besides Tweet Coupons & Spam! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
