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The best examples of street art in 2012 (48 pictures

The best examples of street art in 2012 (48 pictures


American Heroes and Innovators: New Paintings and Drawings by Chris and Justin Hopkins American Heroes and Innovators will mark the gallery’s second annual educational exhibition honoring Black History Month in Philadelphia. In 2013, Gravers Lane proudly hosted the members and staff of The Stained Glass Project: Windows that Open Doors, an after school program for inner-city youth that focuses on leadership, teamwork, and artistic creation and expression. This year, Gravers Lane Gallery is thrilled to exhibit portrayals of numerous African American men and women whose actions and ideas have made an immeasurable impact on American society as we know it. Through the works of father and son artists, Chris and Justin Hopkins, American Heroes and Innovators will portray a multi-generational affirmation of positive role models in the African American community. Exhibited portraits will range from Tuskegee Airmen and women to legendary musical artists.

106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos More info. More info. More Banksy on Street Art Utopia. More info. Two-handled storage jar (pelike) depicting young athletes jumping Side A: Two nude youths jumping together together accompanied by flute music; leapers at center, flautist at right, facing them, wearing a cloak (himation). Above the figures is the name “Kalipides”, and between the jumpers and the piper is the name “Aineas” (Aeneas). Below is the inscription “Leagros is handsome” (LEAGROS KALOS) Side B: A piper (named “Smikythion”) accompanies two nude jumpers, the same two youths depicted on the front of the vase, seen from rear. They are probably athletes in training.

Base Jump Photoshoot with a Fashion Model, Brave Photographer for This One This is probably one of the coolest videos you’ll see all week: ridiculously attractive people jumping from ridiculously dangerous heights. Italian BASE jumper and fashion model Roberta Mancino teamed up with photographer Noah Bahnson and a host of other sexy suits to leap off Monte Brento: The project was commissioned in part by world-renowned fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, and released in February, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Bahnson shot the photos and footage with cameras strapped to his helmet:

Apichatpong Weerasethakul: For Tomorrow For Tonight This November, UCCA introduces For Tomorrow For Tonight, a new installation by leading Thai film director Apichatpong Weerasethakul that leads visitors through a cinematic narration of night. Night, a time for sleep, darkness and quiet, is the natural space for dreams and desires, a time as the artist says, “when you can’t see and your mind takes over.” Weerasethakul leads us with his subtle language of suggestion to consider a compressed reality of memory and dreams, that is both immediate and infinite. For Tomorrow For Tonight blends video, images and sound from three of his original films and one sound work to create an intensely lyrical atmosphere. The photographs that accompany the video works allow us to pause and contemplate these “frozen moments”, and the jarring sound evokes the stark contrasts found in contemporary Thailand. For more information, please read the “Apichatpong Weerasethakul: For Tomorrow For Tonight” press release.

DONDI Donald Joseph White, "DONDI" (April 7, 1961 — October 2, 1998) is considered one of the most influential graffiti artists in the history of the movement. Biography[edit] Early life[edit] Graffiti[edit] Upper Chinook Clackamas The Clackamas Chinook people The Story of the Skookum's Tongue: A Willamette Valley Legend After Tallapus (Coyote) fashioned a wondrous device to harvest salmon at the Willamette Falls, he made a foolish mistake and the fish-trap refused to work for all time. Only by their own labor could the Indians catch fish at the Falls. The Futuristic World of Ian McQue Talented artist Ian McQue lives in Edinburgh and works at Rockstar North Ltd. He took participation in such projects as GTA, The Lost&Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories, GTA: Chinatown Wars etc. He has been working in this industry more than 17 years. And today we invite you to take a look at the dark and beautiful future shown on hand painted pictures by this digital illustrator.

Hunterian Art Gallery Collections: GLAHA 52297 This information is © The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow 2016 CRE FERGUSSON, John Duncan; (Scottish; 1874-1961) Materials: oil on board Rammellzee Rammellzee (stylized RAMM:ΣLL:ZΣΣ, pronounced "Ram: Ell: Zee"; late 1960 – June 27, 2010) was a visual artist, graffiti writer, performance artist, hip hop musician, art theoretician, and sculptor from New York City.[1][2] Life and work[edit] Rammellzee's graffiti and art work are based on his theory of Gothic Futurism, which describes the battle between letters and their symbolic warfare against any standardizations enforced by the rules of the alphabet. His treatise, Ionic treatise Gothic Futurism assassin knowledges of the remanipulated square point's one to 720° to 1440°, details an anarchic plan by which to revise the role and deployment of language in society.[3] He has stated that his name is derived from RAM plus M for Magnitude, Sigma (Σ) the first summation operator, first L - longitude, second L - latitude, Z - z-bar, Σ, Σ - summation. [4] In 1988, he and his band Gettovetts recorded the album Missionaries Moving.

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