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Related:  BildDrawing & Doodling

Science project: Food-dye Color Wheel Every year about this time I start to really, REALLY crave color. Like clockwork, every January I start scheming about decorating with yellow or orange or something bright just to liven things up a bit. It's been a little better this year because my kitchen is south-facing and everything is white and light blue, so it feels nice and light and airy. That being said, I still think more color this time of year is great. So, the kids and I made this fun food-dye color wheel the other day. It was such fun, and I couldn't believe how patient the kids were (ages 3 and 5), just staring at the colored water move slowly up the paper towels and mixing together. Here's what you need to make this fun color wheel: 6 clear cups 6 paper towels red food dye blue food dye yellow food dye Here's what you do to make the color wheel: 1) Fill 3 cups with water and mix in red food dye into one, blue food dye into the second and yellow food dye into the third.

Pencil Drawing Techniques With Examples - Bored Art Pencils have not gotten as much credit as they should get when it comes to the visual arts. But the fact is that pencils can help you produce some remarkable works of art that will leave you reeling with surprise but only if you know what you are doing. To do that, you will have to have a grasp of pencil drawing techniques that will give you an idea on what strokes and techniques to use to get the effect you want to create. All you need to do is look at beautiful drawing pencil sketches and art examples and you will be dying to try to create some of your own. It is only when you learn how to draw with pencils will you realize why they say that simple is not the same thing as easy and while pencil drawings may seem simple they are anything but easy. If you have beautiful doodle art ideas but do not know where to direct your creativity, then the best way to go about it is to first master the techniques and then move on to venting your creativity on the surface of your choice.

Learn to Draw Tutorials for Kids Print and enjoy our Learn to Draw Animals pages for kids of all ages. Kids can use our step by step... Here's a collection of our "learn to draw" activities for Spring. Children can follow... Kids can have fun with these printables with which they can learn to draw Autumn pictures such as... Kids can have fun with our learn to draw tutorials for winter pictures - a pretty snowflake and a... Kids can learn to draw favourite flowers with these printable step by step tutorials. Here's something fun for keeping the kids busy! Learn to draw the goddess Lakshmi and the elephant-headed Ganesha for Diwali using our simple step... Here's a fun activity for the kids this Halloween! Fun printable learn to draw tutorials for kids with a Thanksgiving theme! Learn to draw a selection of birds with our fun drawing tutorials, which teach kids with a simple... Just for fun, learn to draw your own Saint Andrew and Loch Ness Monster on St Andrew's Day! Here's an activity that will keep the kids busy!

Mandala Coloring Pages Behold our free printable mandala coloring pages! : ) The word ‘Mandala’ means circle and there are incredibly beautiful historic examples of artwork created in this circular form. The imagery commonly symbolizes a cosmos contained within the circle, a microcosm of the Universe from the human viewpoint. For adults they are popular meditation tools, for kids they are fun and challenging to color in. They often demand more experimentation and imagination, compared to common coloring pages, in how colors are used in the patterns. The great thing with Mandalas is that there are no rules, so encourage them to use whichever colors they feel work together or just look right to them. We have created our own special printable mandala pages in a range of contemporary styles and complexities.

Färglägg Ritmallar och Pyssla 40 Realistic Water Drops Drawings And Tutorials Sometimes the simplest subjects are the toughest to draw and depict realistically and this is because while they may be considered mundane in our lives, they are complex in terms of drawing and art. Take for instance the simple and humble water drop, we see them, clean them and take them for granted but when it comes to drawing a water drop it is anything but simple or mundane. It is like when you learn how to draw an eye – it is definitely challenging to master this but infinitely satisfying to be able to recreate them. A drop of water is also like the eye in sense that it reflects light and other things unlike other solid objects and this adds to the challenges and complexity faced by the artist. While you are in the process of explaining how to draw water droplets in a realistic way, you would also do well to look at a tutorial about brushes and learn all you wanted to know about them so that you know what brush to create what effect to create.

Snowman Theme We have a growing collection of snowman colouring pages and colouring cards, ready to enjoy this... Lots NEW! Over the years we have built up a great collection of snowman crafts for kids, and every... We have a growing collection of snowman printables including posters, jigsaws, a learn to draw... When it is cold outside our snowman games will provide lots of fun indoors. From dice games... We have a gorgeous Winter holidays spot the difference and a simple how many words puzzle perfect... - Silhuettmålning I våras arbetade vi med att skapa silhuetter i bildämnet. En Silhuett/siluett är bilden av en person, ett objekt eller landskap som enbart består av en kontur och där det som är i silhuett ofta är svartfärgat. Termen Silhuett, som har fått sitt namn efter fransmannen Étienne de Silhouette (1709-1767), användes till en början under 1700-talet för att beskriva profilporträtt eller andra bilder utklippta i tunt svart papper (Wikipedia). Förmågan som eleverna tränade under arbetets gång var att skapa bilder med hantverksmässiga tekniker och verktyg samt med olika material. Den här gången använde vi oss enbart av vattenfärger. varje elev skall efter avslutat arbete veta vad en silhuett ärvarje elev skall skapa sin egen silhuett genom att använda relevanta tekniker på ett i huvudsak fungerande sätt. Eleverna skapade först sin bakgrund för att sedan, när denna torkat, lägga på sin silhuett. Innan vi startade upp arbetet gick vi igenom olika begrepp som kan vara användbara i bildarbetet:

Different Types Of Perspective In Art With Examples - Bored Art One will not be completely wrong in saying that most art is all about perspective. This is because often the work of art that we see in front of us is something that is presented from the artist’s perspective. Whether it is sensational and soothing scenic road photography or a painting that has a new angle. If you are having difficulty wrapping your head around this concept, then you should look at amazing silhouettes art for inspiration. Or for another perspective (pardon the pun), looking at surprisingly genius negative space art examples. A good artist would try to learn about all the points of view and what they are called so that they can discuss these well when asked about them. That is why we are going to explain about perspective drawings in this article: Linear perspective: This type of drawing is about showing an image with three dimensions but on a two-dimensional surface. Some of the lesser seen perspective drawings is the zero point and the six point perspectives.

Tree Colouring Pages - Färglägg träd Here's a collection of tree colouring pages featuring trees native to the British Isles, together with their leaves and seeds. Great for nature study! Download printable versions by clicking the links beneath the images below. Here's a colouring page of the blackberry bush, with detailed close-up drawings of the fruit, flowers and branches for the children to colour in. Enjoy this pretty spring blossom tree colouring page for kids which can also be used as a counting activity! There is nothing quite so lovely in spring as the cherry tree in blossom! Whether in the hedgerow or garden, the elder tree is a useful tree and a distinctive sight, with its red berries (elderberries) and white sprays of flowers. The holly tree is best recognised as provided evergreen foliage at Christmas time. Here's a colouring page of the majestic oak tree, with close up detail of its distinctive leaves and acorns. This pretty tree template could be useful for all sorts of crafty nature or Christmas projects!

As per request (thanks, singingrabbitskull!), I... - Mean Guys with Cloaks Charcoal Drawing Techniques For Beginners - Bored Art Have you always been an admirer of charcoal drawings? We are sure that if you are not one right now, you will become an admirer once you have seen some beautiful examples of charcoal painting, because there is a certain charm and magic to them that will leave you captivated. And if you are already a fan and are eager to learn how to do this, then we hope this article will open your eyes to the possibilities. That is why you we request you to read on so that you can learn some tips about compelling and creative charcoal drawings to capture your eyes so that you can also try your hand at this. If you come to think about it, you will realize that there is a primitive draw to charcoal drawings because it would have to be the first supply that would have been available to our forefathers in the past. That is probably the draw that you feel when you look at charcoal drawings and make you want to learn the concepts around this, which is why we give you some tips on how to get started:

I mitt huvud Den här bilduppgiften gjorde jag tillsammans med mina fjärdeklassare. Målet var att eleverna skulle göra en bild som uttryckte deras tankar. De fick börja med att rita ett självporträtt, som de färglade med färgpennor. När de var nöjda kopierade jag deras bilder på en färgkopiator, sedan använde vi kopian att arbeta vidare med. De tog sedan kopian klippte ut ansiktet och klippte av toppen av huvudet. Sedan limmade de upp ansiktena på ett färgat papper. Under arbetets gång kom vi in på diskussioner om ansiktets proportioner, hur man får håret att se verkligare ut om man målar i hårstrånas riktning, skuggor i ansiktet, mm. Iden till den här bilduppgiften fick jag härifrån.
