0to255 Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming - MindMeister SchoolRack » Create a FREE Teacher Website or Educational Blog! Pro dafont.com Atom Smashers Error Message Generator Do not link directly to the image! No Hot-Linking! Your link will not work! Feel free to copy this image and use it on your own web site, and please link back to here. No signs were harmed during the production of this web page; IANAL; void where prohibited; subject to change with or without notice; all information provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness are disclaimed; no other warranty expressed or implied; this is not an offer to sell securities; use only in well-ventilated area; keep away from fire or flame; not recommended for children; this supersedes all previous notices; no Microsoft(tm) products were used during the making of this web page or any images contained herein; all trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. Be the first to find out when new generators are posted! Do you have an idea for a message generator? This is so cool!
Khan Academy shwup - Home Dear friends, When we set out to create Shwup (later renamed muveeCloud), our key motivation was to enable private, secure sharing of life’s precious moments. After all, many of you (like us) are very protective of our personal photos and videos. So now that this is covered, we believe we should focus our energies on bringing value to your lives through other new exciting products. It has been an amazing journey, and all the muvee team would like to say a big THANK YOU for being part of it. Our support team is emailing all Premium users to make sure you can download all of your files stored on muvee Cloud. This, of course, does not mean Goodbye.
TypeWith.me: Live Text Document Collaboration! Bazoocam chat webcam aléatoire Dont Pay for Technology: 25 Freebies for Students Jun 29, 2009 In today's economic climate, paying for technology isn't prudent, and for some students, it isn't even an option. Fortunately, there are plenty of freebies on the web that can help with document creation, research, writing, storage, collaboration, studying and more. Here are 25 free web apps and software programs that may be useful to students. Document Creation Zoho Office - Zoho Office is an amazing suite of web-based productivity and collaboration tools. Research and Writing Schoolr - This meta search engine combines other academic search engines to make research faster and more efficient for students. Online Storage and Collaboration ADrive - Offering more than 50 GB of free storage, ADrive is one of the best places to upload and store files online. Study Help and Web-Based Learning Mindpicnic - Mindpicnic is helping to revolutionize the way students learn by providing free courses and study materials online. Miscellaneous Tech Tools
For Teachers Do you want to use Gapminder tools in your classroom? Check out all our resources on this page and the downloads page to get started. For more info, contact our educational staff at mikael@gapminder.org and olof.granstrom@gapminder.org . Featured examples of Gapminder in education Teachers TV: Looking at statistics with Year 8 students[Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page]Thanks to: Bob LangGapminder and Worldmapper Geography for a changing world resources from the Geographical Association, UK.Thanks to: Paula CooperGapminder course at the NYC iSchool An experimental high school course that challenges 10th and 11th grade students to use a quantitive lens to analyze the last 200 years of global history.Thanks to: Jesse Spevack Featured resources Gapminder Tools Gapminder Tools OfflineYou can use Gapminder Tools without an Internet connection! External resources about Gapminder
WebEx: Online meetings and video conferencing
Padlet e' un muro virtuale, una bacheca. Da utilizzare per appuntare idee o contenuti digitali , oppure per assemblare una lezione multimediale. by barbarapesce Jan 20
Padlet è una bacheca virtuale collaborativa sulla quale appuntare testi, contenuti multimediali, immagini a seconda dell'argomendo trattato.
La condivisione avviene tramite link o sui social più conosciuti o con embed code su blog e siti.
Molto amato dai miei alunni per le varie opzioni di personalizzazione e presentazione. by ritamarchignoli Jan 20
Crea els teus propis anuncis en un taulell. by miquelrivero Dec 18
This is virtual board where users can create lists, collection of documents, or timetables of projects. This is a web tool that can help teachers to develop collaborative projects. Teachers can monitor students’ activity in this webpage. It is appropriate for kids in grades 5th to 12th.
Teaching Tips:
1. Make a wall for the materials that will be needed for a project.
2. Students can create their yearbook of achievements in padlet.com
3. Students can visualize projects' progress. by gabrielapearltrees Oct 26
Eina de software lliure que permet crear un mur virtual de notes per relacionar idees i compartir-les ja que permet usuaris diferents. Com passa en totes aquestes eines un s’ha de registrar per a poder-les utilitzar, però es pot participar en altres murs sense necessitat d’estar registrats. Quan creem un mur nou ens permet personalitzar-lo. Les notes que anem afegint permeten l’edició de text i la inserció d’imatges, àudios i vídeos utilitzant la URL. Cada nota permet 160 caràcters. by julia.coromina Jan 26
Hmmm know what you mean, but students like using it! by cschulze Jan 17
Seems perfect for student discussions beyond hierarchal organization...but worried about longevity of wallwisher. by kbpc172 Jan 15
Es bueno,pero sería ideal que llegara un aviso al correo cuando alguien postea en el muro by pplazav Jul 18
Build your own wall and have students post notes, reminders, videos, and more. by mosaic May 20