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Where Does My Tweet Go?

Where Does My Tweet Go?

Family Tree & Family History at Status Magic 100 Things to Tweet About Besides Yourself! The number one question I hear when it comes to Twitter is “what do I talk about?” Given that most people do NOT know what to talk about, many wind up either boring their social community to death or they turn them off because they default to talking about themselves. Never fear. You do not need to default to tweeting like a self centered, babbling idiot. Check out these 100 ideas to inspire, connect, entertain and delight your audiences. No, not every one of them is going to work for every tweeter and every audience. As I always say “there is only one way to do social media, and that is the way that works for you and your business.” Remember your number one goal is to inspire and connect with your audience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. to help people save money, time and resource. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

Association Echanges / ESN Avignon L’EXPRESSION DE LA SEMAINE par Karine Villa Bonsoir à tous, mais avant tout : BON DEBUT DE VACANCES!L’association Echanges vous souhaite de passer deux superbes et relaxantes semaines entre révisions, soleil, et tout le reste :) Pour fêter ça, voici une jolie expression toute belle et toute douce qui donnera, aux plus aventuriers d’entre vous, d’éventuelles idées pour ces vacances! Expression : dormir à la belle étoile Définition : dormir sur le sol, sans le moindre abri, sans rien au dessus de sa tête… Juste allongé au sol, les yeux vers les étoiles :) Exemples : “Un barbecue, les potes, et dormir à la belle étoile… ça, c’est la vraie vie!”" Précision : L’expression est populaire.

Interactive: Mapping the World's Friendships Technology bridges distance and borders. Individuals today can keep in touch with their friends and family in completely new ways — regardless of where they live. We explored these international connections through Facebook and found some trends — some predictable, some wholly unexpected, and some still inexplicable. Who can explain the strong link between the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the poorest countries in the heart of Africa, and Ecuador? But as we did a little research, some unusual connections become surprisingly clear. Immigration is one of the strongest links that seems to bind these Facebook neighbors, as thousands of people pour over borders or over seas, seeking jobs or fleeing violence, and making new connections and maintaining old friendships along the way. A Stanford graduate in International Relations, Mia Newman's research provided "A Closer Look" at the relationships between countries.

Padlet – A Collaborative Tool for Building Webpages « AppVita Looking at a blank piece of paper brings all types of possibilities to mind. Padlet is an application that brings that same freedom and flexibility to online publishing, giving people a way to create their own multimedia websites without relying on the templates and other constraints that usually tie people down. The sky is the limit, in terms of what you can use Padlet to create. Click “Build a wall” when you’re ready to begin, then get started by dragging any file from your desktop right onto your blank Padlet canvas. Sharing your Padlet page with others is easy. Practical Uses: Post classroom files for students to download at homeDesign a tribute page where anyone can post words of appreciation for local heroesCollect photos from anyone who was in attendance at a particular eventCreate a story outline with writing colleagues Insider Tips: What we liked: What we didn’t like: Nothing Alternatives: Company Info: Costs: Free

Create PDF, DOC, XML and other docs from Twitter tweets! RelFinder - Visual Data Web Are you interested in how things are related with each other? The RelFinder helps to get an overview: It extracts and visualizes relationships between given objects in RDF data and makes these relationships interactively explorable. Highlighting and filtering features support visual analysis both on a global and detailed level. The RelFinder is based on the open source framework Adobe Flex, easy-to-use and works with any RDF dataset that provides standardized SPARQL access. Check out the following links for some examples: The RelFinder can easily be configured to work with different RDF datasets. The RelFinder can also be more deeply integrated with your project: Integrating the RelFinder See the following examples of how the RelFinder is integrated into other projects: Ontotext applies the RelFinder to enable an exploration of relationships in the biomedical domain. All tools on this website are research prototypes that might contain errors.

Designing (and converting) for multiple mobile densities With Apple leading the movement, phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop displays are rapidly increasing in resolution. This is wonderful for everyday mobile users, as the quality of their device screens become sharper and allow them to better experience the finer details of an application. But this creates an interesting challenge — designing for multiple mobile densities. Understanding densities The sharpness of your phone or tablet’s display is referred to as density. iOS devices measure density in PPI (pixels per inch) and Android in DPI (dots per inch). As mobile hardware evolves, so does the quality of screens. View full size As illustrated above, there are five widely used densities across iOS and Android devices, which fall into four progressively larger groups: - non-retina (iOS) and mdpi (Android)- hdpi (Android)- retina (iOS)- xhdpi (Android) The lower densities will grow old over the next few years, eventually removing themselves from mobile design and build requirements.

Twitscoop - Stay on top of twitter! - Search twitter, twitter client, hot trends analyzing the connections between friends and followers
