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14 Excellent YouTube Math Channels for Teachers and Students February 10, 2014 Since the posting of "20 Great Math Websites for Teachers and Students", I have received some requests from math teachers asking for websites that provide quality math videos. Upon checking my archive and some other online resources, I deemed it necessary to compile this list of Math YouTube channels to share with you. These are basically channels where you can have access to a wide variety of math videos and tutorials to help your students with Math. I have included only what I believe are the best Math channels out there. 1- Mr. TenMarks' web-based math program is used by students across 25,000 schools and 7,000 districts. 3- Mathademics: Mathademics is a community learning tool based out of Northern Illinois. This is one of the most popular YouTube channels that offers free video lessons and tutorials on a wide range of subjects including Math. 7- Numberphile: 9- Mathematics Online: This channel offers math videos on geometry formula derivations and more.
How DNA Proves God Made All Creatures Great and Small Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection may be able to explain how living creatures can evolve from one form to another, but it cannot explain how something that was not alive evolved into the first life on Earth. Stephen C. Meyer, a Cambridge trained scholar in the philosophy of science, does have an explanation for how life on Earth began: the DNA in every cell of every creature shows unmistakable evidence of having been deliberately designed by an intelligent being. Meyer lays out his analysis in a new book, Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design. Here is a transcript of their conversation: Terry Jeffrey: Welcome to “Online With Terry Jeffrey.” A one time geophysicist and college professor, he’s now director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington. He is now the author of a book, Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, that makes the same argument. Meyer: Oh, absolutely.
The Skeptics Society Forum - Index page PlanetMath Mathematics, mathematical modeling, mathematical research | Web Design, Dynamic web site | E-commerce by Suitcase of Dreams | Custom software, Programming, Freeware, Educational computer programs | Database Design | Graphics | Royalty Free Gold & Silver C NCTM Brain Teasers Sliding Triangle The triangle at left lies on a flat surface and is pushed at the top vertex. The length of the congruent sides does not change, but the angle between the two congruent sides will increase, and the base will stretch. Initially, the area of the triangle will increase, but eventually the area will decrease, continuing until the triangle collapses. What is the maximum area achieved during this process? This brainteaser was written by Derrick Niederman. Solution: 200 square units; 32 units. For the first part of the question, the maximum area occurs when the angle between the sides is a right angle. For a more advanced trigonometry solution, remember that the area of a triangle can be calculated by taking half the product of two sides and the sine of the angle between those sides. Again using a trig solution, A=(1/2)absinθ, where a and b are the side lengths.