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Ma pile de livres The Speed Of Light May Not Be As Constant As We Thought It Was Many things in life are constant. The crushing sense of disappointment after finishing a bar of chocolate, for example. The unpredictability of 2016. And, of course, the speed of light. But, wait! Perhaps it is not so. The theory comes from Professor João Magueijo at Imperial College London, published in Physical Review D. The theory goes that seconds after the Big Bang, there must have been a way to spread heat and energy around the universe, before gravity had a chance to reach every corner. This helps to deal with the so-called “horizon problem”, where all parts of the universe today are roughly the same everywhere we look, broadly speaking. So Magueijo proposes that the speed of light was higher moments after the Big Bang, allowing the universe to become uniform in its early stages. He predicts that this figure should be 0.96478.

The Hindrances and Their Cessation As we listen inwardly, we begin to recognise the whispering voices of guilt, remorse and desire, jealousy and fear, lust and greed. Sometimes you can listen to what lust says: 'I want, I've got to have, I've got to have, I want, I want!' Sometimes it doesn't even have any object. Lust may take the form of looking for something to eat, or anything to absorb into, become something, unite with something. These are conditions in nature which we must recognise and see; not through condemnation, but through understanding them. Sensual desire is the first of the hindrances (nivarana). The third hindrance is sleepiness, lethargy, dullness, sloth, drowsiness, torpor; we tend to react to this with aversion. Restlessness is the opposite of dullness; this is the fourth hindrance. Doubt is the fifth hindrance. So this is being the knowing, knowing what we can know. And what do we learn?

Historicoblog (3) Think tank Il réunit souvent autour d'une personnalité politique ou d'un parti politique, des personnes désirant réfléchir sur une base non professionnelle à des problèmes relevant des politiques publiques. En 2012, 6 603 think tanks[4] étaient répertoriés dans le monde contre 6480 en 2010[5]. La création de think tanks a été massive de la fin des années 1960 au début des années 2000. Au plus fort de leur croissance, vers l'année 1996, il se créait dans le monde près de 150 think tanks par an. Généralités[modifier | modifier le code] Rôle[modifier | modifier le code] Les think tanks ne visent pas seulement à réaliser des études originales. Les rôles des think tanks sont nombreux. Pour James McGann, directeur du Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program à l'université de Pennsylvanie et éditeur du classement mondial des laboratoires d'idées, ceux-ci « aident à mettre au point les agendas politiques et dressent des ponts entre le savoir et le pouvoir[7] ». Pour Richard N. Forum des think tanks en 2012.

Ticketmaster Teams With Facebook So You Can Sit Next To Your Friends When Ticketmaster CEO Nathan Hubbard and his new executive team hit the road earlier this year touting a more innovative and fan-focused company -- the Turnaround Tour, we dubbed it in the July/August issue -- one stat was a guaranteed show-stopper. Each time a ticket buyer shared with Facebook friends that he was attending an event, Hubbard said, that alert generated $5.30 in additional ticket revenue. Then he showed clients the next stage of social commerce, a mock-up of an arena seat map indicating where a customer's Facebook friends were sitting. "Don't you want to know," he'd ask the crowd, "if any of your friends are going to the same show? At the client meeting in Orlando, a Miami Dolphins executive arched his eyebrows while studying the map, turned to his colleague and whispered, "This is sick." Starting today, you can see what the fuss was about. Now you can have an even more customized ticket search. "This isn't just about social," Hubbard says of the seat tagging.

Technique du yoga. Nadi shoddhana, la respiration alternée. Nâdî Shoddhana La respiration alternée (Cliquez sur les images pour agrandir) C'est une respiration de base qui sert à purifier et à équilibrer les énergies. Elle s'appelle nâdî shuddhi (ou shoddana) que l'on pourrait traduire par purification des nâdî. Elle consiste à respirer alternativement par l'une ou l'autre narine. Les nâdî sont les canaux par où circulent les énergies. On remarque facilement qu’on respire plus d'une narine que de l'autre (les proportions sont variables, il ne s’agit jamais de 0% dans une narine et de 100% dans l’autre, cela oscille entre 20 à 40% d’un côté et 60 à 80% de l’autre). Le côté gauche du souffle et du corps représente le côté lunaire, féminin, froid, paisible, calme, la nuit, celui de l'intériorité, de l'immobilité, etc. Quand telle ou telle narine laisse passer plus d'air que l'autre, quant elle est en action, elle développe les qualités qui lui sont propres correspondant à la tendance lunaire ou solaire, suivant le cas. Christian TIKHOMIROFF

Système solaire: ce que les agences spatiales ne nous disent pas | | ELISHEAN au FéMININ Depuis des temps reculés, l’Homme s’est longuement questionné sur l’origine et le fonctionnement du système solaire. Fort heureusement, la science de notre époque nous a apporté quelques compréhensions de la dynamique qui régit ces astres. Il n’en reste pas moins vrai que lorsqu’on explore en détails les différentes théories cosmiques (par exemple celles de la genèse solaire) bon nombre de celles-ci présentent de graves lacunes internes qui les rendent insuffisantes ou invalides dans les faits. Mais, au lieu de rester humble face aux énigmes du cosmos, on continue à brandir fièrement certaines théories boiteuses pour montrer au public que la science sait parfaitement expliquer l’existence et la dynamique des astres qui nous entourent. L’ouvrage, L’or des étoiles : Nouveau regard sur le système solaire, comble certaines lacunes en exposant des découvertes majeures dans trois domaines : Dans un tout autre thème, L’or des étoiles nous plonge dans une enquête lunaire peu commune.

Social media shines a light on Giants « zeitgeist and stuff Rioting has been sparked after last night’s World Series win for the San Francisco Giants (which of course everyone will know the result of already because it’s called the World Series). Despite the unfortunate nature of these events, the situation provides another example of how social media can help inform people during a developing incident, much as it did during the Mumbai attacks last year. They also proved successful in getting the word out regarding the protests in China’s Xinjiang province last year. There is opportunity for emergency response services to exploit these channels – in the case of San Francisco it was not having enough police stationed in the right areas – as long as they can separate the wheat from the chaff. Like this: Like Loading...

Social Engineer by Ian Sutherland Ian Sutherland was brought up the Outer Hebrides, idyllic remote islands off the west coast of Scotland. In an effort to escape the monotonous miles of heather, bracken and wild sheep, Ian read avidly, dreaming of one day arriving in a big city like London. And then, at the tender age of 12 he was unexpectedly uprooted to Peckham, an inner city suburb of South-East London. Ian quickly discovered that the real London was a damn sight more gritty and violent than the version in his books and shown on tv. Undeterred, Ian did what he did best, and buried his head in books, dreaming of other places to escape to. Roll forward some years, and Ian can still be found with his head in a book. Here, he writes gritty, violent crime thrillers full of well-rounded characters, set in and around London.

Sex, sleep, and power: A conversation with Chelsea Handler and Arianna Huffington Below is an unedited transcript: Arianna Huffington CHELSEA HANDLER: Hello, hello. We spoke last week on the phone to discuss what we would be talking about today, and first I want to talk about your passion for sleep. ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: Yes. Fortune's Most Powerful Women But in the course of doing that, I kind of discovered that we are paying a heavy price by being a sleep-deprived society, that if we actually could up our sleep portion every day, we would become wiser. CHELSEA HANDLER: So, how do you propose one gets a full eight hours of sleep every night? ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: I think first of all it's prioritizing. CHELSEA HANDLER: I have a great sex drive, so I don't know anything about that. ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: No, but I mean, if you -- but if you are exhausted, isn't your sex drive diminished? CHELSEA HANDLER: Never, no. ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: She's so sleep deprived that even her perception is kind of damaged. 10 most powerful women entrepreneurs CHELSEA HANDLER: Yes. Chelsea Handler

Secret d?fense L'intervention française au Mali (opération Serval), qui a démarré de manière fracassante le 11 janvier dernier, était dans les cartons depuis 2009. Une planification de l'état-major, baptisée Requin, prévoyait alors quasiment ce qui advenu cet hiver. Et qui a failli être déclenché à plusieurs reprises sous la présidence Sarkozy... Attention, il ne s'agit pas d'un récit détaillé des opérations militaires depuis janvier - à la manière de Jean-Christophe Notin sur l'Afghanistan ou la Libye. L'ouvrage revient sur les causes de cette crise, c'est-à-dire à la fois la déliquescence de l'Etat malien et la montée en puissance des groupes terroristes au Sahel, comme AQMI, qui trouvent leur origine dans la guerre civile algérienne. Isabelle Lasserre et Thierry Oberlé "Notre guerre secrète au Mali" Fayard, 248 pages, 17 euros.
