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The We Do Listen Foundation

The We Do Listen Foundation

Inglés para niños: JOLLY PHONICS Jolly Phonics el el sistema por el que se trabaja la lectura y la escritura en Reino Unido. Es un método que resulta muy divertido para trabajar las letras y sus sonidos en inglés, tanto para los profesores como para los niños. Se trata de un método fonético sintético que enseña a los niños y niñas de manera multisensorial: a través de imagen, movimiento y sonido. Enseña a los niños y niñas a utilizar el código alfabético básico para el comienzo de la lectura y la escritura. Como vemos, todo beneficios, siendo un método muy innovador en comparación con el método tradicional llamado método global, también conocido como "Look and Say", en el que los niños y niñas aprender a leer palabras completas (en España esto lo hacemos actualmente, enseñándoles una flashcard con una palabra completa que deben memorizar y reconocer de forma visual posteriormente en un ejercicio, por ejemplo). Se empieza enseñando las letras aisladas y el sonido que cada letra representa.

Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics Diversity in the Classroom - An Article by Michael Soon Lee, MBA, CSP Teachers must be aware of the fact that there are different learning styles among students in the classroom. However, we may believe that most people are comfortable with the primary mode of communicating in America that is primarily verbal. This could be a fatal mistake, especially when speaking to groups composed of a significant number of people from diverse cultures. First, let’s examine the four basic learning styles. In the United State, most keynote speeches and seminars are presented primarily aurally which is probably why we are known as professional “speakers”. However, only 30% of all audiences favor the auditory learning style. Studies show that 30% of people prefer learning kinesthetically where hands-on experience helps make the learning stick. What does culture have to do with learning style? A question that many speakers often ask is whether keynoters can present in a multimodal format without detracting from their presentations. Download This Article (PDF)

BATTLESHIP: IRREGULAR VERBS Much to learn, you still have. – Joda. Despite the evidence that the number of irregular verbs is declining in the English language, there is no danger they will disappear, and the struggle will continue. There are many attempts to find a shortcut in learning irregular verbs, yet with all the options and “magic tricks” available, learning these verbs requires much memorization, drilling and practice. Today I will show how I use the Battleship game to drill and practise irregular verbs in a fun way. Before the game: Each player will need two 10×10 grids – one with irregular verbs in each square, and one blank grid. Click the Grids to download them. The players then mark where they want to place their ships by circling rows, horizontally or vertically. Each player’s fleet consists of the following ships: 1 aircraft carrier – 5 squares 1 battleship – 4 squares 1 cruiser – 3 squares 2 destroyers – 2 squares each 2 submarines – 1 square each How to play: some more games with irregular verbs from Engames.

Town | Segundo Y Tercer ciclo primaria (3º - 4º y 5º- 6º) : ejercicios, recursos y actividades Actividades del libro de 4º de Inglés Anaya, pero el Tema 7 “Magic Town” nos sirve para ver el vocabulario de la ciudad y las preposiciones next to, behind,in front of. Un ejercicio de vocabulario con los edificios de una ciudad Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... NOTES PLAY & LEARN “Life is more fun if you play games.”Roald Dahl Today is the first day of another 365-day journey of ELT-CATION around the sun, so I thought it would be a good idea to list the top 10 most liked games posted on ELT-CATION by now. They are low-cost, learning rich and work really well in the classroom. The players take turns to make a shot at the opponent, by calling out the coordinates of a square. Materials needed: grids (or 1 sheet of paper per student) Read more here. The aim of the game is to climb the ladder. Materials needed: a sheet of paper per 2 players Read more here. Get students to make a 4×4 grid, fill it in with answers to your/their questions (Get the students to rotate their grids, and answer the second question, and so on, until all the grids have been filled in with answers). Materials needed: 1 A4 sheet of paper per student. Read more here. It’s a very simple game, where the player is placed in a maze and has to find a treasure chest and find a way out. Read more here.

Phonemic Awareness - Pre Reading Skills - Reading Skills Pyramid Phonemic awareness is the understanding that words are made up of sounds which can be put together in different ways to make different words. Simply put, phonemic awareness is the moment a child realizes that if the "b" in "bat" is changed to a "c", then the word becomes "cat." Phonemic awareness is a critical pre-reading skill which is often overlooked. And while each child is different, most learn to read following a similar sequence. Many are able to continue with no trouble when steps are missed, but others may have difficulty later because they didn't make the connection. Learning to read should be an exciting time, and with Time4Learning, it can be. For more information, check out our curriculum demos or early reading lesson plans for kindergarten, first, and second grade. Phonemic Awareness Is Often Confused With Phonological Awareness Phonemic awareness is often mistaken for phonological awareness, which is the ability to distinguish sounds from one another. Fueling Curiosity

Diversity Activities for Youth & Adults | The Classroom Team-building games are a fun way for youths and adults to deepen their understanding of cultural diversity. Team-building diversity games also can help participants appreciate the advantages that result when people with a variety of skill sets and personalities work together to get something done. Be prepared to follow each activity with a provocative group discussion -- or hire an experienced team-building facilitator to tailor a program to your specific needs. Hello in Different Languages Challenge your group to say "Hello" in as many different languages as they can. Stereotype Party Prepare a set of "name tags" with descriptors, such as homeless person, lawyer, cop, inmate, teen mother, cheerleader and politician. Related Articles Whodunit? Ask each student to write down on an index card something interesting she has done. Blind Walk Tell participants to pair up and decide who will be blindfolded first. Lap Sit Assign each participant a role in the food chain.

Select a free English topic from the 100+ topics available Each topic has 10 pictures (Beginner) or 20 pictures (Intermediate) with their accompanying written texts and spoken English recordings. There are 56 Beginner topics and 58 Intermediate topics to choose from. All the topics are free to use. English Activities is a free online resource consisting of English lessons, English games and English tests to help both adults and kids studying ESL & EFL English. Key features of our EFL / ESL topics: 10 or 20 specially drawn pictures that clearly illustrate the concept being depictedEach picture has a standard text and recording that can be played as requiredThe language is beginner ESL EFL English and consists of words, simple phrases and short sentences in the first person present tense. English Activities should be used like this: English topics | English lessons | English gamesEnglish tests | English vocabulary You start English activities by choosing the topic you want to learn or revise.

Recursos gratuitos para que los niños aprendan inglés Aprender nuevos idiomas nunca está de más, ya sea para mejorar académicamente como profesionalmente, el problema viene cuando intentamos buscar un curso pero sale demasiado caro, es por ello que hemos hecho una recopilación de aplicaciones ya descritas en anterioridad en la categoría de Idiomas de Wwwhatsnew, en la que recogemos las mejores para que podáis mejorar y aprender nuevos idiomas con juegos, exámenes, vídeos, etc. Empezamos la lista con: Babyu Babyu es un sitio creado para niños de habla inglesa de entre 1 y 5 años, su contenido es tan atractivo y básico que lo hacen ideal para enseñar inglés a nuestros hijos. Incluye contenidos que van desde los alimentos hasta los animales pasando por los colores, sonidos, números… Learn English Kids Learn English Kids es una interesante aplicación en la que los más pequeños de la casa podrán aprender inglés de forma fácil y sencilla. Grammaropolis BrainNook Y algunas otras para niños más creciditos: EnglishCentral
