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Hugin & Munin

Uchronie - Le journal des Voyages Temps Cocktailians La Griffe Noire - Librairie en ligne - Vente de livres accompagnés d'un commentaire littéraire du libraire Gérard Collard! The Verge The 100 Best Tracks of 2014 There are qualities about Mike Hadreas that make him seem heroic: His songbook takes on themes of trauma and addiction, the body and identity, all in a way that seems designed to protect us—a reminder that we're not alone in our otherness. This year, Hadreas has been selling T-shirts depicting an emasculated Eminem, a proper jab at one of popular music's most problematic living artists. On the shirt, Slim is clad in coral lipstick, just a few shades lighter than the tint Hadreas wore on his watershed "Letterman" performance in October, contorting a slow, sultry sway through "Queen". Indeed, Hadreas' work as Perfume Genius has opened a crucial dialogue over the past half decade. Recall the 2012 incident with his 16-second YouTube ad for Put Your Back N 2 It getting censored for "promoting mature sexual themes" because it featured two shirtless men hugging. And so, should you need convincing, the quaking "Queen" is empirically necessary. Perfume Genius: "Queen"

Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi Charlie's Diary So: the referendum is over and the count is underway. I'm about to go to bed; when I wake up there should be a result. The final YouGov opinion poll today (not an exit poll) gave No a 54/46 lead, but earlier polls suggest the outcome is within the margin of error; I'd be very surprised if that final poll reflects the final count. One thing is sure: even a "no" victory won't kill the core issue of the delegitimization of the political elite. Anyway: I'm not staying up for the count. What comes next? UPDATE: Final results: Yes, 44.7%, No, 55.3%, Turnout: 84.5% (setting an all-time record for a UK election—voting is not compulsory, and at the last UK general election, in 2010, the turnout was 65.1%). UPDATE 2: First Minister Alex Salmond has resigned.

Ashton - Winding Road - Tobacco Reviews This Aston Blend does not get a lot of respect nor high ratings but for the life of me i don't know why, other than the fact that most likely previous reviewers smoked it right out of the tin and not drying it out some. It does come too moist in the tin, but with a little dry time, it becomes a very tasty smoke, mostly a citrusy VA flavor with the caramel just making an appearance andthe apricots just adding to a very nice room aroma. I find it to be quite enjoyable to smoke, it burns very well and dry, and smokes down to a fine grey ash with no gunk or moisute at the bottom of my pipe. It is an all brown tobacco cut in a rought ribbon cut and was very easy to load and pack in the pipe. 4 people found this review helpful. I hadn't tried an Ashton blend before but liked the description of this one, being somewhere between an English and an Aromatic. Upon opening the tin i was met with a very distinct scent of apricot, much like the description on the tin says. I almost like this one.

Indie Haven – Indie game news, features and reviews Stiff Collar | Codes et illustrations du vestiaire masculin
