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Finally! Research-based proof that students use cell phones for LEARNING

Finally! Research-based proof that students use cell phones for LEARNING
Related:  msnelson15

Photography as a Performance | Holm Volume 9, No. 2, Art. 38 – May 2008 Photography as a Performance Gunilla Holm with Fang Huang, Hong Yan Cui, Fatma Ayyad, Shawn Bultsma, Maxine Gilling, Hang Hwa Hong, John Hoye, Robert Kagumba, Julien Kouame, Michael Nokes, Brandy Skjold, Hong Zhong, and Curtis Warren Abstract: This is a study of photography as performance and as an ethnographic research and dissemination method. Key words: photography, performance, visual research methods, visual language Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.1 Performing being stressed 4.2 Teaching and learning to use visual methods 5. Note References Author Citation 1. Our cultures are becoming more visual as well as visually sophisticated due to increasingly advanced technology. Performance in this context is seen as both a form of investigation and a form of representation. 2. Photographs are also commonly used to elicit information in interviews. So far, the most common types of photographs have been the ones taken by the researchers. 3. 4. Photograph 1: Filed 5.

Transitioning to Open Educational Resources Over the course of educational timelines, the textbook has reigned as the authority in content delivery. The textbook's reign has gone unmatched for many years, but its pedestal is beginning to wobble. This is not to say that credible information is no longer in bound books, rather that credible information options have taken on many new forms. Over the past two years, I've been working with my district to transition from the popular textbook towards Open Educational Resources, or OER. The other end of this transition is moving one's resources to a cloud-based or digital application. A Flexible Approach to Content Recently at Burlington Public Schools, we have moved toward opening up our course content and started organizing our faculty-created resources -- presentations, assignment sheets, etc. -- along with OER options. To manage this transition, we started using Net Texts as our content management and distribution application. Four Suggested OER Options OER Commons CK-12 Foundation

Reading Skills and Strategies for Students One of the things students soon realize about college is that they must learn most things on their own, and often, this requires them to locate resources outside the classroom. This is not a foreign idea for those accustomed to finding a tutor in working math problems or writing essays; but, when it comes to asking for help in reading and comprehending a textbook, students are sometimes hesitant to reveal any difficulties they may be experiencing. We all know how to read, right? It’s just a matter of concentrating and re-reading until we get it, right? Wrong. Becoming acquainted with the academic resources of a campus is vital to one’s success, and self-study is key. The following links can get you started, but the more you learn, the more you will want to know. Study Guides and Strategies: This site, available in 39 languages, provides extensive coverage of all things related to student success. Pre-reading Strategies: Learn more about what to do just before you read. Active vs.

Les terminaux mobiles impacte le fonctionnement de l'entreprise « L’arrivée du BYOD (« Bring Your Own Device ») pousse les entreprises à réfléchir à la manière de travailler et à l’utilisation des périphériques mobiles », rappelle Yves Tapia, architecte solutions chez Avanade France, Belgique et Luxembourg. Un phénomène qui a poussé l’intégrateur de solutions Microsoft à mesurer l’utilisation des terminaux mobiles au sein des entreprises à travers une étude réalisée entre août et septembre dernier auprès de 600 décideurs IT dans 19 pays, dont la France. En la matière, celle-ci est « globalement en phase avec la moyenne mondiale » tout en notant des avances ou retards selon les points de l’étude. Ainsi, 43% des entreprises françaises reconnaissent que la majorité de leurs employés utilisent leur propre matériel informatique à des fins professionnelles, contre 61% à l’échelle mondiale. Les tablettes personnelles sont présentes chez 33% des entreprises françaises interrogées. Soit autant que pour le reste du monde. Quizz : Etes-vous incollable sur Skype ?

How To Give a Constructive Critique in Street Photography (Above image copyrighted by Fred Herzog) To become better in street photography (or anything in life), it is essential to get honest and constructive criticism. However the problem with the internet nowadays is that our attention spans are short, and the majority of the comments/feedback we get on our Facebook/Flickr streams include phrases such as, “Nice shot!”, “I love the light!”, or my personal favorite “What camera/lens do you use?” For this article I will try to give some suggestions and guidelines on how to give a constructive critique. I also included inspirational images from Fred Herzog for this article, one of my favorite color street photographers at the moment. What is a critique? Before we can delve into how to give a constructive critique, let us first start off with having a baseline understanding of what “critique” actually means. Critique is a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse. Let us break down two points: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

My Pocket Learning - Accueil Critique Portfolio Pro - Photo Critiques and Discussions How to Critique For consistency you should always use the Critique Template to write your critiques. A critique should be thorough, honest and helpful to the receiver. Both positive and negative critiques can be helpful. Here is an example of a thorough and well written structured critique with grades: Technical Execution: 7Great crispness and clarity with beautiful, natural colors. Visual Composition: 5At first sight it disturbs me that the trees are cut on the right sideand I personally would like to see more of the mountain range on theleft. Artistic Value and Creativity: 5Your photo represents typical works in the landscape genre. Personal Impact: 7My first impression is the fabulous landscape. Total Impression: 6/10 as seen in (generated by the critique template) Still unsure how the grading works or what it should be based on?

Après l'e-learning, le mobile learning débarque sur iPhone A l’heure où les salariés cherchent à faire valoir leur droit individuel à la formation, l’IAE de Caen innove et lance une application iPhone pour apprendre à résoudre les problèmes en entreprise. Un coup d’essai encore hésitant, qui promet de développer un nouveau mode de formation à distance : le "mobile learning". Se former à toute heure, dans le métro, entre deux avions ou dans une salle d’attente. C’est désormais possible grâce à la nouvelle formation qualifiante développée par l’IAE de Caen sur iPhone et iPodtouch, et téléchargeable pour 4,99€ sur l'Apple Store. Des modules ludiques Il ne faut pas s’attendre une formation approfondie. Le "mobile learning", un marché porteur Il existe encore très peu d’applications éducatives sur les 135.000 disponibles sur l’Apple Store. Lire aussi… La formation à distance a le vent en poupe … et le blog de Pierre-Alban Pillet : Business Education

Encyclopedia of Earth "Les serious games rendent les formations à distance plus attrayantes" Près de 400 DRH et responsables de formation sont attendus au Forum des Serious Games, qui se tient le 5 avril à l'hôtel particulier d’Eurosites Liège, à Paris. "Le marché des formations via les jeux vidéo est en pleine effervescence", se réjouit Damian Nolan, directeur associé de l'éditeur Daesign. Avec plus de 60 jeux à son catalogue, cette start-up rhônalpine est l'un des leaders du secteur. : Depuis deux ans, de nombreux acteurs de la formation lancent leur "serious games". : Comment expliquer une telle croissance ? Le jeu Renault Academy pour former les vendeurs : Les jeux vidéo coûtent-ils plus chers qu'une formation classique ? : Peut-on vraiment apprendre en jouant ? Jeu utilisé lors des recrutements chez Alcatel-Lucent : Quelles sont vos perspectives de développement ? Propos recueillis par Sandrine Chauvin
