poverty_book-_the_ecs_of_poverty_fnl.pdf Extreme Thinkover Kralen.com - Inspiratie wissel je uit bij kralen.com - Welkom Welkom bij Kralen.com! Bij Kralen.com vind je duizenden voorbeelden, tientallen instructies en allerlei soorten tips. Vrijwel dagelijks komen er nieuwe foto's van zelfgemaakte creaties op het forum. Er is iedere week een nieuwe wedstrijd. Er worden wekelijks foto's van creaties van bezoekers toegevoegd. Gemaakt door Petra van Munsteren Gemaakt door Marian Haenen Gemaakt door Anjes Gemaakt door anjes Gemaakt door Norakkertje Gemaakt door Maria Jacobs Gemaakt door Margamijn Gemaakt door Lies Claeys
Yes, we are all in this together Our book The Spirit Level was first published in March 2009, about six months after the start of the worst financial crisis since the Second World War. Much of the blame for the crisis was rightly attributed to extraordinary risks taken by people in the financial sector whose excesses were matched only by their grotesquely high salaries. Although our research pre-dates the crisis by many years, the book's generally positive reception clearly owes something to its timing. Many people who, before the crash, had assumed that huge salaries and bonuses reflected the unique contributions and brilliance of their recipients changed their minds as they learned about the lack of relationship between performance and reward. But the reception of the book cannot be attributed wholly to the moment at which it appeared. A recent report confirms empirically the impression we have formed - that the general public is averse to the high levels of inequality in very unequal countries. The ties that bind
The Lancet Neurology - A life-course approach to the aetiology of late-onset dementias Personal View a Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UKb Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK Available online 16 December 2005 Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Check access Get rights and content Substantial progress has been made in the understanding of the neurobiology of dementias, but comprehensive causal models are not available. Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Ltd.
La peligrosa epidemia de las enfermedades no infecciosas | Planeta Futuro La mayor crisis de salud global de los países de renta media y baja no son las enfermedades infecciosas como muchos pueden pensar. No son los parásitos exóticos, plagas bacterianas o virus raros tropicales que ocupan las grandes iniciativas de salud internacional y la atención mediática. Son, en realidad, las enfermedades no infecciosas —non communicable diseases (NCD), en inglés—, las afecciones cardiovasculares, las respiratorias crónicas, la diabetes o el cáncer, las que mataron a más de ocho millones de personas antes de los 60 años en los esos países en 2013. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) incluye entre las NCD una amplia categoría de enfermedades crónicas que, por ellas mismas, no se propagan de persona a persona aunque puedan estar causadas por una bacteria o un virus. En los países desarrollados, la mejora de la esperanza de vida explica, en parte, por qué se han incrementado las enfermedades no infecciosas. El reto es reducir un 25% las muertes prematuras en 2025
forpressfound - WHY PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING You will never fall in the traps of the propaganda-world again: you'll see through their lies. Fwd. and intro by Henk Ruyssenaars September 27th 2010 - That you have been screwed financially for ages is not new to you, is it? And you know why "People Will Believe Almost Anything"? And I know the following article is a golden oldie, but that's exactly why it's still important since people are hit by it daily: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything. By Tim O'Shea 10-30-2007 - Aldous Huxley's inspired 1954 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. Those bonds are much harder to break today, half a century later. It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day. If everybody believes something, it's probably wrong. This is a list of illusions, that have cost billions to conjure up. - Super Sunday
Stoeterij Het Swarte Paert Stoeterij Het Swarte Paert, uniek als het Friese paard zelf. In het centrale deel van de Friese wouden ligt Stoeterij Het Swarte Paert. In deze omgeving kunt u kennis maken met alle facetten rond het Friese paard, cultuur, historie, fokkerij, sport en training.Naast het verzorgen van lessen en cursussen is Stoeterij Het Swarte Paert ideaal voor het bezoek van groepen, die kennis willen maken met dit ras. Ruime ervaring hebben wij met het verzorgen van bedrijfs- en familie feesten. Mogelijk op onze stoeterij: excursies / rondleidingen bedrijfsfeesten en familiefeesten faciliteren cursussen / clinics / trainingen Kortom alles is mogelijk, vraag eens naar een vrijblijvende prijsopgave!
Eric Holt Gimenez: We Already Grow Enough Food For 10 Billion People -- and Still Can't End Hunger A new a study from McGill University and the University of Minnesota published in the journal Nature compared organic and conventional yields from 66 studies and over 300 trials. Researchers found that on average, conventional systems out-yielded organic farms by 25 percent — mostly for grains, and depending on conditions. Embracing the current conventional wisdom, the authors argue for a combination of conventional and organic farming to meet “the twin challenge of feeding a growing population, with rising demand for meat and high-calorie diets, while simultaneously minimizing its global environmental impacts.” Unfortunately, neither the study nor the conventional wisdom addresses the real cause of hunger. Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. In reality, the bulk of industrially-produced grain crops goes to biofuels and confined animal feedlots rather than food for the 1 billion hungry. This is why the U.N.
Health Policy - Economic evaluation in health care: Is there a role for cost-benefit analysis? Abstract This paper is devoted to the contingent valuation (CV) method and its possible area of application in health economics. With the CV method willingness to pay or willingness to accept is measured with survey methods. The CV method has been developed in environmental economics and is now the most commonly used method of measuring environmental benefits. Keywords Cost-benefit analysis; Contingent valuation method; Medical technology assessment
La desigualdad no deja de crecer. ¿Deberíamos preocuparnos? - Econstuff | Econstuff Estés a favor o en contra de la existencia de la desigualdad en nuestras sociedades, deberías saber algo: Sus cifras se están moviendo a gran velocidad. Durante los últimos veinte años, el porcentaje de ingresos que reciben los individuos más ricos de una sociedad (el 1% de los más ricos) se ha duplicado del 10% al 20%. Contra lo que uno esperaría, los impuestos que estos individuos pagan se han reducido -de una manera casi drástica en algunos países-. Desde 1970, aquellas sociedades donde más han aumentado los ingresos de los más ricos son también las que más han bajado los impuestos de éstos: Por su parte, estas bajadas de impuestos no parecen haber tenido ninguna repercusión sobre la evolución de sus economías: ¿Es necesario hacer algo? Todas estas cifras escandalizarán a unos, dejarán indiferentes a otros, y hasta tendrán también una buena legión de defensores. Lo que vamos a intentar aquí es enumerar los argumentos que defienden y critican una desigualdad incontrolada. Enlaces: