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Miguel Nicolelis: A monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. No, really.

Miguel Nicolelis: A monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. No, really.
Related:  inspiration

Need Some Motivation Right Now? Read This IMMEDIATELY — Think Traffic If you’re in desperate need of some motivation, we’re going to fix that problem, right here, right now. Prepare yourself. WARNING: I’m going to swear and yell a little in this post. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You said you needed motivation. If this isn’t the kind of motivation you need, leave now. Alright. Here goes. Do you want some motherfucking motivation right now? I SAID, do you want some MOTHERFUCKING MOTIVATION RIGHT NOW? Do you want to get some seriously useful shit done today? Do you want to get off your ass and start producing instead of wallowing in despair, depression, self pity, fear, doubt or whatever is holding you back? Are you sick of not getting anything done? Let’s DO THIS. The point of this exercise is to give you motivation to do something right now. Follow the steps below carefully. 1. The world doesn’t care. And if you’re feeling depressed or down, stop feeling sorry for yourself while you’re at it. We all face obstacles. Did you catch that? Period. 2. 3. 4.

MehdiDib : Lesley Perkes #TED2013... Day 1: Your First Web Page Reactive programming is a way of coding with asynchronous data streams that makes a lot of problems easier to solve. RxJS is a popular library for reactive...Once in a while, it's important for us as developers to go back to what made us excited about computers in the first place. For Derek Jensen, that is gaming....React is a flexible framework that makes it easy to build single-page web applications. One of its tools is a set of lifecycle methods which you can add to...The PixelSquid plugin for Photoshop is an exciting new technology that provides the benefits of 3D elements without having to understand a 3D program or the...How your app looks is as important as how it works, and animation is an important part of modern user interfaces. Whether by changing the color of an element...jQuery UI is an extension of jQuery that makes it easy to create clean user interface elements for your websites.

Psychology of Color [Infographic] Perhaps no choice is as vital to marketing as color. Whether you are selecting the color for a product or for your email marketing campaign, color has tremendous impact on all of us. Subconsciously, we associate different colors with different things. This infographic examines the psychology of color and looks at some common associations of different colors. It shows the overall importance of color to consumers and characteristics of many individual colors, and it also helps show the connection between graphic design and psychology. The numbers are pretty fascinating! While color can be appealing to us visually, a lot more is going on behind the scenes than just an aesthetic. Embed This Graphic On Your Site <img src=” alt=”Psychology of Color Infographic” />Infographic by <a title=”WebpageFX” href=” Embed the Psychology of Color Infographic Marketing with Color Psychology

MehdiDib : Google glass #TED2013... 5 Potential Ways MOOCs Will Evolve In order to understand where MOOCs are heading (at least taking a stab at guessing their future), it’s important to know what the stated goals are. In case you’re still new to MOOCs, here’s a helpful rundown of the guiding principles behind MOOCs : Aggregation. An earlier list (2005) of Connectivist principles from Siemens also informs the pedagogy behind MOOCs: Learning and knowledge rest in diversity of opinions. Now that you’re a MOOCs expert, let’s examine where they could lead. 1) Most Likely: More Startups, More Schools Offer MOOCs If we continue along at the current rate of adoption and usage, it won’t be surprising to see a slew of startups jumping into the MOOCs space. 2) Sorta Likely: Many Schools Join edX & Similar Alliances, Large Companies Try To Make Money Off MOOCs 3) Less Likely: Schools Big & Small Offer MOOCs Exclusively, MOOCs Lose Momentum Due To Fractured Offerings 4) Not Likely: Companies Run All MOOCs, Schools Pay Them To Do So

27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts In 2012 We may never have our flying cars, but the future is here. From creating fully functioning artificial leaves to hacking the human brain, science made a lot of breakthroughs this year. 1. Quadriplegic Uses Her Mind to Control Her Robotic Arm At the University of Pittsburgh, the neurobiology department worked with 52-year-old Jan Scheuermann over the course of 13 weeks to create a robotic arm controlled only by the power of Scheuermann’s mind. 2. Once the robot figures out how to do that without all the wires, humanity is doomed. 3. Photo Courtesy of Indigo Moon Yarns. At the University of Wyoming, scientists modified a group of silkworms to produce silk that is, weight for weight, stronger than steel. 4. Using an electron microscope, Enzo di Fabrizio and his team at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa snapped the first photos of the famous double helix.Source: / via: davi296 5. 6. ReCell by Avita Medical is a medical breakthrough for severe-burn victims. 7. 8. 10.

Sugata Mitra Recruit partners in the areas of technology, architecture, education and strategy to help design and build Schools in the Cloud of varying bandwidth and resources. Create the Granny Cloud, a global network of educators and retired teachers who can support and engage the children through an online School in the Cloud learning platform. Engage communities, parents, schools and afterschool programs worldwide to transform the way kids learn, by sharing the Self Organized Learning Environment (SOLE) toolkit with them, along with how-to videos and educational resources. In November 2013, the first School in the Cloud—located inside a high school in Killingworth, England—opened its doors to students. Since then, four more schools have opened— one more in the United Kingdom and three in India, including two flagship facilities and the first independent School in the Cloud. A digital School in the Cloud platform was launched at TED2014. Educational researcher Dr.

Coursera Jumps the Shark Remember when Coursera – the world’s largest purveyor of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) – was going to disrupt higher education, and put hundreds if not thousands of public institutions out of business ? I know it’s hard to cast your mind back all of eighteen months, but try. Actually don’t. We’ve been heading this way for awhile. Coursera has simply never had a coherent plan to generate revenue. So now, with no money coming in, and no new round of venture financing announced since last year (attention education journalists: go interview some Coursera investors – they’re key to this story), it announced this week that it would be working with partners like the University of West Virginia and the University of New Mexico – places which Coursera swore in writing to its AAU/U-15/Russell Group partners that it would never allow to offer MOOCS, because it would taint the brand. And so the revolution ends with a whimper, not with a roar.

Hakula: Learn the Natural State of 'Fearlessness' The Natural Fear-Free State of Calm… Hakula, is the natural state of optimal human performance. It is the opposite of the tunnel-vision-fear state many have experienced, because it creates a feeling of calm, and enables the greatest perspective and flexibility of behavior and response. It is so powerful it is one of the key tools we teach our one-on-one clients in our VIP program. How to Practice HakulaPick a spot on the wall, somewhere higher than eye level, around the center of your field of vision. (This state of focus-with-peripheral-awareness was named ‘Hakula’ by the ancient people of Hawaii). When to use Hakula Hakula is perfect for the kinds of situations in which you used to experience fear because it shifts the mind into a state where it is ‘contextually all-aware’. Typically with our clients, we find that if clients think about a problem, then shift into Hakula, the problem immediately seems trivial.

In an effort to make rombotic limbs they made the Monkey Matrix -_- science today is insane. by magicleprechaun Feb 20
