In a Land of Plenty - Film Skip to content Register Registering with NZ On Screen means you can: save favourites comment on and discuss titles receive updates via email about what's happening in the site – if you want to Register now We won't share your data with anyone (see our Privacy Policy) and we won't spam you. Close Main navigation You are here: Home › Watch › Film › In a Land of Plenty In a Land of Plenty Film, 2002 (Documentary) In this section <div class='widget_title_videoplayer'><div class='form_messages'><div><div><h2 class='h2'> Video Player </h2><p class='error'> Please enable javascript </p><p> NZ On Screen makes use of JavaScript to present video. Share this by email High Low Clips (9) In A Land of Plenty (clip 1) Part one of eight from this full length documentary. Synopsis Background The Director's Perspective by Alister Barry 07.05.2009 Read more › Credits (5) Alister Barry Writer, Director Shane Loader Editor, Camera Ian Johnstone Narrator See all credits › Post a comment Comments (7) Bertrand Feuvray tt Thomas
DN! This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. JUAN GONZÁLEZ: One part of President Obama’s new budget that has received little attention is the war on drugs. AMY GOODMAN: Well, today we spend the rest of the hour looking at the U.S. drug war with British journalist Johann Hari, author of the new book, Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War of Drugs. Johann, welcome to Democracy Now! JOHANN HARI: Well, it’s fascinating. The first thing that—I had a really personal reason to want to look into this: We had a lot of addiction in my family. When I learned that, I didn’t really know what to do with it, until I went and met an incredible man called Bruce Alexander, who’s a professor in Vancouver. But in the '70s, Bruce comes along and says, "Well, hang on a minute. But what Bruce says is this shows that both the right-wing theory of addiction and the left-wing theories are wrong. What this show us is, I think there’s huge implications for the war on drugs.
Wake Up Call: End the Nightmare of Consumption Hidden beneath sleek, space-age screens and shining metal, the true cost of our gadgets lurks unseen… Have you ever felt like we're living through a nightmare of consumption? That you wish you could un-hook yourself and reconnect with a life that is somehow more real and vivid? Then perhaps you're ready to heed Earth's Wake Up Call. Today we live in a time when there is little to no understanding of how the goods we consume and take for granted came into being. Without this we lack the knowledge to understand the true costs of our consumption, and the power to take action. Wake Up Call takes us on a fast-paced, animated glimpse of the true costs behind some of our most prized possessions - our electronic gadgets. This new short film for the Gaia Foundation was made by Steve Cutts, the animator who produced this great film.
Vie et mort du capitalisme - Ép. 1/4 - Capitalisme, d'où viens-tu ? Le capitalisme produit des zombies ou, plus précisément, le progrès technique et la consommation de masse produisent des zombies d’un genre nouveau, différents de ceux qui sont apparus il y a plusieurs siècles à Haiti. Nous les voyons tous les jours dans les rues de nos villes, dans les couloirs du métropolitain, sur les passages piétons. Ils avancent la tête basse, le regard perdu, le pas lent. Ils se déplacent en ligne droite, avec le risque d’heurter celui ou celle qui vient en face, parfois un autre zombie. Ces zombies-là, ceux de notre siècle, ont greffé entre les mains un téléphone portatif dont l’écran les hypnotise. Des éthiques et des pratiques capitalistes ont-elles toujours existé ? Cette hypothèse d’origine industrielle du capitalisme a le mérite du bon sens. Souvent annoncée, la fin du capitalisme n’en finit plus d’arriver. Archives : Lectures par Nathalie Kanoui : Musique : Bande originale du film Dead Man par Neil Young Thriller de Michael Jackson