Colors of the Social World (Wide Web) [Infographic + Video] by COLOURlovers When a social network like Twitter allows a user to select a theme to represent themselves in the digital world, that user is choosing to identify their digital persona with colors... And we wanted to look at who chooses what colors... If the world is made up of people and those people have a color preference... what then is the color of Texas? What color are mothers? What color are we? By looking at the more than 1 Million people who have used our Themeleon tool to design their Twitter Profile in the past 3 months, we were able to paint a picture of the world connecting colors to locations and profile data. *A little note regarding the "World vs. Click The Image Below for the High Res Version A Colorful Tour of the Themeleon World We took the colors from 100,000 profiles designed with Themeleon and geolocated them to the designers location. Colors of the Social Web from CHROMAom on Vimeo. Team Written by COLOURlover
Browse Palettes Log In Sign Up COLOURlovers Search Create Explore Over a Million Color Palettes You'll find over 3,648,905 user-created color palettes to inspire your ideas. New Most Loved Most Comments Most Favorites AllMonthWeekDay Browse Palettes Pastel Goth by Leilaniisprettycool Loves Views Favorites Comments Blood Diamond Favorite Sunlit sky by GabsGiggles Comment may fair sunday love by fifilefou Love Merida Drinkin´ bliss by GeminiPisces Valentine Girls at the river by meta-materia Hobbit Gentle caress Ariel A fresh start Ugly beautiful Grumpy Old Drivers v by franhaselden Jasmine Recent Palette Comments Halifax Posted 37 minutes ago Thanks for using my colour ..! Posted 41 minutes ago rouxlala wrote: Can't go wrong with this palette. Thanx so much for telling it..! RE: Ein Bisschen Leilaniisprettycool Posted 1 hour ago RE: sweet watermelon rafaelpaz nice palette RE: i demand a pancake Seahorse Girl RE: Paper Sky★ Beautiful! RE: Lemoncholy GabsGiggles SunLitSky RE: Sunlit sky falun red Posted 2 hours ago RE: a little scared RE: u p b e a t Browse Create Tools
His And Hers Colors – Men, Women, And Two Thousand Color Names Picture a happy couple – let’s call them Dick and Jane – out furniture shopping. They happen upon a comfy couch with pink upholstery, and Jane wants to buy it. Whether that puppy glides out the front door, or lingers on the showroom floor, could depend upon the words she uses to describe it. For maximum male appeal, should Jane call her sofa “light red?” Right now, Jane needs a gender-color thesaurus… but in lieu of such exoticness, she might sample the cushy charms of the latest model in our fine line of well-built data visualizations, entitled His And Hers Colors: His And Hers Colors. Update, 18 Sep 2012: We’ve replaced the original visualization with a new-and-improved version. That’s a dot for each of the 2,000 most commonly-used color names as harvested from the 5,000,000-plus-sample results of XKCD’s color survey, sized by relative usage and positioned side-to-side by average hue and vertically by gender preference. But don’t fret, dudes. That’s no typo: women prefer camel!
untitled ТМ "Сміл" - стильний одяг для малят | Зроблено в Україні Продаж: Доставка: Одеське ТОВ "ЮНЛ" виробляє якісний одяг для малюків під брендом "Сміл". На сайті компанії є каталог та інтернет-крамниця. Детская одежда Пеппи — Купить детскую одежду по выгодной цене — Интернет магазин детской одежды Нарядні сукні для дівчаток. Модні сукні для дітей купити в Києві та Україні Деякі батьки думають, що нарядні пляття для дівчаток- марна трата, бо донечка надягає його всього пару разів. Бережливі вважають, що краще замість святкової сукні зайві джинси купити. Як же ви помиляєтеся! У вас багато друзів і ви отримуєте запрошення на дитячу вечірку. Що ми пропонуємо? Підліткова мода трохи інша. Ви знаєте, виробники, з якими ми працюємо не використовують нічого дешевого для ошатних суконь.
Доставка еды в Киеве: заказ вкусной еды на дом | Eda