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Hearth and Home Witchery Imbolg Crafts and Activities for Children There are so many activities to do with your young ones at Oimelc, many of which can also be done at the Spring Equinox. Older children can help make candles (there are lots of kits out there to make it easier) and candle holders. If you choose to start your Spring Cleaning, a small brush broom and dustpan, a clean cloth to help wipe down cabinet doors or dust tables or child size cleaning equipment for those little "can I help?" Make a Priapic Wand ~Reading~ Meagan's Imbolc by Kathryn Dyer The Story of Imbolc by Rachel Walker Making Butter In a clean jar with a screw on top pour in heavy or whipping cream. Paper Brigid's Crown An Imbolc Project By Wendy Sheridan (This is especially appropriate for young girls, since this is the holiday for the return of the maiden). You will need: Construction paper in your child's favorite colors, and yellow and/or red, for the flames Pencil, crayon, or marker Scissors Glue (white glue or glue stick) Source:unknown

The Holographic Universe The Holographic Universe The theory that reality, as we consciously experience it, is not real, goes back to the indigenous people who believed that we exist in a dream or illusion. In our current timeline, we refer to the our virtual reality experience as a matrix, grids, simulation and hologram. Time is an illusion, therefore so is everything else. In media we find films, television shows, books, and games, based on the concept of reality as a hologram. or simulation Among the more easily recognized are The Matrix (Illusion), The Thirteenth Floor (Simulation), Inception (Dream), the Holodeck (Grids) in the TV series Star Trek, among others. Is Our Universe a Hologram? Scientific American Scientific American editor Michael Moyer explains. Are We Living in a Hologram? David Icke We Live In A Multidimensional Holographic Universe Understand the Holographic Universe and Reality Amazing how much David Icke and I agree. The Simulation Hypothesis Is our world a simulation? Seeker - March 16, 2017

Astral Projection Astral Projection Reality is created by thought projection (consciousness) into the physical gird. There are 5 subtle bodies In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body to experience. In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a 'silver umbilical type cord'. Some people are able to see the cord when astral projecting. When you astral project you are consciously aware of things you encounter while out of your physical body. Some people can astral project naturally. Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. Psychics often say that the subconscious (or dreaming) mind contains the spirit or astral body, resulting in falling dreams or waking up with a falling sensation or sudden jerk. There are two general schools of thought on the nature of astral projection. Types of Projection Astral Projection Etheric Projection James H. Step One:

by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance A fresh news item impacting religion. This column is updated more or less weekly: 2014-APR-02: About natural and human-made disasters: Major natural or human-made disasters continue to happen, like the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, mass murders, tsunamis, hurricanes, 9/11, etc. Many people ask if God can do anything, then why does he not prevent such tragedies? That question has a whole area of study associated with it, called Theodicy. If God is omniscient and omnipresent, then he would know about these disasters long before they happened. Rabbi Kushner has suggested that we drop belief in one of the four attributes of God. None of these options are particularly acceptable to most believers in God.

Consciousness Consciousness We exist in a matrix, simulation, hologram, or virtual programmed reality that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is. Consciousness is all and everything in the virtual hologram of our experiences brought into awareness by the brain - an electrochemical machine forever viewing streaming codes for experience and interpretation. Consciousness originates from a source of light energy for the purpose of learning. The human biogenetic experiment is consciousness brought forth into the physical by the patterns of sacred geometry that repeat in cycles called Time. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time. Rene Descartes said, "Cogito, ergo sum" -- "I think, therefore I am." Consciousness may involve thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, dreams, and self-awareness. Many philosophers have seen consciousness as the most important thing in the universe. Mysterianism The first is the famous hard problem of consciousness. Dreams

Subtle Bodies Subtle Bodies Subtle bodies follow the ROYGBIV color spectrum rays of light frequency - much like our auras and chakras. The Subtle Body in Theosophy While the Eastern esoteric traditions emphasise a single subtle body (apart from the Vedantic concept of five koshas), in the West (beginning with Neoplatonism) the emphasis has often been on a series of subtle bodies or vehicles (okhema) of consciousness. This reached its most detailed and systematic account in the writings of C.W. Dense physical body Etheric body Astral or emotional body Mental body (concrete mind) Causal body (abstract mind) Beyond the causal level are the atmic, buddhic, and monadic levels, but these pertain to the Soul or Spirit ("Higher Triad", "Monad") rather than the subtle body.In this worldview, the physical body is the densest, with the various subtle bodies being progressively more refined or spiritual. Subtle Bodies Wikipedia ShareThis

The Wolf Run Wildlife and Spiritual Sanctuary Remus Michigan Blessings and hello friends, family and neighbors. Listen closely to the sounds of the wind through the trees and over the fields. Do you hear it? It is the spirit of the Wolf calling you home. Wolves are protectors, teachers or pathfinders and have a strong sense of family. Events / Gatherings Each year Wolf Run host several free* events throughout the year that are visited by hundreds of people. In honor of Mother Earth and Earthday, another one of our events is our Earth Day Road Cleanup and Tree Planting Day. Be sure to visit our Events section to learn more about these and our other events. Programs At WRWSS, one of our primary goals is the elimination of prejudice and discrimination based on religious beliefs. At Wolf Run we are continually working to be as environmentally friendly as we can and through our Environmental Awareness Program we hope to pass what we learn on to others. Calendar of Events at WRWSS Click HERE to open our full Calendar of Events page.

Russian scientist: "Consciousness directly influences our world" Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human Aura A Russian scientist is trying to convin... Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human AuraA Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment. 'We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,' said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of physics at St. To bridge our understanding of the unseen world of energy, scientific experiments are being carried out using a technique called bioelectrophotography. The assumption is that we are constantly emitting energy. 'It looks like an aura – but I don't like this word because it has some metaphysical meaning – I prefer the word 'energy field,' Korotkov told RT.

The Akashic Records The Akashic Records Reality is a consciousness hologram. The Akashic Records refer to the matrix of consciousness programs that create our reality within that hologram. The Akashic records (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") are collectively understood to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the aether; i.e. on a non-physical plane of existence. The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. History of Akashic Records Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. Nostradamus claimed to have gained access to the Akasha, using methods derived from the Greek oracles, Christian and Sufi mysticism, and the Kabbalah. Claims and Skepticism Urantia Book
