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NATO phonetic alphabet

NATO phonetic alphabet
The NATO phonetic alphabet, more accurately known as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet and also called the ICAO phonetic or ICAO spelling alphabet, as well as the ITU phonetic alphabet, is the most widely used spelling alphabet. Although often called "phonetic alphabets", spelling alphabets are unassociated with such phonetic transcription systems as the International Phonetic Alphabet; instead, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) alphabet so assigned code words acrophonically to the letters of the English alphabet that critical combinations of letters and numbers can be pronounced and understood despite language barriers or transmission static. International adoption[edit] NATO[edit] History[edit] The ICAO developed this system in the 1950s in order to account for discrepancies that might arise in communications as a result of multiple alphabet naming systems coexisting in different places and organizations.[4] Code words[edit] Letters[edit] Digits[edit] Related:  Languages

Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus How do I use OneLook's thesaurus / reverse dictionary? OneLook lets you find any kind of word for any kind of writing. Like a traditional thesaurus, you can use it to find synonyms and antonyms, but it's far more flexible. Describe what you're looking for with a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence. Type in your description and hit Enter (or select a word that shows up in the autocomplete preview) to see the related words. You can order, filter, and explore the words that come back in a variety of creative ways. What are some examples? Exploring the results Click on any result to see definitions and usage examples tailored to your search, as well as links to follow-up searches and additional usage information when available. Ordering the results Your results will initially appear with the most closely related word shown first, the second-most closely shown second, and so on. Filtering the results I'm only looking for synonyms! What are letter patterns? How does it work? Privacy

Speaking UNIX: Introduction to emerging file systems Introduction It's an old adage but nonetheless accurate: "In UNIX®, everything is a file". Conceptually, every UNIX resource is a simple file that you can open, read from, write to, or both. Your experiment data is a file, as is your shell startup script, the UNIX kernel, your home directory, each network socket, and the /bin/ls executable, among others. However, not every file is identical. Further, not every file is stored in the same way. Table 1 lists just a few file systems available for UNIX (and in many cases, Linux®). Table 1. Back to top A file system of your own Commonly, a file system requires media to be tailored to it, so changing from one file system to another typically entails a backup, formatting physical drives, and a lengthy restore and validation process. However, a recent extension to many UNIX and Linux kernels allows any user to create and use a variety of file systems with no special privileges. Listing 1. Do-it-yourself NFS Listing 2. Listing 3. Listing 4.

Sławomir Wilk - blog - Ranking najczęściej popełnianych błędów językowych w internecie Z roku na rok coraz bardziej zwiększamy penetrację internetu, a serwisy webdwazerowe - i nie tylko one - wymagają od nas tworzenia treści. Problem w tym, że większość społeczeństwa traci kontakt z pisaniem w chwili opuszczenia murów szkoły, a połowa Polaków nie czyta książek i gazet. W rezultacie w internecie roi się od błędów językowych. Wikipedia w jednym ze swoich artykułów opublikowała listę powszechnych błędów językowych popełnianych przez wikipedystów. Zmodyfikowałem lekko tę listę i sprawdziłem jak często poszczególne słowa pojawiają się w internecie. W rezultacie otrzymałem mini ranking błędów językowych najczęściej popełnianych przez polskich internautów. Oto ranking najczęściej popełnianych błędów językowych w internecie: Najczęstsze miejsca występowania błędów językowych to kontent zapełniany przez internautów: fora dyskusyjne, komentarze pod wiadomościami na portalach czy komentarze do zdjęć w Naszej Klasie. Komentarze: A gdzie "wziąść" i wziąć ? Witam serdecznie, 1. Pozdrawiam - twitter for the iPhone I’m a little bit sad today. Twitter has today turned off v1.0 of their API. As a result of this my mobile twitter client, Hahlo, has also ceased to work just short of its 6th anniversary. Six years is a long time in the web world, I know a lot of things now that I wish I’d known back then - sure would have made many things a lot easier. Twitter has changed a lot in that time, as have the capabilities of the browsers and devices being developed for. So, why is Hahlo dead? Basically, Twitter have turned the old version of the API off which, as you can probably work out for yourself, means it no longer works. When they originally announced the plans for the v1.0 API retirement I investigated ‘upgrading’ Hahlo to use v1.1 of the API, but the changeover would have required much more than a simple find ‘1.0’ replace with ‘1.1’. The beginning, the challenge. The original concept, back when it was iTweetr. Hahlo comes from a time before native apps were even an option. Some numbers. Lots of usage.

New International Webster's Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language Introduction The Webster Comprehensive Dictionary: International Edition is the latest in a long and distinguished series. It is backed by three quarters of a century of experience in dictionary-making and, like its predecessors, is designed to serve the practical and professional needs of all who speak or use the English language. No resource of lexicographical skill has been spared to fulfill this purpose. Throughout their work, the editors, with the valued cooperation of many of the nation's eminent leaders in education, industry, the arts, sciences, and professions, have been guided by the following objectives: To PRESENT the fundamental facts and characteristics of the language accurately, fully, and interestingly. To PRESENT adequately the significant contributions to English made in the United States, with requisite definitions, usage notes, and discriminative comment.

Analysis of iOS Location Data from Multiple Devices « Darth Null This “Your iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move!!” craziness just won’t go away. I’ve been kind of disappointed by the lack of very detailed analysis of the data that’s actually being collected, so I spent some time collecting information of my own. I have access to four iOS devices running 4.0 or better: my personal iPhone 3GS, a family iPad with 3G subscription, a company-owned iPad (whose 3G has never been activated), and just arrived an iPad 2 that belongs to a client. First, please forgive me if I’m retreading already explored ground. Anyway, first I’ll talk about some what I observed, then I’ll see if I can’t draw a few (hopefully valid) inferences. First, the database. I can see 5 tables within the consolidated.db that seem to be pertinent: CellLocation, CellLocationLocal, CellLocationHarvest, WifiLocation, and WifiLocationHarvest. Now, my phone. I see several access points noted all around my house. Also, the timestamps are varied. The cell tower data is very similar. Next, iPads.

Greek alphabet The Greek alphabet is the script that has been used to write the Greek language since the 8th century BC. It was derived from the earlier Phoenician alphabet, and was in turn the ancestor of numerous other European and Middle Eastern scripts, including Cyrillic and Latin. Apart from its use in writing the Greek language, both in its ancient and its modern forms, the Greek alphabet today also serves as a source of technical symbols and labels in many domains of mathematics, science and other fields. In its classical and modern forms, the alphabet has 24 letters, ordered from alpha to omega. Like Latin and Cyrillic, Greek originally had only a single form of each letter; it developed the letter case distinction between upper-case and lower-case forms in parallel with Latin during the modern era. Sound values and conventional transcriptions for some of the letters differ between Ancient Greek and Modern Greek usage, owing to phonological changes in the language. Letters Sound values Diacritics

Jumping the shark Fonzie on water skis, in a scene from the Happy Days episode "Hollywood, Part Three of Three", after jumping over a shark Jumping the shark is an idiom created by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality, which is usually a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a show in which the writers use some type of "gimmick" in an attempt to keep viewers' interest. Its name is taken from a scene from a fifth season episode of the sit-com Happy Days when the character Fonzie jumps over a shark while on water-skis.[1][2][3] The usage of "jump the shark" has subsequently broadened beyond television, indicating the moment when a brand, design, or creative effort's evolution declines. History[edit] The phrase jump the shark comes from a scene in the fifth season premiere episode of the American TV series Happy Days titled "Hollywood: Part 3", written by Fred Fox, Jr.,[4] which aired on September 20, 1977. Broader usage[edit]

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Jak blogować? – poradnik dla początkujących – Blogowanie, dla Internautów z długim stażem, nie jest problemem ani ciężkim, skomplikowanym zajęciem. Początkujący zaś bloger może się trochę zagubić i może nie zdawać sobie sprawy, od czego tak naprawdę zacząć efektywne blogowanie. Jednak, kiedy przeczytasz poniższe porady, które zebrałem, prowadzenie bloga przyniesie Ci w przyszłości wysoką pozycję zawodową, reputację eksperta on-line, a także… pieniądze. Spis treści Poradnik składa się z 6 części: Czym jest Blog? Pytania i odpowiedzi 1. Jestem pewny, że nie raz już o tym słowie słyszałeś i masz jakieś pojęcie co to ogólnie jest. 2. O czym? Oto 3 dobre powody, dla których ludzie prowadzą blogi: Uznanie i szacunek – szansa by wybić się spośród tłumu blogerów jako ekspert w swojej dziedzinie. 3. Platforma blogowania jest to aplikacja, której używasz do publikowania swoich wpisów. Większość blogerów korzysta z WordPressa. Zakładając bloga na nie możesz jednak skorzystać z możliwości doinstalowania pluginów czy szablonów. 4. 5.
