
Introduction Java is a technology originally developed by Sun Microsystems, and acquired by Oracle. The following are the prevalent implementations: OpenJDK: The OpenJDK project is an open-source implementation of the Java SE Platform. OpenJDK Installation of Java Runtime Environment Install the openjdk-6-jre package using any installation method. Browser plugin Install the icedtea6-plugin package using any installation method. This plugin works with the browsers: Epiphany, Firefox and Opera. On Konqueror, go to Settings → Configure Konqueror... and from menu select Java & JavaScript, then tick Enable Java globally option. OpenJDK v6 & v7 SDK (Software Development Kit) In Java parlance the Java Development Kit (JDK) is sometimes used for SDK. Install the openjdk-6-jdk package using any installation method. Alternative Virtual Machines Most users won't need to worry about these, but if you use an architecture (e.g. JamVM: This is the default VM for ARM in 11.10. Oracle Java 7 Script (JRE only)
Evolution of shells in Linux
From Bourne to Bash and beyond M. JonesPublished on December 06, 2011/Updated: December 09, 2011 Connect with Tim Tim is one of our most popular and prolific authors. Shells are like editors: Everyone has a favorite and vehemently defends that choice (and tells you why you should switch). My first experience with a modern shell came in the 1980s, when I was developing software on SunOS. Let's begin with a short history of modern shells, and then explore some of the useful and exotic shells available for Linux today. A history of shells Shells as little languages Shells are specialized, domain-specific languages (little languages) that implement a specific use model—in this case, providing an interface to an operating system. Shells—or command-line interpreters—have a long history, but this discussion begins with the first UNIX® shell. The shell introduced a compact syntax for redirection (< > and >>) and piping (| or ^) that has survived into modern shells. UNIX shells since 1977 Figure 1.
[How to] Never Miss an Ubuntu Notification
Have you ever missed a notification pop-up in Ubuntu? I have, and whilst Notify OSD – the proper name for the alert delivery system used in Ubuntu – can hardly be called a ‘blink and you miss it’ affair, it is, still, possible to miss notifications whilst you’re off making coffee or tending to a harem of guinea pigs. That’s where this ‘Recent Notifications’ applet comes into play. The service it provides is simple enough: it logs all notifications that show up on your screen – whether you act on them or not. Useful? I’m struggling to find a use case of my own in which I’d need to see missed notifications (Chat, Gwibber etc are all stored in the Messaging Menu for example) but if I am on the look out for gaining a more detailed report of a missed notification (such as an IRC message) then this applet would certainly be helpful. Download
Desktop file specification extension | GrumZ.Net
Introduction This is DES-EMA, the Extension for Menus and Actions of the Desktop Entry Specification (DES). This specification aims to define a common format for user actions, allowing creators to share their actions between compliant desktop environments. This also covers how actions may be organized in a hierarchy of menus, submenus, and so on. It explains how actions and menus should be described in .desktop files, how and where these .desktop files are to be searched for, and how the final hierarchy should be built. This specification doesn't explicitly handle the « level-zero » case (but see the appendix A for a proposition about that). Such an extension, targeting action items in file manager context menu, has been widely discussed in KDE, and Thunar lists. This is version 0.15 of our draft, updated on 2010, November 23rd (see ChangeLog below). Desktop file Desktop file format This specification relies on the common syntax defined in DES. Managed objects