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Hint: Server Guide To find the Ubuntu Server Guide related to your specific version, please go to: select your Ubuntu version and then click on Ubuntu Server Guide. For the latest LTS version (14.04.1 LTS) of Ubuntu Server, please go to Parent page: Programming Applications This is to help people set up and install a LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) server in Ubuntu, including Apache 2, PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 or 5.0. To install the default LAMP stack in Ubuntu 10.04 and above First refresh your package index... $ sudo apt-get update ... and then install the LAMP stack: $ sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ Mind the caret (^) at the end. Starting over: How to remove the LAMP stack To remove the LAMP stack remove the following packages: Note: This assumes you have no other programs that require any of these packages. To also remove the debconf data, use the purge option when removing. You may also want to purge these packages: or

Installer Ocs Inventory et GLPI sur Debian ou Ubuntu - Yakakliker {*style:<i> </i>*} Que pensez-vous de cet article? Introduction Vous souhaitez pouvoir gérer correctement votre parc informatique et ceci à moindre coût ? Ce qui va suivre vous intéresse. Le couple OCS/Glpi permet d'obtenir un outil de Helpdesk des plus efficace tout en restant dans le monde du libre. OCS permet d'inventorier votre parc, GLPI remonte cet inventaire et vous permet de le gérer (suivi des interventions, gestion documentaire et financière ...). Reste à installer et configurer tout ce petit monde. Installation sudo passwd root apt-get update apt-get upgrade reboot Pré-requis Paramétrage du fichier /etc/hosts localhost Glpi.domaine.lan Glpi # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts Evite le message au démarrage d'apache : Synchronisation de l'horloge apt-get install ntpdate ntpdate "Adresse du serveur de temps"

PostgreSQL installation in Ubuntu 12.04 | railskey PostgreSQL is a powerful and reliable object-relational database system. It’s a great alternative for MySQL. It is as easy to set up, performs better and offers far more features. 1. $sudo apt-get install python-software-properties 2.Add PPA repository to my Ubuntu. $sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pitti/postgresql 3. $sudo apt-get update 4.Finally install postgresql-9.1: $sudo apt-get install postgresql if you having any error, make sure you already install libpq-dev.The libpq-dev package is for compiling wrappers/clients against libpq. $sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 libpq-dev 5.Now check it out installation is successful or….. $ locate postgresql 6. Check the install version. $psql -V 7.Now let’s take look to postgres console $su postgres 7(a) Setup Root User ‘posrgres’ $sudo passwd postgres give the postgres user a (unix) password,Now we can switch to the user postgres using command $ su postgres 8. First we edit the file postgresql.conf: $ cd /etc/postgresql/9.1/main List all file in main folder 9.

how to correctly install apache2, php5, mysql and phpmyadmin Install Apache2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo apt-get install php mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php-mbstring php5-gd libapache2-mod-php5 sudo mysql_install_db Set password for mysql sudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation Then install the php sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt sudo apt-get install php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php5-intl php-pear php5-imagick php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-ming php5-ps php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl Then to check the PHP sudo vim /var/www/info.php <? Install phpmyadmin apt-get install phpmyadmin While installation it will ask for some settings for choosing apache server or lighthttpd choosem apache Choose Apache Choose no for dbconfig-common Now Navigate to the Web Browser and openup the IP mentioned with /phpmyadmin/

Linux Related « Syed Jahanzaib Personnel Blog to share knwoledge ! # SQUID 3.1.19 CONFIG FILE FOR SSL FILTERING [ Zaib] # Thsi file also contains many other JUNK ENTRIES FOR CACHING with some VIDEOCACHE entries, # Remove them if not required # By - Syed Jahanzaib # Email: aacable@<span class="skimlinks-unlinked"></span> always_direct allow all ssl_bump allow all # PORT OPTIONS. for http and https # Repalce the IP as per your local squid box ip http_port 8080 http_port ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid3/cert/<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">squid.pem</span> key=/etc/squid3/cert/<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">squid.pem</span> # for videocache, not required for general setup acl vc_deny_url url_regex -i \.blip\.tv\/(.*)filename \.hardsextube\.com\/videothumbs \.xtube\.com\/(.*)(Thumb|videowall) acl vc_url url_regex -i \/youku\/[0-9A-Z]+\/[0-9A-Z\-]+\. acl vc_url url_regex -i \/(.*)key=[a-z0-9]+(.*)\.flv acl vc_url url_regex -i \. acl vc_url url_regex -i \. acl vc_url url_regex -i \. acl vc_dom_r dstdom_regex -i msn\..*\. acl vc_dom dstdomain .

Running Commands on a Remote Linux / UNIX Host You would like to execute a command on a remote Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris/UNIX host and have the result displayed locally. Once result obtained it can be used by local script or program. A few examples: => File system and disk information => Get user information => Find out all running process => Find out if particular service is running or not etc You can use rsh or ssh for this purpose. Syntax for running command on a remote host: ssh [USER-NAME]@[REMOTE-HOST] [command or script] Where, ssh: ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine.USER-NAME: Remote host user name.REMOTE-HOST: Remote host ip-address or host name, such as or script: Command or shell script is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell. (A) Get disk information from a server called $ ssh df -h (B) List what ports are open on remote host $ ssh netstat -vatn

ubuntu - unable to install php5-mcrypt Administration Annoncée déjà depuis quelques mois, iKeepinCloud est une solution de stockage proposée par iKoula : cette solution permet de sauvegarder vos fichiers dans un espace sécurisé en ligne. Pour gérer vos fichiers, plusieurs protocoles standards sont mis à disposition pour faciliter l’envoi et la récupération de ces fichiers. Par ailleurs, une interface graphique HTTP(S) permet également la gestion de vos fichiers. Interface web de votre stockage sur iKeepinCloud Cette interface web est assez aboutie, elle offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités pour l’utilisateur : téléchargements multiples,générateur de fichiers ZIP,répertoire public,fonctions de copier/coller,etc. Pour chaque compte, un répertoire public est accessible via une URL de type Par exemple, mon répertoire public est disponible sur (j’y ai mis quelques docs vSphere5 pour ceux que ça intéresse). Répertoire public de votre stockage iKeepinCloud Extranet iKeepinCloud

Keep a Backup of Installed Packages Keep a list of installed packages so you can restore all of your applications with one command. You might prefer to have a clean system on reinstall but sometimes it is nice to reinstall applications from a previous machine/setup. Keeping a backup list of packages will make this a snap. Just give your package manager a list of all the packages you want it to install and let it rip. Here are the backup and restore methods for each of the major distros/package managers. Debian / Ubuntu Backup dpkg –get-selections > installed-software.log Restore dpkg –set-selections < installed-software.log apt-get dselect-upgrade Arch Linux pacman -Qqe | grep -v “$(pacman -Qmq)” > pkglist pacman -S $(cat pkglist) Fedora rpm -qa > installed-software.bak yum -y install $(cat installed-software.bak) Gentoo cp /var/lib/portage/world installed-software.bak cat installed-software.bak | xargs -n1 emerge -uv OpenSuse rpm -qa –queryformat ‘%{NAME} ‘ > installed-software.bak sudo zypper install $(cat installed-software.bak)

installation - how to correctly install apache2, php5, mysql and phpmyadmin
