Related: Gardening and Foraging
How to grow a kiwi plant from seed | Growing Wild Kiwifruit is so tasty; it’s intoxicating. All my life, I’ve enjoyed the unique flavour and texture of kiwis but never stopped to wonder where they come from and how they grow. It took 24 years, countless fruit salads, and the digestion of innumerous tiny black seeds before I thought about planting some. After my first kiwi sprouts emerged from the soil, I did some research and realized that Canada, with its uncomfortably cold winters, is not an ideal environment for growing kiwi plants. Whether you’re planting to observe or to consume, here’s how you can get growing your own kiwi vines: Things you’ll need: 1) A kiwi. This is they type of kiwifruit I used! 2) A small mug or container. 3) Paper towels, a plate, and a clear plastic container. 4) Potting soil. 5) Containers/pots. 6) Sun, or a grow light. Method for sprouting kiwi seeds: 1) Scoop some kiwi seeds out of your ripe, organic kiwifruit and clean them by rinsing off all of the fruit. These little sprouts are ready for planting! Water.
HOW TO GROW AN ORANGE TREE FROM SEED Growing orange trees from seed is surprisingly straight forward, and something that anyone can do if they have a warm, sunny windowsill. Getting the seed is probably the hardest part of the whole operation. You can either buy on-line through a specialist supplier or, if you only want a few, collect your own from shop bought fruit. Once you have cut open the fruit and exposed the seed, remove the seed and wash off any fruit residue. You should always clean seed collected from within fruiting bodies as they will normally contain chemicals which actively prevent seed germination. Place the ‘clean’ seed into a glass of water and discard any that immediately float to the surface as these will not be viable. If you have a variety of seed sizes you may also wish to discard any that look undersized as these are unlikely to have a large enough store of energy required for successful germination.
Organic Gardening – How to Start an Organic Garden All gardens benefit from compost -- and preferably you can make your own on site. Hey, it's free! Compost feeds plants, helps conserve water, cuts down on weeds, and keeps food and yard waste out of landfills (where it produces methane), instead turning garbage into "black gold." Spread compost around plants, mix with potting soil, use to bolster struggling plants…it's hard to use too much! According to Country Living, the best compost forms from the right ratio of nitrogen- and carbon-rich organic waste, mixed with soil, water and air. It might sound like complicated chemistry, but don't worry too much if you don't have time to make perfect compost. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Identifying Native Plants - California Native Plant Society So often when out on a hike, visiting public gardens, or just touring gardens around your neighborhood, we see a plant or flower that we like, and wonder if it is native to California and whether or not it will work in our own gardens. Will it attract pollinators? Is it compatible with what is already planted in your garden? Or, if not a native, is it an invasive species that could spread beyond the confines of your own garden? While some plants cannot be easily identified without a complex key or even a microscope, most of the more common plants can be identified by an amateur botanist with an eye for detail. If you do not know the name of the plant, but know the general area where you saw it you can use a search engine such as the one found on the California Native Plant Exchange website. If you already know the name of the species, you can access Cal Flora or Cal Photo directly by clicking on the links below: Regional Plant Identification Sites:
The Underground, Year Round, Ever Growing Greenhouse! Make no mistake, the world is coming into major transition and change. Economies are inflating like helium filled balloons, debt is escalating like runaway trains and it's unlikely to be long before big shifts happen. If not the back end of this year, then I would say certainly in the next three. That's why growing your own food is important, especially as GMO, chemtrails and pesticides continue to decimate topsoils and contaminate the food chain. You don't need much, a window sill will do, or a balcony that gets some sun. But if you have some spare space in your garden, what about this amazing idea - the 'underground greenhouse' - for all year round growing... The "Walipini" I came across this idea recently on Wake Up World. "The Walipini, in simplest terms, is a rectangular hole in the ground 6′ to 8′ deep covered by plastic sheeting. Energy and light from the sun enter the Walipini through the plastic covered roof and are reflected and absorbed throughout the underground structure.
URBIO Off Grid Info - Food Independence - Where To Get Heirloom Seeds - Non-GMO Seeds - Organic Seeds Join 75,000+ Fans on Facebook: Follow Us On Pinterest: Please Share This Page: Here is a useful list of 40+ 230+ companies supplying heirloom / non-GMO / organic seeds. If health is wealth, then this page is solid gold! :) Please share this important information. **UPDATE** This page has proven to be massively popular...! , we are gathering them up and will add them to this page as soon as we can. Please Like Off-Grid On Facebook to stay in touch and receive our latest posts! USA (states in alphabetical order) EUROPE (except UK & Ireland) South Africa All inquiries - please contact: Privacy Policy | About
5 Secrets to a ‘No-work’ Garden | Eartheasy Blog - StumbleUpon It took over 20 years of gardening to realize that I didn’t have to work so hard to achieve a fruitful harvest. As the limitless energy of my youth gradually gave way to the physical realities of mid-life, the slow accretion of experience eventually led to an awareness that less work can result in greater crop yields. Inspired in part by Masanobu Fukuoka’s book, One Straw Revolution, my family experimented with gardening methods which could increase yields with less effort. Fukuoka spent over three decades perfecting his so-called “do-nothing” technique: commonsense, sustainable practices that all but eliminate the use of pesticides, fertilizer, tillage, and perhaps most significantly, wasteful effort. Here are the strategies we used which enabled us to greatly increase our garden yield, while requiring less time and less work. 1. With ‘no-till’ gardening, weeding is largely eliminated. 2. Gardeners are always on the lookout for free sources of clean organic mulch to add to their garden.
City of Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs & Trees City of Colorado Springs / Forestry / Colorado Springs & Trees Colorado Springs & Its Trees This tree species information was developed to better help citizens of Colorado Springs select the right tree for planting along streets and in yards. Click here for suitable or unsuitable trees to go to the charts. Before selecting a tree, look at the location where it will be planted. Next, look at the site characteristics. Ask all these questions and more, then select the right tree! History of Trees in Colorado Springs Colorado Springs has a rich heritage of tree planting, beginning with General William Jackson Palmer's extensive street tree planting in the late 1800's. General Palmer planted one tree of every species known to Colorado in Monument Valley Park, his last gift to the city. Colorado Springs was one of the first cities west of the Mississippi River to have a City Forester. "TREES FOR COLORADO SPRINGS" Species Canopy density is an indication of how much shade a tree will provide. Top
Heirlooms, hybrids and GMOs: A hackers guide to knowing the difference - NaturalNews.com Wednesday, May 21, 2014 by: Derek HenryTags: GMOs, heiloom seeds, hybrid plants (NaturalNews) There has been plenty of discussion surrounding the food supply, and for good reason. Natural, nutritious food seems to be rare compared to its altered, compromised counterparts. This has forced labels onto food, which has created some confusion for the consumer as to what exactly they are buying. Here is a guide to help distinguish between three main categories. The most natural way to produce plant-based foods, and the way it has been done for thousands of years, is what we now refer to as heirlooms. It's quite simple actually -- you save the seeds of a fruit or vegetable that has favorable characteristics (color, shape, size and flavor are the most commonly considered) and plant them on a yearly basis. In this case, the seeds are in no way manipulated. These plants most often produce the most appealing taste. Growing hybrid plants is not a bad thing, but it has created some downfalls.
Health: Nutrition 18 June 2014Last updated at 16:26 The human body needs a balanced diet to deliver vital nutrients What's your idea of a perfect meal? Cutting through the myriad of diet plans and faddish eating regimes, the human body needs a balanced, healthy eating plan to keep functioning properly. Grow and build Repair and heal Reproduce successfully Repel illnesses and infections Avoid weight-related health problems Eating a variety of foods can also reduce the risk of getting conditions including heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes and osteoporosis. The foods we need to eat can be divided into five separate groups. The reason we need a diet drawn from all of the groups is that they all deliver different, but vital, nutritional benefits to our bodies. Fruit and vegetables are one of our main sources of vitamins and minerals, which the body needs to perform a variety of functions well. Starchy foods, also known as carbohydrates, are where we get most of our energy from.
Foraging wild food with 12 easy wild foods that anyone can harvest Nature's Superfood on your doorstep In days gone by, wild foods were all we had, that used to be staple diet necessary for human health and survival. Often full of natural medicinal benefits, wild foods often saved lives in times of famine, war and ill health. It’s a little bizarre to contemplate how radically removed from nature we have actually become. Full of nutritional goodness Most, if not all, wild edible foods are packed full of vitamins and minerals that far surpass any cultivated varieties of fruit and vegetables. Finding out what's available in your locality I’ve posted information about 12 of my favourite wild foods below. There is also a wide variety of flavours to excite the taste buds. Sustainable, respectful foraging With the highest respect for nature and sustainability, I recommend the following guidelines when foraging: Only pick the species that are growing in abundance and only the amount that you require. Most of all enjoy!!! SORREL (Rumex family) Soul to Soul Trinity
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